Associate Professor
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (Riyadh – KSA)
Date and place of birth: 28/09/1974 Bou-Salem – Tunisia
Nationality: Tunisian
Address:Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, KSA
Tel: (+966) 05372416 46
Academic qualifications
January 2010 / PhD in Management Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Management – Sfax - TunisiaOctober 1999 / Diploma of Advanced Studies in Management and International Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management – Sfax – Tunisia
June 1996 / Master in Organization and Human Resource Management, Faculty of Economics and Management – Sfax - Tunisia
2011-2015 / Associate Professor / Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationImam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University - Riyadh - KSA
2010-2011 / Associate Professor / HighInstitute of Commercial Studies - Tunis - Tunisia
2005-2010 / Management Department Director / Faculty of Economics and Management - Nabeul - Tunisia
2002-2005 / Lecturer / Faculty of Economics and Management - Nabeul - Tunisia
1999-2002 / Lecturer / Faculty of Economics and Management - Sfax - Tunisia
- Human Resource Management
- Job description
- Personnel Evaluation
- Recruitment and Selection
- Ergonomics
- Change Management
- Conflicts Management
- Leadership
- Personal development
- Communication
- Innovation
- Creative thinking
- PhD thesis: Management Practices and Organizational Commitment of Atypical Employees: case of agro-food sector in Tunisia, Faculty of Economics and Management, Sfax, Tunisia, 2010.
Under the joint supervision of: Prof. Riadh ZGHAL (FSEG Sfax) and Prof. Jean-Marie Peretti (IAE Corte).
- Advanced Studies Diploma Thesis, For a Strategic Management of Human Resources in the Maghreb, Faculty of Economics and Management, Sfax, Tunisia, 1999.
Under the supervision of: Prof. Riadh ZGHAL (FSEG Sfax)
- Participation in a survey conducted by the Council on International Educational Exchange (Paris), on the socio-cultural impacts of the vocational training reform in Tunisia, 1998.
- Master Thesis:Quality Circles: a tool for upgrading Tunisian enterprises, Faculty of Economics and Management, Sfax, Tunisia, 1996.
Under the supervision of:Sami Boudabbous (ESC Sfax)
- Gannouni K., Frimouss S. and J.M. Peretti (2011), “Diversity of Professional Status and Discrimination”, in (dir) J.M. Peretti, Diversity Encyclopedia, Paris: Editions EMS.
- Gannouni, K (2010), "Diversity of Status and discriminatory practices," ESSEC Conference, CNIT, "Diversity: viewpoints of researchers and practitioners", June 10, Paris.
- Gannouni K. (2009), "The effect of discriminatory practices on atypical employees perceived fairness and organizational commitment", 20th Congress of the HRMA, 9-10 September, Toulouse.
- Gannouni K. (2008), "The impact of employment duality on fairness and atypical employees organizational commitment",10th University Spring Social Audit "Social Audit and Corporate Governance", 8, 9 and May 10, Tangier, Morocco.
- Gannouni K. (2008), "Human Resource Strategy: Determinant of the Atypical Employees' Commitment", 8th European Academy of Management, EURAM, 14-17 May, Ljubljana and Bled, Slovenia.
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- Gannouni K. &Zghal R. (2007), "Employment flexibility: the Tunisian legislative framework and its implications for human resource management", Regional Symposium "The changing social law in Maghreb" ARFORGHE, 03 and 04 May, Tunis.
- Gannouni K. (2005), "Employment flexibility and organizational performance: Case of Tunisia", 7th University Spring Social Audit, "Economic Performance and Social Performance" Marrakech 5, 6 and May 7, Morocco.
- Gannouni K. (2004) "Organizational impacts of Atypical Employment: the case of Tunisia," Project "Euromed AGORA HR", Symposium "Is there a Euro-Mediterranean Human Resources thinking?" Euromed School of Management, November 9, Marseille.
- Gannouni K. (2002), "Flexible Employment: The Case of Tunisia", Thesis Project, Presented in the Circle of the 1st Doctoral Meeting of Pedagogy University on "Pedagogy University and New Technologies of Information and Communication "Organized by the "Scientific and Technological Research Promotion Association" PRESTECH in association with the Faculty of Economics and Management of Sfax, 24 and October 25, Sfax - Tunisia.
- Gannouni K. (2001), "For a Strategic Human Resources Management in the Maghreb", 10th Conference of Strategic Management International Association, Quebec.
- Gannouni K. (2000), "For a Strategic Human Resources Management in the Maghreb" in "Change and Economic Management Private / Public" conference organized by NORGES in association with the "Scientific and Technological Research PromotionAssociation"PRESTECH, 23-24-25 November, Sfax- Tunisia.
scientific Publications
- Gannouni K., Frimouss S. and J.M. Peretti (2011), “Diversity of Professional Status and Discrimination”, in (dir) J.M. Peretti, Diversity Encyclopedia, Paris: Editions EMS.
- Gannouni K., Frimouss S. and J.M. Peretti (2010), “Job Diversity and Perceived Equity”, Management & Avenir 2010/8, n° 38.
- Gannouni K. (2009), "The impact of discriminatory practices on the perceived fairness of atypical employees and their organizational commitment", the 20th Congress of the HRMA, 9-10 September, Toulouse,
- Gannouni K. (2006), "Atypical Employment and organizational implications: the case of Tunisia", in (ed.) F. Silva, Human Resources in Euro-Mediterranean Editions, Euromed Marseille.
- Gannouni K. (2005), "Employment flexibility and organizational performance: Case of Tunisia", in (ed.) JM, Peretti and Cerdin JL, Economic Performance and Social Performance, ESSEC Business School Paris.
- Gannouni K. (2002), "For a Strategic Human Resources Management in the Maghreb", Les Cahiers de L'ERGE No. 9, FSEG Sfax.
- Gannouni K. (2001), "For a Strategic Human Resources Management in the Maghreb" in 10th Conference of Strategic Management International Association (AIMS), Quebec.
- Gannouni K. (2001) "For a Strategic Human Resources Management in the Maghreb", in (eds) Ferfara Y. and Benguerna, Globalization and modernization of enterprises, CREAD, Algiers Casbah Editions.
Publications In Newspapers
- Gannouni K. (2009), "Employability: reconciling the economic and social interests", La Presse, October 12, Tunis.
- Gannouni K. (2009), "Corporate Governance and Human Resources Management: Strategic Partnerships for sustainable performance", La Presse, October 5, Tunis.
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Arab / NativeFrench / Proficient
English / Proficient
Associative ACTIVITES
- Founding member of "Scientific and Technological Research Promotion Association"PRESTECH.
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- International Conference: "Sustainable development: a multidisciplinary approach", 23-24 April, Hammamet, Tunisia,2008.
- XIIth Annual Conference of the International Association of Strategic Management (AIMS2003), 3-6 June, coasts of Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia, 2003.
- 1st Meeting of University Teaching, "University Pedagogy and New Technologies of Information and Communication, 24-25 October, Sfax, Tunisia, 2002.
- Conference: "Change and Economic Management Private / public", as part of the 25th anniversary of the FSEG, 23-25 November, Sfax, Tunisia, 2000.
- International Conference, "Behavior and choice of managers: the constraints of norms and constraints of globalization", 14-15 November, Sfax, Tunisia, 1998.