Syllabus and Expectations
Spanish 3 Regular
Contextual theme for the year:
I am going to visit a Spanish speaking country. How will it change me?
- You need to brush up on your language skills first. (BOOT CAMP)
- You are starting to meet people and finding out basic information about them.(COMO SOY)
- You want to find out what it’s like to be a teenager in this country.(POP CULTURE)
- You want to go explore the Spanish speaking world. You have been bitten by the travel bug and have permission to go abroad.(QUIERO VER EL MUNDO)
- You are ready to go. How do you get there and how do you get around once you are there? (SURVIVAL SKILLS)
- You are now back home and starting to think about how you can keep travel and languages in your life for as long as possible. You are starting to think a little about your future career plans.(MI FUTURO)
Students will:Identify at least one Spanish speaker they can “use” this year
Review high-frequency words and the present tense
Essential question:Are all people basically similar?
Students should be able to use Spanish to:say hello/goodbye/ introduce someone
Describe themselves and other people
Talk about what they like/love, what bores them
Talk about what they do in their spare time
Interpretive Task:Listen to videos and read transcripts from Spanish Proficiency Exercises (University of Texas). Answer comprehension questions.
Interpersonal Task:Your friend has someone they want you to meet from Spain. Make plans via text then meet at a café and get to know each other.
Presentational Task:You have decided to do an exchange program between your school and a school in Spain. The coordinators have to match up students with host families. Create a video to introduce yourself – All About Me. Introduce and describe yourself as well as your family and friends. Describe where you live. Also, show and tell them what you like to do in your spare time.
Essential question:What’s it like to be a teenager in a Spanish speaking country? Are they like me?
Students should be able to use Spanish to:express opinions and preferences
Exchange information through conversations, notes, etc.
Describe relationships with friends/parents/teachers
Describe a typical weekend in the US
Compare teen freedom vs. parental control
Recount a sporting event
Interpretive Task:Create a survey of teens to be sent to teens in Spanish Speaking Countries. Prepare a synopsis of the results of the survey.
Interpersonal Task:Interview a partner using the same survey questions. Answer them as they pertain to you. Additionally, talk about which country you would prefer to be a teenager in and why.
Presentational Task:In pairs create a page website (using Así Es La Vida. Each person will be in charge of two pages: (clothes, music, entertainment, relationships (Dear Abby format), and current problems (drinking, parents, etc)
Essential question:What can I see and do in a Spanish speaking country?
Students should be able to use Spanish to:relate past events
Use persuasive argument
Prepare for a trip
Comprehend travel blogs/articles
Talk about/recognize the benefits of travel
Identify indigenous cultures
Interpretive task:read part of travel blog (esp. biography) Viajando por ahí
Read travel blogs/articles on
Watch videos
Interpersonal task:You want to get out of your bubble. (role play) Convince your parents to let you go backpacking. Answer their concerns about safety, money, destination, etc.
Presentational task:You convinced them! But they (and your friends) want to be kept up on the progress of your trip. Make up an itinerary and then keep a blog for a week detailing all the things you see and do. At the end of your trip, make sure to sum up the whole experience, including what, if anything you learned, as well as the high point and low point of your trip.
Essential question:Am I prepared to survive 2 weeks in a Spanish speaking country?
Students should be able to use Spanish to:get from the airport/station to a hotel
Change money
Order/buy food
Buy clothes/shoes/souvenirs
Find a location on a map
Report an emergency (criminal or medical)
Present Perfect/Present/Preterite/Informal Commands
Interpretive Task:Listen to a audio, fill in chart and answer comprehension questions.
Interpersonal Task:role play arrival/change money/getting transportation/hotel/ shopping when a crime or medical emergency occurs
Presentational Task:(Using Photostory, Voicethread, Glogster or other..) to create a visual brochure
-Where do you arrive?
-What is the best way to get to your hostel?
- Where is the best place to change money and why?
- Where are good places to eat? What should you eat? What time should you eat?
- Emergency Contacts
- map of public transportation
- Where should I shop and when?
- What places should I avoid and why? What are some safety precautions?
Essential questions:What are my short/long term goals as a student, friend, adult? (personally and professionally?)
What careers are out there and what do I need to do to prepare myself?
Interpretive Task:Read resumes and job descriptions to match potential job seekers.
Presentational Task:You are going to show other students what you have learned about potential careers. Prepare your booth for the job fair your class will put on. Create a poster or other visual that describes a career/job. Include a general job description, what type of person would do well at this job, what educational or other requirements are needed as well as this career’s prospects for the future.
Interpersonal Task:Put on a career fair for students in Spanish 3 Pre-AP, 4 and 5. Answer the questions they have prepared for you.
Classroom expectations
Warm up: You will always have a task to complete at the beginning of the period. This is typically a review of what has been covered in class. Do not discard your warm up activities. They are picked up for a grade and you can earn participation creditevery daywhen you share your thoughts.
Homework: Homework assignments will be posted on the website. Please bookmark the website.
Late work: Late work is accepted. You will be penalized 15 points for the first calendar day. Late work is accepted up until a week after the due date.
Make-up work: It is your responsibility to ask for make-up work. Please visit me after school, ask one of your classmates to pick up any handouts, or contact me electronically at both emails listed on the website if you prefer.
Tutoring: Tutoring is available after school. Please schedule an appointment.
Retake: You can retake a quiz or a test for a maximum grade of a 70. (100 X.70 = 70)
Copying or Cheating: Will result in NO CREDIT for all involved. I will also pick up work from other classes and turn them in to your teacher. You are expected to do your own work at all times. Google translate is not allowed to do the work for you.
Extra credit: Opportunities are provided occasionally. They will be posted on the website.
Missing grades/incorrect grade: Keep all your graded work to provide proof of the correct grade. I also make mistakes.
Grade calculation:
45% major
20% minor
25% daily and homework
10% participation
Tips on Learning a Second Language
Not only is it memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary, it is practice! Make yourself use what you learn by speaking, listening, writing, and reading in Spanish.
Don’t only use your visual memory; make your mouth or hand do what your mind is learning! Study out loud, study with a friend, and try to write sentences or a short paragraph using the skills you have practiced orally.
Study every day! We don’t get by in a second language course by cramming in at the last minute or by trying to do your best the last week of the six weeks.
Review “old” topics and “old” vocabulary –language learning is cumulative.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes! Speaking is the most difficult of the skills. Get your point across, make yourself understood!