To mark the retirement of Professor Judith Pallot
Saturday 25June2016
Please book online:
Password: Geography2016
If you are unable to book online, please complete this booking form
Contact Details(please print)
Title ……………… First Name ……………………………..Surname………………………………………………
Tel …………………………………… Email ……………………………………………...... ………….
Guest Details (if applicable)
Title ……………… First Name …………………………….. Surname……………………………………………
Relationship to you ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Tickets - £77.50
Includes:afternoon tea, drinks reception, four-course dinner, all wines and coffee. Payment details overleaf.
1.00pm onwardsParking available in the Meadows
3.30pm – 4.45pmTea available, Blue Boar Exhibition space
3.45pm Lecture by Professor Simon Dadson: ‘Room for the River? Solving the UK’s Flood Problem’, Blue Boar Lecture Theatre
Please tick if you wish to attend
4.45pmLecture by Dr Lorraine Wild: ‘Europe in crisis…or situation normal’, Blue Boar Lecture Theatre
Please tick if you wish to attend
6.00pmCathedral Evensong
6.50pmDrinks Reception, The Deanery
7.45pmPlease be seated in Hall
8.00pmDinner, Toasts and Speeches
I would like……… ticket(s) forthe Geography Dinner on Saturday 25 June.
As well as my guest, I would like to sit near the following people at the dinner: (up to four names):
Dietary requirements for the dinner
Your guest…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
There are also a limited number of rooms available at Christ Church to stay after the dinner. These can be booked on our website: using the code:chchgeog. Prices for rooms are below.
- Single Ensuite: £64.00 per night
- Double Ensuite: £90.00 per night
- Twin Set Standard: £75.00 per night
- Single Standard: £49.00 per night
If you have queries regarding these rooms, please email: tel. 01865 286848.
I am staying in Christ Church accommodation on Saturdaynight and I would like to park in the Meadows car park from 1pm. I will be leaving onSunday.
I am not staying in Christ Church accommodation but would like to park in the Meadows car park from 1pm for theSaturday evening. I will be leaving after dinner.
Car Make ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Car Registration Number ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Payment Details
I confirm I have made payment for £………………. by bank transfer to the ‘Christ Church Events’ account:
Sort code: 20-65-18 Account no.: 43054160 Ref.: ‘Geography’
I enclose a cheque for £…………. made payable to ‘Christ Church Events’
Please charge £……………. to my Visa/Access/Mastercard/Switch/Delta (we do not accept American Express)
Name of Card Holder ……………………………………………Card No. ………………………………………..
Expiry Date ………………………….. Security Code ………………………………………………………...
Applications for tickets will be dealt with in order of receipt. Acknowledgements will be sent out within two weeks of receipt. Monies will not be processed until ten days before the date of the event, from which point Christ Church will act in good faith in the circumstance of each case but reserves the right to retain the full ticket price in the event of cancellation by the applicant.
In the event of cancellation by ChristChurch all applicants will be informed and their payments details/cheques destroyed.
RSVP by 23 May 2016 to Development & Alumni Office, Christ Church, Oxford, OX1 1DP
Tel: +44 (0)1865 286 598 Fax: +44 (0)1865 286 587 E-mail: