Fulton Middle School
Softball Unit Handout
The game of softball is over 100 years old. George Hancock is credited with developing the game and the first set of rules in Chicago in 1887.
Softball was first called "inside baseball" which was played indoors. The first version of the game was different from today's game in several important away. It was originally played with a boxing glove and a broom. Finally, the official game used a softer bat, a smaller ball and shorter base differences than used today. The pitcher throws the ball underhand.
The game moved quickly outdoors and was mentioned by many names, such as kitten ball, mush ball, big ball, playground ball, and diamond ball. The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) used this game widely in their recreation programs. In 1933, the Amateur Softball Association (ASA) was formed and gave its official name of softball. The organization developed a formal set of rules, and a national tournament was held that year at the World Fair in Chicago. Public interest in softball continued to grow before World War II, and the game became even more popular after the war. In the 1950s he had established leagues around the country.
Softball is played with a 12-inch ball. The game does not require a fast pitch pitcher, but requires the pitcher to throw the ball with an arc of 3-12 feet anywhere. This game is one of the most popular games played today with more than 35 million Americans who participate.
In 1996, the game of softball was named as an Olympic sport. The Women's United States team won the gold medal.
Batting stations must have ample space for students to neglect do not go and hit with a bat or a batted ball. All students may wear fielding gloves. Catchers equipment is available for those students who choose to use it. Students who do not participate actively in the work in the field or are awaiting their turn at bat should be a proper distance away from the playing field.
Equipment needs are minimal for softball. A regulation softball bat, ball, fielding gloves, and a set of four bases are really all you need. Softball Rules, mashed balls (balls made of rags), whiffle balls and rubber softballs could be used as the ball during the game. Softball bats are of different weight and length and are also needed. Bat weight should range between a minimum of 28 ounces to a maximum of 38 ounces, and the length of the bat should vary from 28 inches to 35 inches. Fielding gloves should be available for students. In addition to the game a chest protector and mask for the catcher is needed.
Softball is a variation of baseball that uses a large, soft ball, a bat smaller and lighter, and a smaller playing field. Members of one team take turns batting whie the other team tries to get each batter out by catching a batted ball, tagging the batter after a hit before the runner reaches base, or having possession of the ball and touching a base ahead of a runner who must advance to that base. After getting three outs the teams change ends and the fielding team becomes the batting team. Each team is allowed three outs per inning and a game consists of seven innings. A player scores a run by the progress around the four bases. The team that scores more runs wins the game.
A team consists of 10 players: first base, second base, third base, shortstop, left fielder, left center fielder, right center fielder, right field, the pitcher and catcher.
The bases, first base, second base, third base, and home plate, are 60 feet away. The ball must be batted inbetween third base and the first base to be considered in play. A ball hit beyond the baseline is considered a foul ball and is out of play and a ball hit between third and first base is a fair ball and must be played by the defensive team. An offensive player must advance without being put out home to first, second, third, and back home again to score a run. Home plate to the end of the outfield should be 250 feet and the pitching area (mound to rubber) is 46 feet from home plate, located in the center of the diamond.
The pitcher starts the game by throwing (pitching) the ball to the batter, who attempts to hit the ball. If the batter hits the ball he or she tries to reach first base before the ball. If the ball is caught on the fly (in air) or if the ball beats the batter to first base, the batter is out.
If the batter reaches the base first and the ball is not caught in the air tht ebatter is safe and the next member of the team bats. The person on first becomes a baserunner and attempts to run around all the bases to score a run without being put out. This process continues until the defensive team gets three outs. Then the two teams switch roles. When both teams have received three outs, it makes up an inning. The game continues in this manner for seven innings, at which time the team with the most runs win.