


Thursday, 12th January, 7.30 pm / Creative Crafts Group
Sewing, knitting, crochet, crafting and chatting. / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Friday, 13th January, 10.30 am / Tram Trip
to the Ziferblat Cafe
and the Manchester Craft and Design Centre / Meet at East Didsbury Tram Stop
Saturday, 14th January, 2-4 pm / The Heatons WI Choir
All welcome, £3 per session. / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Monday, 16th January,
5.15 pm / Dining Group
Sign-up sheet at next meeting. / Foster’s Fish and Chips,
Thursday, 19th January, 7.30 pm
For 7.45 pm start / Monthly Meeting
“The Heatons Book”, talk by Ian Littlechild and Phil Page
Competition: A photo from the Heatons, taken by you.
Presentation of cheque to representatives of SWA, our chosen charity for 2016.
Door: Tricia Campbell Raffle: Kate Young
Refreshments: Carolyn, Kate Johnson and Jane Hoare / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Friday, 20th January, 2-3 pm / Swimming Group
First meeting. More details from Shirley Shaw / The Waterside,
Wilmslow Road, Didsbury
Saturday, 21st January, 10.30 am / President’s Coffee Morning
A chance to chat over a nice coffee.
Meet in the seats at the rear of the bar. / Thom’s Bar,
Heaton Moor Road
Saturday, 21st January, 2-4 pm / The Heatons WI Choir
All welcome, £3 per session. / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Monday, 23rd January, 7.30 pm / Book Club / Hosted by
Barbara Humpage
Thursday, 26th January, 7.30 pm / Creative Crafts Group
Sewing, knitting, crochet, crafting and chatting. / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Wednesday, 1st February, 7 pm / Dining Group
Sign-up sheet at next meeting. / Turquoise, Cheadle
Thursday, 2nd February, 7.30 pm / Thursday Book Club / Hosted by Jane Hoare
Saturday, 4th February, 2-4 pm / The Heatons WI Choir
All welcome, £3 per session. / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Thursday, 9th February, 7.30 pm / Green Hearts Crafty Evening
All members welcome. / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Thursday, 16th February, 7.30 pm
For 7.45 pm start / Monthly Meeting
Peter Turner, Sleight of Hand Magician
Competition: Magical Memories Poem
Door: Susan Razaq: Raffle: Lindsey
Refreshments: Carolyn and Deborah / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Tuesday evenings, 6.30 pm / Walking and Talking Group
Details from Sue J. / Various venues in the Heatons
Alternate Wednesdays, 11 am / Badminton Group
Details from Shirley Shaw / Life Leisure, Broadstone Mill, Reddish
Friday afternoons, 2-3 pm / Swimming Group
Details from Shirley Shaw / The Waterside,
Wilmslow Road, Didsbury

Many happy returns to members who celebrate their birthday in January.



The Heatons WI has big plans for 2017, all designed to promote fun, friendship, learning and laughter

and to make our WI the very best it can be for the benefit of our members.

What are your WI Resolutions for 2017? New sub-groups? More outings? More charity work? More fun?

Let’s see who has interesting and ambitious targets. Email me, phone me or write in the Suggestions Book.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Very best wishes,



January Meeting

Ian Littlechild and Phil Page will talk about their book, “The Heatons Book”. The competition is for a photo of the Heatons, taken by you. We will be presenting a cheque to representatives of SWA, our chosen charity for 2016. Don’t forget your completed membership renewal forms.

2017 WI Subscriptions

Subscriptions for 2017 have been set by the NFWI at £39. If you haven’t already picked up your individual envelope with renewal form, these will be available at the sign-in desk. Please return the completed form and payment to Krysia by the end of the January meeting. If you are unable to attend the January meeting, or have any queries, please contact Krysia directly at .

In accordance with WI rules, and as we have a waiting list for new members, please ensure that your subscription is paid for by the 31st January 2017. The President and Treasurer can consider exceptional circumstances if you are unable to pay by this date. Please speak to Angela or Krysia, in confidence, if this applies to you.

2017 Charity Nominations

Please let the Committee know if you would like to nominate a charity for the Heatons WI to support this year. The charity must be local, with charitable status, have a charity number and a bank account. Please write a few sentences about the charity and pass it onto any Committee member before 31st January 2017. We will vote to choose our 2016 charity at the February meeting.

If you have nominated a charity in the past, which wasn’t selected, you are very welcome to nominate it once again.

2017 Royal Cheshire Show

This year’s Royal Cheshire Show will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, 20th and 21st June. We have now received the full schedule.

Two or three volunteers are needed to assist with the organisation of our entries. This is not a difficult or time-consuming task and any assistance would be very gratefully received. Please speak to a Committee member if you can help.

2016 Annual Competition Winners

Congratulations to Lindsey for gaining the most points overall in the 2016 meeting competitions. Carolyn and Sally came joint second in the points accumulated.

WI Campaign Resolution Forms

In an article beginning on page 42 of November and December’s issue of WI Life the campaign resolutions for 2017 are outlined. Please spend a few minutes to read this article and make your vote for the resolution you would like to see being taken forward for discussion and adoption at the 2017 Annual Meeting to be held in Liverpool in June.

The deadline for the submission of completed forms has been extended until the end of January. Please bring your completed forms to the January meeting. These will then be forwarded to Cheshire Federation for counting. If you are unable to attend the January meeting, please contact Sue J.

“Don’t leave it to others to have your say: they might be leaving it to you.”

Have Your Say

You are invited by NFWI to have your say about the WI and its future in an online survey at

Monthly Meeting Raffles

Do you think you could help by organising the monthly raffles? This would simply involve keeping a check on how many prizes have been donated and keeping aside any prizes for the following month, if too many have been donated for one month, etc. The ticket sales will still be done on a volunteer rota basis. Please speak to Angela or Sally if you think you could help with this small job.

Monthly Meeting Rotas

Volunteers are veryurgently needed to fill various spaces on the rota to help with the raffle, door and refreshments at our meetings. This is a great way to get to know other members. Please help by adding your name to the rota.


Post Christmas Tram Trip

Lindsey is running a post-Christmas Tram Trip on Friday, 13 January 2017 to the Ziferblat Cafe and the Manchester Craft and Design Centre. Meet at 10.30 am at East Didsbury tram stop. No sign up needed; just turn up.

Ziferblat is on Edge Street: Everything is free inside, except for the time you spend there, which is charged at 6p per minute. Just help yourself to drinks and snacks. Manchester Craft and Design Centre is on Oak Street and is home to 19 working studio boutiques where 35 artists, designers and craftspeople produce and sell work to the public.

Green Hearts Crafty Evening 2017by Lindsey

Make, wear and share a green heart

A second Green Hearts Crafty Evening to support the Climate Change Coalition will take place on Thursday, 9th February at the Moor Club, starting at 7.00 pm.This will replace our normal craft meeting. There will be a £3 entry fee on the door to cover the cost of any materials. Like last time and the Christmas Crafternoon, there will be separate tables with a different craft on each and participants will be invited to move round, trying different craft techniques. You can do one craft or all of them - it's up to you. Some are suitable for complete beginners and all members are welcome.

Bar and hot drinks available. If any of you can bring some cakes, it would be much appreciated.

You can find out more about the ideas behind the event at This event is not a fund-raising event, it is to highlight the issues of climate change. We will be inviting WI members from Greater Manchester to join us.

Trip to The Globe Theatre, London

There will be a sign-up sheet at the monthly meeting for initial expressions of interest.


Badminton Group

The badminton group meets on alternate Wednesday mornings at Life Leisure, Broadstone Mill, Reddish at 11 am.

Walking and Talking Group

The group currently meets at 6.30 pm on a Tuesday at various venues in the Heatons. If you are interested in joining this group, please speak to Sue J.

Swimming Group

The first session of the swimming group will be on Friday, 20th January 2017. Shirley has booked the pool at the Waterside (Galleon), Wilmslow Road, Didsbury (towards Cheadle) on Fridays from 2.00 to 3.00 pm. You can use as much or as little of that time as you wish. When arriving at the gym please say you are with the WI at the reception desk, where you will be issued with a better than half price pass which will give you access to the changing rooms, pool, hot tub, sauna and steam room. This is all for the bargain price of £5 per session. If you are a member of the Waterside, there is no charge. There will be time to socialise after each session.


2016 Nominated Charity – Stockport Without Abuse

A cheque will be presented to representatives from SWA, for the amount raised at the recent Christmas Crafternoon. Many thanks to everyone who supported this event.

At the very end of this newsletter there is a copy of SWA’s end of year newsletter, detailing the work they have done over the last year and thanking supporters.

Charity Nominations for 2017

Nominations are sought for this year’s charity. See details above, under the Heatons WI News.


and News from cheshire

CFWI Headquarters - WI House, 11 White Friars, Chester, CH1 1NZ. Tel. 01244 347462;

NECG Winter Walk : The first walk of the year will be on Monday, 16th January 2017, our usual walk along the canal towards Lyme Park. Meet at 10am at Nelson Pit Car Park. Calling for coffee in the park and lunch at the Boar’s Head.

County Walk : Wednesday, 25th January 2017. Walk from Ness Gardens, over fields onto the Wirral Way and then along the Marsh. Lunch at Net’s.

County Quiz Rounds : 20th-27th February, with the final at Comberbach on the 7th April 2017

Silver Jewellery Workshop : Saturday, 18th February, 9.30 am to 4 pm at WI House

Cheshire Federation Annual Council Meeting : Tuesday, 7th March, Winsford.

NECG Spring Meeting : This will be held on Wednesday, 12th April in the evening. More details to follow.

Haughton Hall Gardens : 18th May. Situated between Bunbury and Faddiley, Haughton Hall is a hidden gem, made famous as he home of Frances Barden, played by Samantha Bond in “Home Fires”. In memory of Mrs. Joyce Dean who was Founder President of Haughton WI, her great nephew and his wife, Phillip and Becky Posnett, have invited members of Cheshire Federation of WIs to an Open Garden Day. Tickets £5, or £9 with packed lunch. More details to follow.

Royal Cheshire Show : Tuesday and Wednesday, 20th and 21st June 2017.

Wigs and Wellies : 21st to 24th July, Camping weekend at Linnet Clough. See Tiff or Lindsey for more details.

Cheshire Federation Autumn Meeting : Tuesday, 3rd October 2017.

Cheshire Denman Taster Weekend : 22nd-23rd October 2017. More details available soon.



Next year’s AGM will take place on Wednesday, 7th June in Liverpool.

Members’ Notice Board

If you have a notice you would like to be included in the Members’ Notice Board section of the newsletter,

or know of any local events other members might be interested in please send details to Sally at

The Children’s Society Bookshop - Volunteers Needed

The Children’s Society Bookshop at Moor Top is looking for volunteers to help for a morning, afternoon or early evening once a week. If you are interested, please speak to Sally or call into the shop.

Food Bank Collections

Each month Esther and Janet will collect donations for the Fallowfield and Withington Foodbank. (More information about the foodbank’s work and the Trussell Trust can be found at Donations of items such as cereal, tinned food, long-life milk, ladies’ toiletries, sweet treats, etc., can be brought to our monthly meetings for delivery to the foodbank.

Stamp Collection

Linda McD is collecting stamps for the RSPB’s campaign to save the albatross. Please save your used stamps, ideally with no more than a quarter of an inch border, and hand them to Linda at any meeting.


Monthly Meetings

Could we ask that the ladies who are on door and raffle duty arrive at the Moor Club by 7 pm, please?

A gentle reminder: Please make sure your mobile phones are switched off at the start of the meeting and, please, no chatting when the Chair or anyone else is speaking.

The Moor Club it is situated on Heaton Moor Road, opposite Boots Chemist, on the ground floor of the building, accessed by the middle front door. We meet from 7.30 pm with a prompt start at 7.45 pm. We pay 50p on the door to contribute to the cost of the cakes and ingredients and separately for our own tea or coffee – 50p for a cup and 75p for a mug. A full bar service will be available during the tea break.

November Meeting Report

The December competition for the best homemade Christmas card was won by Suze, Sally came second and Christine T. third.

Raffle: £56.30; ACWW: £2.85; Donations from visitors: £8. Foreign coins – yet to be converted into Sterling.

ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World)

Donations of small change are collected at each monthly meeting at the sign-in desk. Details of ACWW’s work can be found Please note that stamps are no longercollected.

Name Badges

Name badges are now available for all members. See Sally to collect yours.

The Heatons WI Mugs

If you haven’t received a centenary mug, please speak to Sally. This especially applies to ladies who joined The Heatons WI in the past year. Spare mugs are on sale at £8 from Sally.

Foreign Coins

Don’t forget to bring any foreign coins you may have to our monthly meetings to be changed into sterling for our benefit.

Suggestions Book

The suggestions book is available at all meetings for your comments and suggestions about anything Heatons WI-related.

The Heatons WI Committee Members:

Angela Britland, President; Sally Stelfox, Vice-President and Publicity;Susan Johnson, Secretary;

Krysia Kaczmarska, Treasurer; Liz Robertson, Assistant Treasurer:

Karen Catchpole, Meeting and Social Secretary;

Linda McDowell, NE Cheshire Representative; Carolyn Rowe, Catering and Competitions;

Chris Stables, Craft Co-ordinator;Suze Appleton, IT Support