Anderson Five Career Campus Employee Handbook / 2014- 2015

Anderson five career campus

1225 South McDuffie Street

Anderson, SC 29624

(864) 260-5160 (phone)

(864) 260-5685 (fax)


Mr. Thomas Wilson………………..……………………………Superintendent

Mr. Mike Mahaffey…...Assistant Superintendent for Personnel Services

Mr. Tripp Dukes….….Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Services

Dr. Sonia Leverette…..Assistant Superintendent for Planning and Analysis

Dr. Veta New …………………………………………………..…..Executive Director


Cecil Bonner, Director

David Pressley,Director of School to Work


Anderson Five Career Campus, in collaboration with community, parents and students, will provide a safe, supportive learning environment with a variety of educational opportunities to empower each student to become responsible individuals of ethical character, and economically productive citizens by integrating academic and career education with project based learning through real world experiences.


To create an environment that will inspire students to be innovative thinkers, lifelong learners who will make an impactful contribution to their communities in a forever changing global world. ​


Title Page………………………………….
Table of Contents…………………………
AVCC Overview………………………….
Daily Basic Schedule for Teachers andStaff General Class Guidelines…………………..
Cell Phone Policy…………………………..
Security…………………………………….. School Resource Officer…………………… Emergency Kits……………………………
Supplies and Materials……………………...
Discipline Referrals………………………... Tuesday Meetings…………………………..
Faculty and Staff Advisory Board………….
Student Advisory Board……………………
Inclement Weather………………………….
Substitute Box and Substitute Lesson Plans..
Crisis Management….……………………...
Crisis Announcements……………………...
Student Injuries…………………………….
School Nurse……………………………….
Student Insurance…………………………..
Teacher and Student Dress Code…………..
Daily Announcements……………………...
Suggestion Box…………………………….
Business Partners…………………………...
School Functions…………………………...
Personal and Sick Leave……………………
Subject Planning……………………………
Goals-Base Teachers……………………….
SafeT based Teachers………………………
Mentor Teachers……………………………
Fundraising Policy………………………….
Field Trip Policy……………………………
Teacher Conferences……………………….
Informing Students/Parents………………
Teacher/Staff Web Pages…………………..
Sunshine Club and Organizations…………..
Student Professional Certifications………...
AVCC Financial Office…………………… / i

T.L. Hanna and Westside Bell Schedule

Class Schedule 2014-2015

Begin / End / Time
First Block / 8:30am / 9:50am / 90
Advisory/Travel / 9:50am / 10:10am / 20
Second Block / 10:15am / 11:50am / 95
Third Block 1
Third Block 2
Third Block 3 / 12:00pm
1:30pm / 12:25pm
2:00pm / Lunch 1
Lunch 2
Lunch 3
Fourth Block / 2:05pm / 3:40pm / 95

Dear Faculty and Staff,

The best way to have a successful and cooperativeteam is to make certain everyone on that team is aware of the guidelines we all need to live by. This handbook is just that, the guidelines for all of us all of the time.

*Please take time to go over this handbook on your own.

*Please be familiar with what is expected of us all.

*Please do what is expected of us all.

Please know that I appreciate you following our guidelines and your role on OUR team.

Cecil Bonner, Director

A5 Career Campus


Anderson Five Career Campus Employee Handbook / 2014- 2015

The AVCC Overview

The Anderson Five Career Campus is more than a career-technology center. We are a home to Bridge Academy and the Anderson Five Charter School. Although the missions of each of these groups vary in purpose and outcome, we still have an overall philosophy of education and guidelines that we need to live by.

Daily Basic Schedule for Teachers and Staff

A workday for Anderson Five Career Campus teachers is from 7:55 a.m. until 3:35 p.m. In order to provide supervision for the hallways, teachers are to be in their teaching areas by 7:55 a.m. The instructional day will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will end at 3:33 p.m. The work day will end at 3:35 p.m. on Monday,Wednesday, Thursday and on Friday 3:30. On Tuesday,the work day ends at 4:35pm. When there is a meeting or Professional development scheduled faculty will be dismissed when it ends. Teachers are expected to be in the building and available at these times. Teachers are expected to be in each of their assigned classes prior to the arrival of the students. Teachers should place their easily identifiable daily lesson plans on the board or projector screens. All duplicating and preparation for instruction should be done before or after school or during planning periods. Class should begin on time and instruction should be planned for the entire period. Under no circumstances should teachers leave students unattended in their classrooms.

Teachers are requested to read the bulletin boards in the Teacher’s Lounge. Any job announcements or policy changes will be posted there.

Teachers are expected AND REQUIRED to read their e-mail in the morning and before they leave for the day. You will receive much information via e-mail.

If you MUST leave the building during your planning period for any reason, please make certain you inform Mr. Bonneror Mr. Pressley andsign outusing the lobby guardwhen leaving and sign back in on your return.

*Please remember that planning periods are for preparing for classes and not for naps, personal errands, personal shopping or non-instructional or non school-related activities.

General AVCC Class Guidelines


  • Attendance should be taken at the start of each period and recorded in POWER TEACHER.
  • All teachers should have a daily planned activity for students to work on as soon as they walk in the door while hall monitoring and attendance is being completed.
  • Teachers should monitor the hallway until the final bell has rung for each period.
  • Daily lesson plans should be plainly identified as such and be placed on your desk in a visible location.
  • Students should all be involved in learning from bell to bell.
  • Any video presentations viewed in classrooms must be approved by your department head before showing it in class. Any videos shown must DIRECTLY support competencies in your class. Full length movies should never be shown in a class as per district directive.
  • Only one student at a time should be allowed to go to the restroom. These students must go to the restroom assigned to your class location. Students must have a restroom pass.
  • Any students in the hall must have passes.
  • Computer class students should not be in “games” unless the games are related to instruction.
  • In general food and drink should not be allowed in any classrooms. Please use your discretion in cases where students have little time between home school and AVCC to eat lunch.
  • The Student Union is off limits to all classes during class time unless being used for instruction or research. This must be approved by the Director or School to Work Coordinator. The Student Union is not to be used as a “reward”.
  • The gymnasium is not to be used by career/technology classes. Special Education classes may use the gymnasium for instructional purposes.
  • Students should remain seated until the final bell.


Cell phones are not to be used at any time during the school day. If a student is seen with a cell phone during school hours, the phone shall be confiscated and the following consequences shall apply according to district policy:


1st Offense / Return to student at end of day
2nd Offense / Hold 1 school day – Parent pick up
3rd Offense / Hold 5 school days – Parent pick up
4th Offense / Hold 90 school days – Parent pick up
5th Offense / Hold remainder of school year


We are fortunate to have two security guards on our campus. They will be in the hallsand the parking lot and anywhere students are. They are here to assist us in making certain students are where they are supposed to be doing what they are supposed to do. Please call them if you need their assistance.

School Resource Officer

Our SRO is always available to assist in emergency and safety situations. He will conduct investigations, (interview) and arrest when necessary. He is an employee of the Anderson City Police.

Emergency Kits

Please check and make certain your room has a stocked emergency kit. This includes various emergency supplies as well as instructions on what to do and where to go in various emergency situations. Please read the enclosed manual in the kit to be familiar what to do in specific emergency events.


Whenever possible SC state adopted textbooks should be used in our classes. These are paid for and provided by the state. With non-adopted texts running anywhere from $50 to $150 per book, it is VERY costly to use these. If you decide you want to utilize a non-state adopted text in your class, please be aware the cost will be deducted from your department supply budget.

Discipline Referrals

Teachers will be provided with discipline referral forms for sending students to the office for behavior problems.No student with behavior problems should ever be placed in the hallway unsupervised for any reason. If necessary, please send students to the front office with a referral rather than having them sit in the hall outside your door if they are disruptive. If they have been disruptive in your room, they will usually be disruptive in the hall too. Call the office to let them know the student is being sent. The student will then be sent to a designated administrator (Bonner – 11th and 12th grade, Pressley – 9th and 10th grade) who will address the referral. Please remember that when you send a student to the office, you have given administration the responsibility of dealing with the situation.

Tuesday Meetings

Tuesdayfaculty/staff meetingsare reserved as follows: 1st Tues ~ Facultymeeting and updates, 2nd Tues ~ Professional Learning Community (PLC) book study,3rd Tues ~ Technology Tuesday, 4th Tues ~ Committee Meetings. Additionally, there will be other faculty and staff professional development such as web site maintenance and development, departmental meetings. Please refrain from making appointments that will conflict with this schedule. In case of emergencies, please secure permission from the Director to be absent from meetings. We will meet every Tuesday for one of the activities listed above.

Faculty and Staff Advisory Board

Volunteer members make up our faculty and staff advisory board. The function of this group is to offer input and expertise in the running of our campus and its’ programs.

This group also helps in compiling reports and preparing for school evaluations and visitations. This group will meet as needed.

Student Advisory Board

Since students are our primaryfocus, it is important that we consider their ideas, concerns and input on a regular basis. We will meet with student groups throughout the year to get their feedback on our campus and their educational experience.

Inclement Weather

We are usually aware the night before if there are possible weather problems for the next day. The easiest way to find out if school is closed because of inclement weather is via Channel 4 or 7 newscast or webcast.They are notified as soon as a decision is made. You may also find this information on the school district web page. If your power is out and internet not available you may contact Cecil or David. You can reach them at: Cecil 940-3218 or David 314-4374 (We will check voice-mail at 6:25 AM each day).

Substitute Box and Substitute Lesson Plans

Teachers are required to complete a substitute teacher box. The file should contain all pertinent information required fora substitute teacher to function effectively in your class while you are out (class rolls, seating charts, rules and regulations, etc). In addition each substitute file should contain 3 days of generic lesson plans.Only videos approved by the department heads can be utilized. This box will be kept in the front office.

Crisis Management

Each classroom and office area should have a red crisis bag mounted on the wall. This bag contains information and various supplies for emergency situations. Teachers should put on the supplied red book bag in emergency situations and follow instructions as announced or as indicated in the crisis manual if the public address system is not working. Mr. Pressley will be presenting more in-depth instructional sessions for crisis management and crisis response during the school year.

Crisis Announcements

Whenever possible the building will be notified via the public address system the general nature of any crisis we may have (example: “Teachers, please secure your classrooms at this time. There is an unauthorized visitor in the building”).

Student Injuries

Any student that is injured in your classroom should be sent to the nurse’s office immediately for assessment of the injury no matter how small or insignificant the injury may appear. Parents will be notified of the injury by the nurse or administration and appropriate action will be decided upon by the school nurse.

School Nurse

Our school is fortunate to have a school nurse available at all times during the school day for the safety and well-being of AVCC students, faculty, and staff. All students must have a referral pass when sent to health room.

Student Insurance

All students are required to have either private insurance or school insurance to take part in our classes. Any classes where students work in various “hands-on” lab or outside learning situations are required to provide a parent signed copy of the district insurance (continued on next page) coverage form. These insurance forms should be on file with the teacher before any student is allowed to take part in any lab or work experience.

Teacher and Student Dress

Our Board of Education has developed dress code policies for teachers and staff as well as students. Please go to our District Five web page for the latest update on these regulations. Teachers and staff should dress according to Board policy. Please follow guidelines on dress and avoid an embarrassing and awkward situation for you and administration.

Daily Announcements

Announcements will be made each morning at the start of first period.The Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence will be observed duringthis time. Teachers should have students sit quietly so they can hear and understand the announcements being made. If you have announcements to be made, please submit them before 8 AM in the front office. Every effort will be made not to make any announcements during instructional time. Necessary and important information will be announced at the very start or end of each period as we are made aware of it.

Business Partners

AVCC has a number of formal business partners that we are affiliated with. These partners are important links with our community and every effort should be made to include them in our educational process. We are always looking for new business partners. Teachers are encouraged to utilize and include local businesses and industries members in the planning of your classes. They offer a wealth of information they can share with you and your classes. When you have a business/industry visitor in your class, please bring them to the front office so we may encourage them to become an official AVCC business partner.

School Functions

Our students need our support in their extracurricular activities as well as in the classroom. Our influence on students goes far beyond the classroom. Please support your favorite school functions at Westside, Hanna and here at AVCC.

Personal and Sick Leave

Personal and sick leave is provided by our district to be available to employees in times of illness or when personal responsibilities or appointments cannot be scheduled during non work time. As professionals, we should not take advantage of our sick leave or personal day policy.


We will use the student parking lot as staff parking. Only front office staff will use the front parking lot. We will reserve the front parking lot for visitors and student drop off only.


Because our school does not have a school lunch facility, teachers and staff are allowed to leave campus to eat lunch.The teacher’s lounge, student union, and picnic table areas are available for those that eat lunch on campus. Refrigerator and microwave are available in the teachers lounge. Be certain you have returned to school in time to be in your classroom at least 5 minutes before your class begins.

Subject Planning

All teachers are required to provide a copy of their long range plans and make them available on their web site no later than the third week of October. Plans should follow the Model for Instructional Improvement (SAFE-T). The Director, Director of School to Work and Department Heads will observe classrooms regularly.

Daily/Weekly lesson plans should be kept in your classrooms and should be easily accessible (on the board or on your desk). These lesson plans should be made available for review upon the request of the school or district administrators, deans, or superintendent. Teachers are required to plan lessons a week in advance. These plansshould follow the Model for Instructional Improvement (SAFE-T) and be complete enough for a substitute’s use including an objective, activities, and assessment.