N. Tippens
- ATTENDANCE: Refer to the student handbook for school policy.
- FIELD TRIPS: Please give me advanced notice when you participate in a field trip so that you do not fall behind in your class. Work is due ON or BEFORE the day of the field trip.
- TARDIES: The classroom door will be closed as the final bell rings. You must be in your seat at the bell. If you are not in the room, entrance into the room will be handled according to school policy as outlined in the student handbook. Detention will be served for the SECOND tardy in a marking period.
- HALL PASSES: Hall passes are issued only in extreme emergencies. If a pass is needed, I will issue the pass. All passes will be written in ink. Upon your return to the classroom, the pass will be returned to me. Only one person is permitted to be out of the room at a time.
- INDIVIDUAL HELP: Help will be available before and after school by appointment only.
- MAKE-UP TESTS: Tests will be made up after school. If you are absent only on the testday, the test will be the day you return.
- DISMISSAL: The bells are to inform me that the period is over. They are not a signal for you to leave the room. NO ONE IS TO STAND IN THE CLASSROOM DOOR WAITING DISMISSAL.
- LABORATORIES: All labs will be conducted in a manner consistent with the laboratory safety rules that are given out at the beginning of the semester and re-emphasized at the beginning of each laboratory class.
- CLASSWORK: All classwork is due at the end of the class period. Your NAME should be at the TOP of the RIGHT-HAND side of the paper, followed by the DATE and the PERIOD. Put the PAGE and PROBLEM ASSIGNMENT on the UPPER LEFT-HAND side of the page followed by the word "CLASSWORK." If any of this is missing, the grade will be reduced by 10 points.
- HOMEWORK: All homework is due the next school day unless you are told differently. Papers are to be headed as in number 10 above except that the word "HOMEWORK" is to be written below the assignment.
- ARRANGEMENTS FOR MAKE-UP WORK are to be made on the day that you return to school after an EXCUSED absence. Absences are considered unexcused until I have signed the proper form given to you by your homeroom teacher. The number of days that you will have to complete the makeup work will be determined by the length of your absence and will begin the day you return to school even if you delay in having your absence excused.
- LATE WORK: No late work will be accepted.
- BOOKS: Your name and my name are to be written in the appropriate place in the front of the book. Otherwise, DO NOT WRITE IN OR ON YOUR BOOKS!
- STUDYING: Nightly study will improve your grades. 30 minutes a night is my suggestion.
- REMEMBER: I do not give grades. You receive the grade that you have earned. I will be happy to discuss your grade at any time before or after class, or before or after school; but not during class time.
Student Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature