2018Faculty/Graduate Student Membership/Subscription Form
Midwest Modern Language Association
INSTRUCTIONS: This is a fillable form. Use the arrow cursor keys to move from field to field. If you complete the form by hand, please PRINT CLEARLY and provide ALL requested information. If your institution has multiple campuses, please note yours. You will receive an e-mail confirmation from .
First Name: ______Last Name:______
Institution: ______
Rank: ______
Please select your area of specialization from choices listed on pages 2-4 of this form.
Preferred Mailing Address (indicate home☐or institution☐):
Street Address:______
City: ______State:______Postal Code:______
Work E-mail:______Personal E-mail:______
Office Phone:______Home Phone:______Cell Phone:______
Dues Schedule
Please select the amount you are paying at this time:
☐1-year membership & subscription through June 30, 2019
☐2-year membership & subscription through June 30, 2020
☐3-year membership & subscription through June 30, 2021
The locations of upcoming MMLA Conventions are as follows:
2018 Kansas City; 2019 Chicago; 2020 Milwaukee; 2021 Cleveland
Category / One YearMembership / Two Year
Membership / Three Year
Full Professor, Administrator / $70☐ / $135☐ / $195☐
Associate Professor / $65☐ / $125☐ / $180☐
Assistant Professor, Schoolteacher / $55☐ / $105 ☐ / $150☐
Adjunct, Instructor, Lecturer / $30☐ / N/A / N/A
Graduate Student, Independent Scholar, Retired / $25☐ / N/A / N/A
Joint (same address, one copy of journals) / $90☐ / $170☐ / $250☐
Supporting / $85☐ / N/A / N/A
Membership fees are non-refundable.
Mail this form with payment (check or money order in U.S. funds) payable to MMLA to: Midwest Modern Language Association
Loyola University Chicago, Department of English
1032 W. Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60660
Office Use Only
Rec’d______Amt ______Check #______D’base______Rec’t______Dep______
Areas of Specialization
Instructions: Please indicate your area of specialization. Check off all that apply.
American Literature
American Literature to 1800 (D017) ☐
19th-Century American Literature (D018) ☐
Late-19th and Early-20th Century American Literature (D019) ☐
20th-Century American Literature (D020) ☐
Black American Literature and Culture (D076) ☐
American Indian Literatures (D080) ☐
Asian American Literature (D082) ☐
Chicana and Chicano Literature (D084) ☐
Comparative Studies
Comparative Studies in Medieval Literature (D001) ☐
Comparative Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Literature (D002) ☐
Comparative Studies in Romanticism and the 19th Century (D003) ☐
Comparative Studies in 20th-Century Literature (D004) ☐
Comparative Studies in 18th-Century Literature (D005) ☐
European Literary Relations (including translation) (D034) ☐
English Literature
Old English Language and Literature (D021) ☐
Middle English Language and Literature, excluding Chaucer (D022) ☐
Chaucer (D023) ☐
Literature of the English Renaissance, excluding Shakespeare (D024) ☐
Shakespeare (D025) ☐
17th-Century English Literature (D026) ☐
The English Romantic Period (D029) ☐
The Victorian Period (D030)☐
Late-19th and Early-20th Century English Literature (D031) ☐
20th- Century English Literature (D032) ☐
English Literature other than British and American (D033) ☐
French Literature
French Medieval Language and Literature (D051) ☐
16th-Century French Literature (D052) ☐
17th-Century French Literature (D053) ☐
18th-Century French Literature (D054) ☐
19th-Century French Literature (D055) ☐
20th-Century French Literature (D056) ☐
Francophone Literatures and Cultures (D057) ☐
Genre Studies
Drama (history, criticism and theory) (D008) ☐
Film (history, criticism and theory) (D009) ☐
Nonfiction Prose Studies, excluding Biography and Autobiography (history, criticism and theory) (D010)☐
Poetry (history, criticism and theory) (D011) ☐
Prose Fiction (history, criticism and theory) (D012) ☐
Literary Criticism (history, criticism and theory) (D014)☐
Methods of Literary Research (D046) ☐
Autobiography, Biography and Life Writing (D077) ☐
German Literature
German Literature to 1700 (D059) ☐
18th- and Early-19th Century German Literature (D059) ☐
19th- and Early-20thCentury German Literature (D060) ☐
20th- Century German Literature (D061) ☐
Hispanic Literature
Latin American Literature from Independence to 1900 (D064) ☐
20th-Century Latin American Literature (D065) ☐
Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures and Cultures (D068) ☐
16th- and 17th-Century Spanish Poetry and Prose (D068) ☐
18th- and 19th-Century Spanish Literature (D069) ☐
20th-Century Spanish Literature (D070) ☐
16th- and 17th-Century Spanish Drama (D071) ☐
Luso-Brazilian Language and Literature (D073) ☐
Colonial Latin American Literatures (D078) ☐
Interdisciplinary Approaches
Women’s Studies in Language and Literature (D006) ☐
Ethnic Studies in Language and Literature (D007) ☐
Popular Culture (D013) ☐
Anthropological Approaches to Literature (including myth, folklore and ritual) (D035) ☐
Linguistic Approaches to Literature (D036) ☐
Philosophical Approaches to Literature (including history of ideas) (D037) ☐
Psychological Approaches to Literature (D038) ☐
Literature and Religion (D039)☐
Sociological Approaches to Literature (D040) ☐
Literature and Other Arts (D041) ☐
Literature and Science (D072) ☐
Children’s Literature (D074) ☐
Gay Studies in Language and Literature (D075) ☐
Disability Studies (D085) ☐
Postcolonial Studies in Language and Literature (D086) ☐
Cognitive Approaches to Literature (D088) ☐
Italian Literature
Medieval and Renaissance Italian Literature (D062) ☐
17th-, 18th-, and 29th-Century Italian Literature (D63) ☐
20th-Century Italian Literature (D79) ☐
Language Studies
Language and Society (D042) ☐
Language Theory (D043) ☐
Applied Linguistics (D044) ☐
Language Change (D045) ☐
History and Theory of Rhetoric and Composition (D081) ☐
Other Languages and Literatures
African Literatures (D015) ☐
Arabic Literature and Culture (D087) ☐
East Asian Languages and Literatures to 1900 (D016) ☐
East Asian Languages and Literatures after 1900 (D083) ☐
Slavic and East European Literatures (D066) ☐
The Teaching of Language (D047) ☐
The Teaching of Literature (D048) ☐
The Teaching of Writing (D049) ☐
Teaching as a Profession (D050) ☐