February 15, 2019

Dear Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s) of a minor who is a prospective umpire for the Little League division of Lincoln-Sudbury Youth LL Baseball, Inc. (LSYLLB) for the period of February 15, 2019 to April 18, 2020:

This form must be signed by you, for your child to be an umpire in the Little League 60’ and/or 70’ diamond divisions.

Please read it carefully, then sign and return it via hand delivery by you or your child at a training session, or

via U.S. Mail to: Art Krusinski, LSYLLB, 39 Mossman Rd., Sudbury, MA 01776.

Umpiring involves risk of injury. The activity involves hard balls, hard bats, catchers who sometime toss rigid masks, etc. There is no way to completely eliminate risk. Among the things we do to reduce risk, is to provide a sheet entitled “Some Safety Reminders for LSYLLB Managers & Umpires.” The sheet is enclosed herewith and posted in the “Documents” section of our website: Please especially read the section entitled “Additional Reminders for Umpires for their own safety” and be sure your minor/child umpire has read it.

Emergency Contact Information. If something occurs, we will need to reach you. For that reason the “2019 Umpire Registration Form” asks for the name of each parent or legal guardian, and telephone numbers.

Transportation to and from umpire related events are the sole responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.

Lincoln-Sudbury Youth LL Baseball, Inc. may post pictures of game participants on the its website. In such pictures, your child may be visibly identifiable. We want you to be aware of this in the event this possibility creates a privacy concern. This signed form will be considered as granting permission should your child be in such a picture..

Each umpire’s contact information (name, tel#s, e-mail and home addresses, and emergency contact information) will be given to the division’s commissioners, managers, and coaches. This is necessary so they can advise the umpire of any game changes from the initial schedule, and to contact you in the event of an emergency.

An umpire’s last name and first initial will be posted on the league’s website ( next to games to which they are assigned. This will be visible to anyone who visits that section of the website.

As parent or legal guardian of the umpire-registrant named below, a minor child, I hereby acknowledge that I have read the above and give approval for the participation of my child in umpire related activities of Lincoln-Sudbury Youth LL Baseball, Inc., in full recognition of the possibility of physical injury associated with said participation. In consideration for the acceptance of my child into said activities, I hereby release, discharge, and/or otherwise indemnify Lincoln-Sudbury Youth LL Baseball, Inc., Little League Baseball, Inc., and their directors, officers, coaches, sponsors, employees, volunteers, assigners, and associated personnel, including the owners of fields, facilities, and equipment utilized for said programs, against any claim legal, monetary or otherwise, by or on behalf of my child or consorts arising as a direct or indirect result of my child’s participation in said programs, including as a direct or indirect result of being transported to and from same, which transportation I hereby authorize when necessary. In the event that emergency medical care is required, I hereby consent to its being administered or prescribed by a duly licensed health care provider under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve life, limb, or well being of my child, and I hereby release, discharge, and/or otherwise indemnify all agents, volunteers, and associated personnel of Lincoln-Sudbury Youth LL Baseball, Inc. from any and all liability arising directly or indirectly out of actions taken and decisions made by said agents, volunteers, and associated personnel in the process of providing first aid and obtaining professional medical care.

Full Name of Minor Umpire (Please Print): ______

Full Name of Parent/Guardian signing form (Please Print): ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______ Date: ______