Getting Started proposal form
Preparing and submitting your proposal
About your local trusted organisation
About the activities you are planning
Progressing through the Big Local pathway
Organisation details
Getting Started is now open to the 50 Big Local areas announced by the Big Lottery Fund on 29 February 2012. You can view the full list of areashere.
The questions in this form allow us to gather the information we need to give you funding for your Getting Started proposal. You should refer to the guidance notes, alongside the additional guidance next to specific questions in this form and the frequently asked questions which can be found on the Local Trust website:
If you need help completing this form, or have any questions about Big Local or about Getting Started, please contact us at:
Telephone: 020 7812 5456
Address:Local Trust
Unit 5, Angel Gate
320-326 City Road
Preparing and submitting your proposal
We have included this checklist of things to help you prepare and submit a fully completed proposal for Getting Started. Please review carefully before completing and submitting your proposal.
- Meet with your Big Local repto discuss plans for Getting Started.
- Prepare your Getting Startedproposal and complete all questions within this form.
- Make sure the main contact and authorised signatories have read the entire document, particularly the terms and conditions of the grant.
- Make sure authorised individuals have completed all details on signatory pages.
- Email us your completed proposal AND post us a signed copy as we also need to receive a hard copy with original signatures via the post.
- Please be sure to send us the requested financial and organisational documents.
- Keep a copy for your records.
We will acknowledge receipt of your proposal and you should receive a decision from us within about four weeks of submitting your application. If we have queries or any paperwork is missing, we will contact you so you can supply us with the relevant information.
About your local trusted organisation
- Name of your organisation as it appears on your governing document or set of rules.
Rastrick Cricket and Athletic Club
Registered address of organisation
Clough Lane, Rastrick, Brighouse, West yorkshirePostcode / HD63QL
- Please give the name of your Big Local area.
- Is your organisation a branch of, or related to, a larger organisation, if so, they may have some legal responsibility if we award you a grant.
Yes, we have a parent organisation. No, not applicable.
Please confirm that your parent organisation knows about your proposal for this grant by ticking this box.
If you are a dependent branch you will need to supply an email or letter indicating the support of your parent organisation. This email should confirm that the parent organisation is happy with your proposal for Getting Started and that your organisation is authorised to receive a grant from Local Trust. Please submit a copy of this email along with your completed proposal.
- Main contact for this proposal.
Please confirm the best person to speak with from your organisation about this proposal.
Name of contact
Mr, Mrs, Ms / Forenames (in full) / SurnameMr / Jason / Middleton
Position or job title / Management Committee Member
Address for correspondence including postcode (leave blank if it is the same as the organisation’s registered address)
21 Launds, Rochdale Road, Scapegoat Hill, Golcar, HuddersfieldPostcode / HD74NN
Email address for correspondence
Main telephone number (or textphone) / Alternative telephone number (or textphone)
Website, facebook and/or twitter information for your organisation (if applicable)
Rastrick cc on pitcheroPlease tell us if we should be aware of any particular communication needs your main contact has. This might include textphone, sign language, large print, audiotape, Braille or a community language.
N/AAbout the activities you are planning
We want you to tell us about your specific plans for Getting Started. We want to know how you came to these decisions and how they help your local area move forward through steps 1 and 2 in the Big Local pathway as described in the Getting Started guidance document on our website at in Start the conversation.
- Did you receive advice and support from your Big Local rep in preparing this proposal and how has it influenced your proposal?
We need you to discuss your plans with your Big Local rep before your Big Local area’s proposal is submitted to Local Trust. They can explain Big Local to you and answer any queries you might have. We would like to know more about how your area considered any guidance from your Big Local rep and how this guidance may or may not be reflected within this proposal.(Box will expand as you type.)More information about the role of Big Local reps can be accessed here:
We have been discussing the next stage with our local rep Tony, we are now at the stage where we need to start pulling down the initial funding source as over the next 6 months we wish to purchase the items on the budget summary. So far we have had 3 local meetings, a visit to another area in Dewsbury from phase 1 and a local school council. All meetings were attended by the Chair and members of Rastrick’s community and before the budget summary was composed everyone within the community was asked to input on its content- When do you expect the activities included in this proposal to take place?
Please select a start date that includes time for us to review and assess your proposal, contact you if necessary, and transfer the grant to the organisation. We estimate that this will take approximately four weeks from the date you submit your proposal provided all requirements have been met.
Estimated start date (month/year) / June 2012 / Estimated end date (month/year) / Ongoing throughout 2013Progressing through the Big Local pathway
This section asks aboutthe local trusted organisationand how it can best use Getting Started monies to help your local area progress successfully through the Big Local pathway. For more information about the steps of the Big Local pathway please see the guidance notes and the frequently asked questions on our website:
- How did people locally select you asthe applying,local trusted organisation for Getting Started?If you have not been able to identify a local trusted organisation please use the box to tell us who will be leading this work.
We would like to know, briefly, about how the local trusted organisation was selected. Briefly explain how you, the applicant, has the support and trust of a wide range of stakeholders, including residents in your local area. In addition, if you have letters or emails of support from stakeholders you can include them with this form.
Within the second public meeting all present were asked to go back to their respective organisations and report back if they would be prepared to be in the initial stages “the local trusted organisation”. 2 organisations volunteered their services,the first was the local church and the second the local cricket club. It was decided that the cricket club would be ideal as this had been around for 149 years and the Chairman was on its committee. This was propose and seconded and any questions answered were within this meeting. The Cricket Clubs Treasurer is now going to sit on the Local board as he also is a member of Rastricks community.- What activities are you proposing for Getting Started? Why?
Be sure to tell us:
How Getting Started activities will help move your Big Local area successfully through steps 1 and 2 of the Big Local pathway.(See guidance for more information on the Big Local pathway.)
- How will these activities raise awareness of Big Local in your area? Help people locally know how to get involved in Big Local? Help you create a Big Local profile? Gather ideas on how the area can be made even better?
- How do these proposed activities build on the existing strengths and assets from within the area?
- Who from your local area has been involved in making decisions about these proposed activities? (Box will expand as you type.)
We are initially going to use this money for all set up costs and to complete stage 1. This will involve all media, stationary, P.O.S, travel, food etc. This will enable us to start our recruitment campaign and for maximum exposure over the next 12 months within our area. We have already arranged a stand at our local Gala on the 30th June and 5 school visits before the summer holidays so we are very keen on this to move on as quickly as possible to enable us to facilitate the events. We have already set up a web page and twitter account for Rastricks Big Local and we are a few days off having our facebook page completed. All members of the meetings were asked for ideas and our local rep has steered us to make the correct decisions
- How do the proposed Getting Started activities ensure that you are involvingpeople locally from a wide range of backgrounds, even the most difficult to reach, in your area?(Box will expand as you type.)
We have called on the experience of our local rep to guide us through this. We are all in agreement that we need to use the initial monies to create quick wins within our community and to have a personal presence at all of the events organised by other groups within our district.
- How are you specifically including residents in your plans for Getting Started? (Box will expand as you type.)
As our partnerships haven’t been formed yet all decision that have been made have been through the local residents with direction from our local rep
- Who will be delivering the proposed activities for Getting Started?(Box will expand as you type.)
At this moment we have had from 15 to 75 people attend our meetings with a core of around 13 who are currently daily involved. The next stage will call on all members, schools and other local organisations to get involved spreading the word with the back up of the initial funding for POS.
- How much are your activities going to cost and how much do you need from Local Trust?
Please give as much detail as you can, including, where appropriate, hourly rates for work and services. To support your costings you may wish to send us the quotes that you have based them on. Give the total cost for your activities in column A and put how much you want from us in column B. As a reminder, you can only receive up to £20,000 through Getting Started.
Please check the guidance notes to make sure you are only applying for eligible costs and amounts. We may ask for quotes or more budget details during our assessment. Please ensure you check the total amount claimed and that the sums add up. Please also complete the budget summary below.
Getting Startedbudget summary – exampleA / B / C
Item or activity / Total costs / Requested from Local Trust(Maximum £20,000) / Balance funded through other sources
Example: printing of 1,000 new Big Local leaflets / £600.00 / £500.00 / £100.00
Example: facilitation of community visioning events (10, 3 hour events) / £2,500.00 / £2,500.00 / -
Example:employment of community liaison worker / £15,000.00 / £13,500.00 / £1,500.00
Example:setting up and maintain community website / £2,000.00 / £2,000.00 / -
Example: Total Getting Started –proposed budget / £20,100.00 / £18,500.00 / £1,600.00
Getting Startedbudget summary
A / B / C
Item or activity / Total costs / Requested from Local Trust (Maximum £20,000) / Balance funded through other sources
Marketing, ie website, Twitter, leaflets, Poster etc / £1500 / £1500
Community Projects fund / £4000 / £4000
Road show material / £1600 / £1500 / £100
Event hire and refreshments / £2000 / £2000 / £200
Computer, video and camera equipment (to assist in consultation and research, e.g. to carry out vox pop interviews) / £1000 / £1000
Training and Learning for group members / £3500 / £3500
Quick wins (i.e. projects brought forward by the group to make an immediate, visible impact) .
All Travel, transport hire costs
Salaries for Big Local work
Promotional DVD / £4000
£500 / £3000
Total Getting Started –proposed budget / £20300 / £20000 / £300
Total amount requested from Getting Started / £20000
If the total in column A is higher than the total in column B, where is the rest of the funding coming from? Please tell us if you already have this money(box will expand as you type).
Example: £1,600 is promised from Lloyds Bank.Local company’s who produce POS and the Cricket Club providing refreshments
Organisation details
We will need to review specific organisational and financial details for the organisation applying for funding for Getting Started.
- Does your organisation have a charity, company or other reference or registration number?
If so please write it below. If your organisation is unincorporated and not registered as a charity, please tick the box provided.
Charity number / HMRC charitable status numberCompany number / Other
(please specify)
Unincorporated and not registered as a charity (please tick)
- How many people are involved in running your organisation?
Tell us how many people are on your governing body or management committee. You must have at least three unrelated people on your governing body.
12- Total organisational annual income and expenditure
All organisations should complete this question, including statutory bodies.
Financial Year / Annual income / Annual expenditure2010 – 2011
Should correspond with audited annual accounts, if available for 2010-2011 / £110,000est / £109,000est
2011 – 2012
Should correspond with audited annual accounts, if available for 2011-2012 / £115,000est / £111,000est
Please submit copies of the followingdocuments along with your proposal:
- Copy of most recent audited annual accounts.
- Estimated cash flow (monthly) showing anticipated income and expenditure for 2012 -2013.
- Copy of your organisation’s constitution, Terms of Reference, Memorandum and Articles of Incorporation, Deed of Trust or similar document.
We confirm that we are duly authorised to sign this declaration on behalf of the applicant organisation.
We confirm that this proposal and the proposed activities within it have been authorised by the management committee, or governing body or board, or, if a statutory organisation, by a senior member of staff.
We certify that the information given in this proposal is true and confirm that the enclosures are current, accurate and adopted or approved by our organisation.
We understand that any offer of grant will be subject to the enclosed terms and conditions and we confirm that the organisation has the power to accept this grant if the proposal is successful and to repay it if the grant conditions are not met.
We understand that, if we make any seriously misleading statements (whether deliberate or accidental) at any stage during the proposal process, or if we knowingly withhold any information, this could make our proposal invalid and we will be liable to repay any funds.
We understand that Local Trust or Big Lottery Fund may commission an evaluation of the programme. We confirm that we will co-operate with any evaluation related activities which are required of us by Local Trust and further confirm that Local Trust may use any part of our proposal for evaluation or research purposes.
We have not altered or deleted the original wording and structure of this proposal form as it was originally provided or added to it in any way.
We confirm our organisation has the legal power to set up and deliver the activities described in this proposal form.
- Signatory one
This should be the chair, chief executive or person of similar authority in your organisation. If your organisation requires two signatures, please also complete the second signatory page, which follows. (For example, if your organisation is a company it may require signatures by two directors or a director and the company secretary.)
Mr, Mrs, Ms / Forenames (in full) / SurnameMrs / Dawn / Moran
Position / Chairman
Address including postcode for correspondence (if different from the address listed in question 1)
Main telephone number (or textphone) / 07807092008
Alternative telephone number (or textphone) if applicable
Email (if applicable) /
Signature / Date
Dawn Moran / 01-06-2012
On behalf of (organisation name)
Rastrick Cricket and Athletic Club
- Signatory two
If your organisation requires two signatures, please complete the details below.
Mr, Mrs, Ms / Forenames (in full) / SurnameMr / Andrew / Moran
Position / Secretary
Address including postcode for correspondence (if different from the address listed in question 1)
Main telephone number (or textphone) / 07807092008
Alternative telephone number (or textphone) if applicable
Email (if applicable) /
Signature / Date
Andrew Moran / 01-06-2012
On behalf of (organisation name)
Rastrick Cricket and Athletic Club
Getting Started
Note: Please print and submit this in hard copy form with your completed proposal.
Original signatures are required.
Name of organisation:Bank name:
Account name:
(Please note this should be the same as the name of the applying organisation.)
Sort Code:
Account number:
Authorised signatory 1 (sign here):
Title: / Full name:
Position held in organisation:
Contact tel no: / Contact fax no:
Authorised signatory 2 – if required (sign here):
Title: / Full name:
Position held in organisation:
Contact tel no: / Contact fax no: