ScotWaysSmall Grant ApplicationForm 2017 - 2020

Date of application
Applicant’s name (organisation]
ScotWays membership number
Type of organisation/how constituted. Please attach a copy of your constitution
Copy of constitution attached Y/N / Company number, OSCR number or similar
Contact name for all correspondence
If you have had contact with ScotWays already – contact name
Email address
Telephone (landline)
Telephone (mobile)
Postal address
Local Authority area
OS map and grid references for project

Please complete all the sections below. Try to keep near to or below the suggested word length for each section.

  1. Project description – Summary
High level description of project, total cost and contribution sought from ScotWays.
(under 250 words)
  1. Project background
Are Rights of Way affected, what is the history of the routes, are they core paths? What is the need, what is the evidence of the need and what is the public benefit?Who are the other stakeholders in the project? (under 250 words)
  1. Project description – Detailed
Describe the project, including a clear description of geographic area covered. Use map references if appropriate. (under 500 words)
  1. Project budget
Please indicate what funding has been sought and whether it has been agreed and how costs have been estimated? If you expect to use volunteers, please identify separately any budgeted costs associated with volunteer time and their expenses. (under 250 words)
  1. Project timetable
What are the key dependencies and milestones along with the expected duration of the project? (under 250 words)
  1. Ability to deliver
Who is involved in managing and delivering the project; what is their previous experience? (under 250 words)
  1. Access to human resources
If your project would benefit from access to ScotWays staff/directors or volunteers, please describe the skills and estimated time requirements. (under 250 words)
  1. Key dependencies
Are planning permissions required or land owner permissions to be sought? What work has been done to assess the likely success in obtaining these permissions or have permissions been obtained already? (under 250 words)
  1. Risk
What are the key risks – to the applicant and ScotWays? How will you mitigate these risks? (under 250 words)
  1. Crediting ScotWays
Explain how you would credit ScotWays for its participation in the project, such as use of logo (guidelines to be provided by ScotWays), a panel in a brochure to explain ScotWays work, PR, social media etc. (under 250 words)
  1. Previous ScotWays involvement
Have you worked with ScotWays before or received a grant or other financial assistance from ScotWays before? If so, for what, how much and when? (under 250 words)
  1. Bank account
ScotWays will only make payment to the bank account of the applicant organisation. Please provide the details of the account below and provide a copy bank statement along with your application.
Bank account name:
Sort code:
Account number:
  1. Attachments
Please list any documents and attachments sent to support your application, including, if appropriate, a project plan, photographs etc.

Terms and conditions which will form part of the formal grant terms unless otherwise agreed in writing:-

  • ScotWays reserves the right to withdraw its offer of grant if the project overruns by more than 12 months
  • ScotWays will not be responsible for the overall success of the project nor for the maintenance of any aspects of it
  • Any grant awarded will normally only be paid on successful completion of the project, submission of an appropriate project completion report and evidence of expenditure incurred.

Applications should be sent by post to:

The Scottish Rights of Way and Access Society,
24 Annandale Street,

or by email to

The information on this form is requested only for the purposes of processing your grant application. No part of the information will be passed on to a third party without your specific consent, except where ScotWays is required to do so by law.

Company Registration No: SC024243 Scottish Charity No: SC015460V1. November 2017