Rules Lesson Plans
Location 1: CafeteriaRules:
(paste from Expectation/Rules Chart all rules under this location) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
EXAMPLE: Keep hands to yourself / Hands by side, in pockets, or behind back / Touching the walls or bulletin boards
Walk at all times, keeping your hands and feet to yourself. / Walk to lunch line, table and waiting area. Keep eyes on the person in front of you. / Pushing, bumping into others. Running back in forth to get items from the cafeteria.
Take all needed food, drink, utensils, condiments, and napkin to table. / Everything on your try that you need by the time you sit down at your table. / Going back and forth to get needed items.
Use your table manners. / Eat your own food only. Chew with mouth closed and use your napkin. / Sitting too close to peers, making fun of others’ food choices, leaving mess on table or face/hands, or eating others food.
Use “indoor voices”. / Speak in a low tone. / Talking loud.
Clean up your area. / Carry tray with two hands. Dispose of tray carefully and observe for spilled items. / Carrying tray with one hand. Dropping items that can cause someone to slip.
Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (2-3 resources with specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):
"Manners" visuals, student-created graphics;;;
Specific steps of Lesson Plan (3-5 sentences. Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):
1. Classroom discussion of cafeteria vocabulary: food, digestion, manners, nourish, enjoyment.2. Discuss dos and don’ts of behavior with food.
3. Practice walking, carrying tray, choosing condiments, utensils
4. Practice dismissal procedures
5. Role-play different scenarios in the cafeteria (requesting bathroom usage, leaving area clean, etc.)
Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates)
1. Aug. 22: first week of school: discussion, graphics/visuals, practice
2. Jan. 9: first week back from Winter Break
3. April 17: first week back from Spring Break
4. May 22-June 2; last two weeks of school
5. As indicated by student behaviors in cafeteria
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
Classroom/Specials teachers
Rules Lesson Plan
Location 2: PlaygroundRules:
(paste from Expectation/Rules Chart) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
EXAMPLE: Keep hands to yourself / Hands by side, in pockets, or behind back / Touching the walls or bulletin boards
I will speak kindly to all and make new friends. / Nice friendly language, playing with someone new. / Yelling, calling names, criticizing.
I will take turns and share playground equipment with others. / Taking turns going up and down the slide. / Not sharing, arguing and taking too many turns.
I will clean up after others and myself. / Pick up all items, carry to storage or other appropriate location. / Not assisting in clean up.
I will use all equipment in a functional manner (intended use). / Throwing balls, using buckets and shovels, shooting baskets. / Non-functional use of equipment.
I will line up using in an orderly manner. / Straight, quiet line, hands at sides, eyes forward, moving together. / Shoving, running, not coming when called.
Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):
Student health info (asthma, diabetes, heart disease, vision, hearing, etc.); children's literature on sharing and safe play (, SBBC Playground Manual pg. 38-40 ( steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):
1. Introduce vocabulary (share, take turns, play fair, etc.).2. Use children's lit to explore body types, talents, stamina, disability (sports stars who overcame).
3. Review Playground Rules/Expectations: exit classroom, transit, prepare for recess, pick up, enter classroom.
4. Review safety steps. (notify teacher of any debris, injuries, students playing inappropriately, and potentially harmful equipment, etc.)
Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates)
1. Aug. 22: first week of school: discussion, graphics/visuals, practice
2. Jan. 9: first week back from Winter Break
3. April 17: first week back from Spring Break
4. May 22-June 2; last two weeks of school
5. As indicated by student behaviors in cafeteria
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
Classroom/Specials teachers
Rules Lesson Plan
Location 3: HallwaysRules:
(paste from Expectation/Rules Chart) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
EXAMPLE: Keep hands to yourself / Hands by side, in pockets, or behind back / Touching the walls or bulletin boards
Maintain a single line / One student behind the other / Walking in mass, running, straggling behind/or ahead of line
Use “low or no” voices / No talking / Loud conversation, yelling, screaming
Stay on the right side of the hallway / Be on the right side of the hallway / Walking all over the hallway
Keep hands and feet to yourself / Hands by your side or behind your back / Walking/playing all over the hallway
Always walk with a buddy to a requested area. / When going to a requested area, walk with a buddy / Running alone loudly to the office
Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):;; Paths lesson 6Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):
Students will participate in class discussion of hallway expectations with modeling and role-playing.Skills are taught each morning at the beginning of the day.
Students practice the skill displaying the hallway expectation each morning and during each transition.
Curriculum: PATHs (CD) Lesson 6: Waiting in Line.
Students will break into teams to create positive Hallway Behavior posters.
Students will share posters with the class and on in-house announcement program.
Students will vote on their class posters and that will be posted in the hall.
Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates)
1. Initial instruction Week 1 and Week 2 of school year. August 22-September 2, 2016
2. Week of January 9-13, 2017. All Teachers review of hallway expectations and behaviors.
3. Week of April 17-21, 2017. All teachers initiate review of hallway expectations and behaviors.
4. May 22-June 2; last two weeks of school
5. As indicated by student behaviors in cafeteria
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
Homeroom/Specials teachers