Student information pack
Welcome to Triple A Training!
Triple A Training (TAT)a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) created by the Brisbane Indigenous Media Association. TAT delivers accredited courses in Media, Technology, Business, Employment and Foundation Skills through Vocational Education and Training (VET).
TAT’s codes of practice are listed throughout this guideline. Any questions about these guidelines or any policies of TAT should be directed to TAT staff.
Student misconduct
Student misconduct policy
At Triple ATraining, any form of student misconduct is not tolerated.
The following list of behaviour is considered ‘misconduct’:
•Inappropriate use of electronic devices
•Inappropriate clothing, including clothing that contains offensive language or images that may offend others
•Poor attendance record and not notifying TATof your absence
•Deliberate plagiarising (submitting or claiming work of another person as your own)
•Any form of harassment, whether based on gender, race, age, sexual orientation or religious belief
•Sexual harassment, which includes remarks with sexual connotations relating to a person, or engages in any other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature towards another person
•Abusive or aggressive behaviour that may cause offence, fear, or harm to others. This includes verbal abuse or making threats to others in person, by phone, online or social media.
•Any form of physical violence to others or TAT property
•Being under the influence of prohibited drugs or substances, including alcohol
•Possessing dangerous articles or banned substances
•Wilfully obstructing or disrupting any meeting, activity, class or examination
•Wilfully damaging or wrongfully dealing with TAT property and resources, or the property of another person
•Trespassing or knowingly entering any place within TAT premises that is not part of TAT and open to students
•Refusing to obey workplace health and safety standards or emergency procedures
•Repeated instances of minor misconduct.
Where disciplinary action becomes necessary the following procedures will take place:
Stage 1: Discussion and Verbal Warning: This is a verbal conversation with the CEO to discuss an incident or series of incidents. This will result in agreed expectations for improvement, together with actionsand timeline. In the circumstance an incident or misconduct is judged to be a significant risk to others or self a student’s enrolment may be either suspended or terminated.
Stage 2: First Written Warning: If there is no significant improvement in performance as agreed in Stage 1, or another incident takes place, the CEO may issue a written warning. You have the right to discuss this warning and comment in writing. If you wish to discuss the matter, the conversation will take place in the presence of a staff member appointed by the supervisor. Documents related to the matter will be placed on your personnel file.
Stage 3: Second Written Warning: This is a final warning issued if there is no marked improvement. Your supervisor may complete the written warning detailing the reasons. A copy will be placed on your personnel file. This stage includes notification to the Queensland Department of Education and Training and the employer CEO.
Stage 4: Termination: If the disciplinary review process fails, your enrolment may be terminated. Where the incident or conduct has been unacceptable and of a serious nature, immediate suspension will take place. Documents of reason and action taken will be placed on your personnel file.
Where considered appropriate and helpful to the student, they may have someone of their preference present in disciplinary process meetings. This person may be another employee, parent or guardian or other support person.
Student fees and payment plan
Fee for service:
If you are undertaking a course at Triple A Training, you may be required to pay a fee for tuition, materials and other associated services.
Payment plans are available if required. To arrange a payment plan you must complete a payment plan application form and agree to the terms and conditions.
If the application is successful, payments are expected to be made in line with theagreed plan. In the event the conditions of the Payment Plan are not met the student may be suspended from education and training activities.
Fees can be paid by the following methods:
3.Credit card;
4.Direct debit;
5.Personal cheque, bank cheque, or money order.
If you are undertaking government-subsidised qualifications, TATmay offer you a fee concession for Tuition Feesif you are eligible.
Fee concessions must be applied for and approved prior to enrolment.
Certificate III Guarantee:
Students enrolling into the C3G funded training must pay enrolment fees at the commencement of the program. Assessment results will not be availableuntil payment has been confirmed.
Prices are set as per the price list for each qualification and are available on our webpage. Fees are adjusted when a student presents evidence of concession.
Student should be aware that they will no longer be eligible for a government subsidised training place under the Certificate 3 Guarantee once they have successfully completed a certificate III qualification.
User Choice:
Students completing traineeships funded under User Choice arrangements are required to pay student contribution fees of $1.60 per nominal hour for each unit of competency they are enrolled in. These fees are to be paid upon enrolment.
A full list of the costs of our certificate courses can be viewed at
Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning
What is Credit Transfer (CT)?
Credit transfer is the recognition of a previously issued result from another Training Provider. To issue a credit transferwe require evidence of a unit of competency or module for which a learner has previously received credit for under another qualification.
If a student has already received a competent mark for a unit or module with the same code and name under another course they have previously completed, we will award the unit as CT.
What is Recognition of Prior Learning (PRL)?
Recognition of prior learning involves assessment of an individual’s previous or experience or other forms oflearning (including formal, informal learning such as work experience, etc).
If a student believes they have evidence to demonstrate the knowledge and skills of the unit of competency or module, the student should speak to an assessor who specialises in the RPL process who will assess them through the process. RPL is to be requested prior to enrolment in the qualification/program.
Triple A Training have a pathway partnership with Griffith University where on completion of a CUF30107 Certificate III in Media, a student will receive direct entry into their humanities courses and 10 credit points.
Students may enquire with their trainer regarding any further information for articulation and tertiary education pathways.
Training and Assessment
Vocational education and training (VET) is part of tertiary education and training which provides accredited training in job related and technical skills.
Students of TAT will not only gain the theory and knowledge but technical skills of their chosen field of study.
All students are required to complete training activities, sessions and lessons. These can be delivered in the workplace, in the training centre or online through the e-learning site (available for most courses).
Assessment tasks are to be submitted online.
The student will be assessed through various methods:
- Questionnaires and quizzes
- Essays
- Reports
- Production logs
- Practical tasks
- Task checklists
- Observation
- Portfolios of evidence
Students are assessedand will have an outcome of s competent or not-competent allocated.
Results of assessment and learning are provided to the learner via the student’s portal on the e-learning site, verbally and/or completion documentation.
Students on a school based traineeship (through the Queensland Department of Education and Training User Choice funding) have a work-based learningelement to their qualification. Not only must they complete their training and assessments, they MUST also complete 375 hours of work for their hosted employer within each training year. If a student is to miss a day of training or employment, they must organise a day to make up for the day of training they have missed. If they are not in attendance, they must notify the staff at the training centre and their workplace supervisor.
Students on a traineeship are required to complete a training record to demonstrate their ability to practically demonstrate their skills on the job and have this verified by their employer. This record is the property of the student with TAT to retain a copy of the record.
Students are issued with a training plan to indicate their learning timeframes and any other training requirements needed to meet the targets of completing their course. This document is an agreement of all parties involved in the learner’s training.
If a student is struggling to meet the targeted timeframes of completion, the student is to discuss with their trainer (and in the case of school based trainees, the employer and school as well) an alternative plan of training.
When a student has completed all the requirements for their qualification, they will receive a Certificate.
If the student has not completed an entire qualification but has completed any units of competency, they will receive a statement of attainment.
For most of our courses, training materials and assessment tasks are delivered online through our e-learning portal
Each student is given a username and password that gives them access to their training portfolio to communicate with their trainers and assessors and also access to the resources of the certificate they are enrolled in.
Thisis a unique password that is not to be used by anyone but the student. The student must not give their passwords to anyone else for them to use. This unique password is the equivalent of the student’s signature.
Through the e-learning site, TAT administration is able to view student’s progress and this is also used as a record of training. At the start of each training day, the student is required to log into
If a student is to be found in breach of this policy, they may be suspended from training.
Unique Student Identifier
As of 1 January 2015 the federal government implemented the Student Identifier Act 2014 and haslegislated that vocational outcomes are not permitted to be issued unless the student has a USI – Unique Student Identifier.
TAT can apply on the student’s behalf but the minimum information required is your city of birth and ID documents that meet the national requirements. One of the following ID documents is needed to verify and issue a USI.
• Driver’s Licence – state of issue
• Medicare card – number, individual reference, colour and expiry date
• AustralianPassport
• Non-AustralianPassport + VISA
• Immigration card
You can also apply for a USI yourself and then forward the number to TAT on the enrolment form.
Social media
Triple A Training acknowledges and encourages the safe use of social media sites including; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat etc, however, students must not bring TAT into disrepute, compromise effectiveness of training, imply TAT endorsement of personal views or disclose, without authorisation, confidential information.
Breach of this policy may lead to disciplinary action including the possibility ofsuspension of learning. Where inappropriate use under this policy constitutes a breach of any law, action may also be taken in accordance with that law by TAT or concerned third parties.
In the event that TAT cancels a training program or training course, every effort to reschedule participants will be made. If a suitable arrangement is not found, students will be given a refund. Fee-paying students who cancel their training program will receive a refund on units of competency they have not commenced and minus a charge to cover administration costs.
Students are required to complete a survey to ensure they are receiving quality training from the organisation and their trainers.
This survey is available through the e-learning site using your student login details.
Complaints and appeals
All complaints against TAT staff oracademic appealsare taken very seriously.
Students are to refer their complaint in writing to the CEO for review. The CEO will then take steps to investigate the complaint and then notify the student of the outcome of the review.
In the event that a complaint reveals criminal behaviour, the matter will be referred to the police for appropriate action.
The list of legislations Triple A Training adheres to:
Further Education & Training Act 2014
The objects of this Act are—
(a) to strengthen Queensland’s economic base by providing a skilled workforce that meets the current and future needs of industry, Government and the community; and
(b) to facilitate the provision of vocational education and training that is linked to employment and is responsive to the future workforce development and skills requirements of industry; and
(c) to support the continued development of high-quality training by and within industry; and
(d) to support Queenslanders to access and complete the skills training they need to get a job and contribute to the State’s economy and their own prosperity; and
(e) to establish a simple, streamlined apprenticeship and traineeship system featuring flexible, industry-endorsed approaches to trade training; and
(f) to support industry and employers to take on, train and retain apprentices and trainees
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
The main object of this Act is to provide for a balanced and nationally consistent framework to secure the health and safety of workers and workplaces.
Each student must participate in their learning and/or work activities in a safe manner, be aware of duty of care of self and others, have an understanding of the policies of their training environment and report hazards to their supervisors.
Sex Discrimination Act 1984
The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 gives effect to Australia's obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and certain aspects of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 156. Its major objectives are to promote equality between men and women eliminate discrimination on the basis of sex, marital status or pregnancy and, with respect to dismissals, family responsibilities, and eliminate sexual harassment at work, in educational institutions, in the provision of goods and services, in the provision of accommodation and the delivery of Commonwealth programs.
Anti-Discrimination Act 1991
The purpose of this Act isto promote equality of opportunity for everyone by protecting them from unfair discrimination in certain areas of activity, including work, education and accommodation.
Racial Discrimination Act 1975
The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 makes it against the law to treat you unfairly because of your race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status.
The RDA also makes racial hatred against the law.
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
The objects of this Act are:
(a) to eliminate, as far as possible, discrimination against persons on the ground of disability in the areas of:
(i) work, accommodation, education, access to premises, clubs and sport; and
(ii) the provision of goods, facilities, services and land; and
(iii) existing laws; and
(iv) the administration of Commonwealth laws and programs; and
(b) to ensure, as far as practicable, that persons with disabilities have the same rights to equality before the law as the rest of the community; and
(c) to promote recognition and acceptance within the community of the principle that persons with disabilities have the same fundamental rights as the rest of the community.
More student information
Trainees can find more information about their rights and obligations at
For more information about the training package rules for the courses TAT offers, visit
Contacts at TAT
Kaava WatsonChief Executive Officer
(P)07 3892 0100
Sandra RennieTrainer/AssessorStudent Support
(P)07 3892 0120
Alanah StortelderTrainer / Assessor and administration
(P)07 3892 0117
Dewi WilsonTrainer / Assessor and Director / Producer
(P) 07 3892 0131
Leon PetrouTrainer / Assessor
(P)07 3892 0119
Triple A Training
2 Ambleside Street
West End 4101
(07) 3892 0100