Island A
Dry, Arid
Shortage of fresh water
Temperature varies greatly between day and night. Organims living on this island need to be able to tolerate extreme conditions.
Average temperatures: 95degrees F (day)
45degrees F(night)
Average Rainfall:25 cm / year
Vegetation:Cacti and other succulents; plants have short grow cycles. Trees are short with deep root systems. Some plants produce nuts full of nutrients but with extremely hard shells. There are berries produced by native plants but most are toxic if eaten.
Terrestrial life: small burrowing mammals, venomous and non-venomous snakes, lizards, scavenger birds, many species of insects including beetles, butterflies, wasps, and ants. Mostly flying insects.
Aquatic life: various species of small fish that live in ocean. There is a reef off shore that prevents large waves from impacting coast. The island has a small lake on northwest side of island that contains several varieties of freshwater fish. These fish are difficult to catch except by the fastest swimming predators.
Island B
Tropical Rainforest
Average temperatures: 85degrees F (day)
75degrees F(night)
Average Rainfall:600cm/year
Vegetation:great variety of plants. The island is covered in tall trees creating a canopy up to 100 meters above the forest floor. Large tree climbing vines. Ferns cover the forest floor do their lack of a need for much sunlight.
Terrestrial life:Large reptiles including boa constrictors and small crocodiles. Primates live in the trees above the forest floor. Small mammals live in holes in dead trees. Insects like termites and ants are prevalent and are the primary food source of all the islands smaller inhabitants. Accessing the ants typically requires a long appendage to reach deep into their homes. Most predators hunt on the bottom level of the forest.
Aquatic life:Great variety of marine life including sharks. Multiple freshwater ponds, streams and lakes. Many lakes have various species of freshwater species including piranha-like fish.
Island C
Rocky terrain
Shortage of fresh water, only what gathers on top of the rocks
Temperature does not vary greatly between day and night.
Average temperatures: 85degrees F (day)
75degrees F(night)
Average Rainfall: 100 cm/year
Vegetation: Limited variety of vegetation. Mostly mosses and lichens growing on and in between the rocks on the island. Terrain to rocky for any large vegetation to grow.
Terrestrial life: Most animals living on island are small. Some small non-venomous snakes feed on the smaller reptiles and mammals that feed on the mosses, lichens and small fish that live in the estuaries. All animals that live on the island are able to live in between the rocks where most life exists.
Aquatic life: Estuaries contain a variety of fish life, mostly small. Crabs live near the coastline and are easily accessible in the shallow water. Their shells are exceptionally hard and the only way to open them is to pry them apart through a very narrow opening between the top and bottom of the shell.
Island D
Seasonal rainfall
Adequate water
Average temperatures: 80degrees F (day)
65degrees F(night)
Average Rainfall: 300cm/year
Vegetation: Most of this island is covered with grasses. There are some smaller trees scattered throughout the island.
Terrestrial life: The island is inhabited by very large animals, some very similar to elephants. These animals feed on the abundant grasses. There are also predatory animals that feed on the larger animals including leopards and jackals. There are several species on the island that act as scavengers including birds and smaller mammals.
Aquatic life: Access to the ocean in most areas is inhibited by the presence of large cliffs. There are some freshwater ponds and lakes located around the island providing water for the inhabitants.
Island E
Humid with large amounts of precipitation
Average temperatures: 90 degrees F (day)
85 degrees F (night)
Average Rainfall: 450cm/year
Vegetation: Most of the island is covered with freshwater swamps. Trees (similar to Cyprus) grow from the water with large root structures, growing to 40-50 meters in height. The surface of all the water is covered with a thin layer of algae, making visibility of more than a few inches beneath the surface of the water impossible.
Terrestrial life: Most of the islands life under the water or high in the trees. There is a species of primate that live in the trees thriving on insects. These insects live deep in the tree trunks. Most of the primates insert sticks into the holes to extract the insects. The island is covered in disease carrying mosquitoes and the primates depend on their long fur and thick skin to keep them protected. There is a species of snake that also lives high the trees that feed on smaller reptiles and young primates.
Aquatic life: Beneath the water live small crocodiles and larger fish. The crocodiles feed on the fish and the primates that happen to fall from the trees. The large fish feed on smaller fish, who feed on plankton, who feed on the algae.
Island F
Cold, very very cold
Average temperatures: 20 degrees F (Day)
-19 degrees F(Night)
Average Rainfall (precipitation): 50cm/year
Vegetation: frozen tundra and snow covered plains, lack of vegetation.
Terrestrial life: Penguins live on the shores of the island. They are fast swimmers but travel inland to lay their eggs. There are also large sea lions that feed on the penguins. No animals permanently live on the interior of the island. Gulls live around the island and feed on remains of deceased penguins and sea lions.
Aquatic life: Sharks that feed on the sea lions and penguins swim in the waters off the coast. There is also a great variety of small fish that the penguins feed on off the coast.