Personality Interpretations


The letter with the greatest total reflects your natural personality. The number of responses from multiple columns suggests the amount of blend your personality represents. You have only one basic personality, but you may be a strong blend (behaviorally) of two personalities, depending on your responses. However, your motive (not your behavior) determines your primary personality.

Mixed Colors

The most difficult color combination is read and blue. If you are strong in both categories, you will often find yourself stepping on someone’s toes to get a task completed (Red), but feeling guilty afterward for making that person unhappy (Blue).

Red and Blue. The most difficult color combination is red and blue. If you are strong in both categories, you will often find yourself stepping on someone’s toes to get a task completed (Red), but feeling guilty afterward for making that person unhappy (Blue).

Red and White. Red-White combos are difficult to read because they can be aggressive and determined one minute (Red), then quietly passive the next (White). If you fit this category, your guiding motive is power or peace rather than intimacy, which spares you the intense struggle of the Red-Blue combination. You are likely to be misunderstood because your behavior is inconsistent, and you don’t easily allow others to figure you out.

Red and Yellow. If you’re a Red-Yellow, you are a natural leader and find yourself in a comfortable blend. The Red dynamically directs your life, while the Yellow charismatically invites others to enjoy your friendship.

Blue and White. If you’re a Blue-White combo, you are comfortable. You express yourself softly and sincerely. You personality is easy to read. People find you determined, yet flexible. You are someone with whom almost anyone can get along.

Blue and Yellow. Blue-Yellows are fun to tease. The can be footloose and carefree one minute then suddenly turn very serious the next. They may pack the neighborhood kids in the van and race to the beach for a day of sun and fun. But once there, they’ll start to worry about all the things they should be doing at home.

If White and Yellow are your two strong colors, you possess the best people skills of all the personalities. You are relaxed and usually take the path of least resistance. You do not experience much conflict between your colors, despite the different motives represented by each. You are comfortable with your blend and present an inviting atmosphere to those around you.

Ultimately-whoever you are-you are driven by one basic personality!!


Reds are hungry for power. They want their own way. They may have been raised in environments where they were able to manipulate their parents and siblings. They become difficult to manage as they get older.

Reds want to be productive. They like to work in school, their careers and in their relationships. Reds like to get the job done. They are often workaholics. They will, however, resist being forced to do anything that doesn’t interest them.

Reds want to look good to others. They crave approval from others for their intelligence and insight. They want to be respected even more than they want to be loved. They want to be admired for their logical, practical minds. Reds are unmoved by tears and other displays of “weakness.”

Reds shouldn’t be taken too seriously. They are often just stating the facts as they see them, despite their antagonistic demeanor. They love to debate! Reds enjoy a good power play. But once you get emotionally involved arguing issues, you may be disappointed and frustrated to find that Red is no longer interested.

Reds seek leadership opportunities. Often called “control freaks.” They like to be in the driver’s seat. If a Red can get the upper hand, he or she will. Reds are willing to pay any price in order for an opportunity to lead.

Side Heading: Blues

Blues are motivated by altruism. Blues love to do nice things for others. They look for opportunities to give up something in order to bring another person happiness. Many Blues are uncomfortable doing things solely for themselves.

Blues crave intimacy. Blues want to love and be loved. A Blue will sacrifice a successful career to improve an important relationship. Blues are gratified when they are listened to, when they feel understood and appreciated. Blues may have their hearts broken more than most people, but they also spend much more time in love.

Blues need to be loved. Blues expend such great effort in making the world a better place that sometimes they need to be told how wonderful they are. They need sincere gratitude. They delight in being remembered on birthdays and other special days. Blues need tender loving care.

Blues are directed by a strong moral conscience. They are motivated to behave in a proper, appropriate manner. Blues enjoy being “good”. Of all the colors, Blues come equipped with the strongest sense of integrity. A Blue would rather lose than cheat. They are trustworthy.


Whites are motivated by peace. They will do anything to avoid confrontation. They like to flow through life without hassle or discomfort.

Whites need kindness. They respond beautifully to thoughtfulness and amiability. They have a strong, silent stubbornness that surfaces when they are treated unkindly. They resent being scolded. They dislike harsh words. They are motivated by kindness and can’t understand why other people are unkind.

Whites like to keep a low profile. They enjoy their quiet independence. Those who misinterpret the peace-loving nature of a White as an invitation to be demanding and bossy will soon meet a wall of passive resistance. Whites are tougher than people think.

They like to be asked their opinions. They won’t volunteer them. They need to be coaxed to talk about their skills, hobbies, and interests.

Whites are independent. They avoid being controlled. They simply refuse to be under another’s thumb, especially when treated without respect they feel they deserve. Whites want to do things their own way, in their own time. They will only express their anger and frustration when they can no longer stand being bossed around.

Whites are motivated by other people’s desires. They welcome help – they are eager students. They make agreeable dates. They are interested in making sure the other person has a good time, and are willing to do whatever the other person wants.

Side Heading: Yellows

Yellows value play. They consider life to be a party. And they’re hosting. They just want to have fun!

Yellows welcome praise. They need to be noticed. Yellows need to know they are valued and approved of. Yellows often act as though they have the world by the tail, but they do have their fears and frustrations. Love is most effectively given to yellows through praise.

Yellows need intimacy. Yellows need a great deal of attention. They need to be stroked. Yellows enjoy touching. To them, physical contact is the most direct, most intimate connection.

Yellows want to be popular. They like to be a t center stage. Socially looking good is very important to them. Friendships command a high priority in their lives. They are highly verbal. They relish good conversation, but they can also go with the flow and chit-chat superficially with the best of them.

Yellows like action. They are easily bored and seek adventure. They can never sit still for long. They choose friends who, like them, refuse to allow the “boring details” to get in the way of the most important thing in life – play!