SBA Executive Board Meeting #1

Date: June 28, 2014

Time: 10am - noon


Craig - Advisor

Elaine –President

Cassandra – VP

David – Director of Administration

  1. E-Board
  2. Vacant positions
  3. Director of Finance – Oakland Campus student only
  4. Director of Engagement and Communication
  5. Both position will be filled by July 13th, 2014
  6. David will email the students regarding vacant positions
  7. Require
  8. 1) statement of intent
  9. 2) What skill sets can you bring?
  10. 3) CV
  11. A mini interview will be offered after narrowing down the candidates based on CV and platform
  12. Interview will be held on July 12th at 9AM.
  13. Location TBD
  14. 30 min time slot
  15. 20 min interview with 10 min debriefing
  16. Elect positions
  17. President-Elect
  18. VP-Elect
  19. Director of Admin-Elect
  20. Director of Finance-Elect
  21. Director of Engagement and Communication-Elect
  22. All Elect positions will be reserved for incoming students only
  23. Two years commitment required
  24. Election will be postponed until after orientation in August
  25. Class Rep
  26. Cassandrawill email the new class rep.
  27. Each cohort pick their own Class Rep
  28. Recruit class Rep to help with mixer
  29. VP (Cassandra) will supervise the class rep and check in with them monthly
  30. Will include class reps in more future events
  1. Banner
  2. David will update the banner to include the new SBA page, SBA Instagram, and SBA email.
  3. David will set up an SBA Instagram acct.
  4. Twitter option was discussed and it was determined not necessary.
  5. Will be printed before the Orientation Mixer
  6. Craig will be in charge of getting it printed.
  1. Facebook Page
  2. Cassandrawill create a new SBA page (which is completed already. You go gurl! Haha)
  3. Possible incentive if respond to liking the new page is low
  4. Raffling out gift card, shirt, mug, etc to people who “liked” the page
  1. Orientation
  2. Will have a SBA representative at each cohort orientation
  3. SMU main orientation: Wed, Aug 27th.
  4. CSPM orientation: Aug 16th
  5. All other programs orientation: Aug 7th
  6. Mixer
  7. Date: Tuesday, Aug 16th
  8. Time: 5PM or 6PM
  9. Event: Social gathering in either Green Field or HEC Bectal Room depending on weather.
  10. Food: Appetizer and desserts
  11. Drinks: Alcohol, soda, juice, water
  12. Music: Craigwill reserved speaker. Elaine will have an opening solo.
  13. SBA banner will be up. Possible raffling.
  1. SBA Welcome Video - Elaine
  2. Make a welcome video for SMU/SBA
  3. Tentative completion date: Sept 2014
  4. Elaine– draft a script, make a powerpoint slideshow
  5. Send out to student when they first got accepted
  1. Interdepartmental Development
  2. Create a page for roommate finding for students, especially new incoming students.
  3. Possible hiking trip during orientation
  4. Fall 2014 Event idea
  5. BBQ
  6. Ice Cream
  7. Date: TBD, probably mid semester (October)
  1. Misc
  2. David- Email out CSPM election policy/protocol to possibly be used as a model in other programs
  3. David- Create a login info sheet on Google Drive for various SBA accounts
  4. Possibly more SBA gear in the future

***Meeting adjourned at noon with Brazil beating Chile in the World Cup ***