2017-2018Student-Athlete Agreement
As a member of a Regina Dominican sports team, I agree to represent my school and my team with dignity and enthusiasm and to support and respect my teammates.
I will adhere to the school’s academic eligibility regulations and work with the faculty and coaching staff to maintain academics as my primary reason for being a student at Regina Dominican High School.
I will treat all competitors, their coaches and officials with respect at all times regardless of the score, the officials’ decisions or the disposition of the grandstands.
I will follow the training and competition guidelines of my team’s coaching staff and will abide by the specific rules set forth by my coaches regarding attendance, punctuality, training or any other issue deemed important for the team.
I have read and understand the student handbook policy on Academic Dishonesty. I am aware that involvement in any of the specific acts listed will not be tolerated and consequences may include but is not limited to suspension or dismissal from the current athletic season and/or future athletic seasons. Consequences may be given for infractions that occur prior to one’s current season and may be imposed on future seasons.
I promise to behave appropriately at all times knowing that I represent Regina Dominican High School. I will leave locker rooms, both ours and those we visit, clean and undamaged. Vandalizing of any bus or school property will not be tolerated and consequences may include but is not limited to suspension or dismissal from the current athletic season and/or future athletic seasons. Consequences may be given for infractions that occur prior to one’s current season and may be imposed on future seasons.
I am aware of, and will adhere to the Regina Dominican policy regarding drug or alcohol use and that the consequences for any infraction may include but is not limited to suspension or dismissal from the current athletic season and/or future athletic seasons. Consequences may be given for infractions that occur prior to one’s current season and may be imposed on future seasons. Students found under the influence of, in possession of, or involved in the constructive possession of drugs, alcohol or drug paraphernalia are subject to the parameters of Regina Dominican High School’s drug and alcohol policies. Constructive possession means that the student was present in or at a location where the illegal possession or consumption of drugs and/or alcohol took place. The student herself does not have to be in actual possession of drugs or alcohol to be in violation of this policy.
Any student in possession of or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or who is in possession of drug paraphernalia during the school day or at school-sponsored activities, on or off-campus, will be immediately suspended while the incident is reviewed and will be subject to the provisions of the alcohol/drug policies of the school.
Regina Dominican High School has a zero tolerance policy for the sale/purchase and/or distribution or transference of illegal or prescription drugs or alcohol.
The administration reserves the right to review a student’s role in any drug or alcohol related incident and, pending that review, the student may be liable for dismissal. Reinstatement, if considered, will be dependent upon the fulfillment of stated requirements
I will return my complete school-issued athletic uniform and/or equipment in a clean and neat condition to my coach or Athletic Director within one week after my season’s last competition. Failure to do so will result in a DETENTION for each day beyond this deadline. Two weeks past the turn-in deadline will result in a $150 uniform late fee.
Athlete’s Signature with DateParent Signature with Date