Health Services Management Centre



User Guide

October 2009

What is WebCT

WebCT is a private Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Through WebCT, you will be able to access materials, submit assignments and receive feedback, communicate with fellow students and much more!

Elements include:

  • Course content and material
  • Assignment submission and feedback
  • Discussion forums
  • University resources e.g. library resources
  • External links: specialist databases/reading materials/websites/partner organisations/relevant news and events
  • Announcements
  • Programme calendar

WebCT is web based and therefore accessible anywhere and anytime - all that is needed is an Internet connection and your University of Birmingham username and password. This will be available to all students automatically upon registration. If you encounter any problems in using your username/password, please contact the IT Help Desk.

Logging On

You can log on via the University’s e-learning support website known as WebLearn ( As long as your browser is compatible, you should be able to access WebCT from any computer with an Internet connection.

On the front page, you will see a Log In box on the right hand side. Next, click on the ‘Log in to WebCT 2009/10’ box. This will take you to the log in page. Then, when requested, enter your username and password (these will be the ones you have been sent in your registration pack). However, before you enter your username/password for the first time, you need to do a browser check.

What comes next?

The first page displayed when you log on is called My WebCT. Below the logo bar and the toolbar are a series of rectangular areas called channels.

Some channels, like the Calendar Day, To Do List and Personal Bookmarks, can be modified to suit your individual needs. You can do this by using the Channels button towards the top right of your screen and the My Settings button.

You can then go into the My Tool Options, and scroll down the page through the various options. For example, you can change the way that your Calendar looks, and you can alter the font onscreen.

To exit from this you can just click the Log out button on the top right of the screen. When you log back into WebCT, you will see the Course List channel (in the centre of the screen) which displays a list of all the WebCT sections (modules) to which you have access. This list is specific to you.

You will see the relevant module listed - click on this link to go to the module homepage

It is important that you visit the WebCT course page regularly to keep up to date with course information and updates

Programme/Module Content

All Programme and Module information will be available on WebCT.

This information will include:

  • Module handbooks
  • Lecture slides and notes
  • Readings
  • Joining instructions
  • Pre-work

Using the Discussions tool

The Discussions tool allows you to engage in an ongoing dialogue with staff and other students. This tool is divided into topics (which are grouped into categories). When the toolbar button is used to access discussions, a full list of topics (and categories) is shown. However, all other icons and links to discussions will lead directly to the topic.

Messages in a topic will have different subject titles identifying sub-themes. It is important when you post a message to makesure that the subject title you use clearly relates to what is contained in the message.Messages are arranged in threads and stored in folders. Threads are akin to conversations where individuals take turns to contribute. Discussion board messages are visible to the whole group.

A list of messages can be displayed either as unthreaded (i.e. a simple list), or threaded (where messages are shown grouped by subject and with replies indented from earlier messages). The threaded view is designed to show the progress of a dialogue. In the threaded view, you just need to click to expand or collapse a thread.

To view a message, click on its subject title. Alternatively, you can click the thread button to display a compilation of all messages with the same subject title.

Then click on the Reply button to post a response to a message.

To post a message(starting a new thread), click Create Message. Type the Subject heading, turn the HTML Creator on (and wait a second for the screen to refresh), then type the Message itself. Click Post and the message is posted.

It is very important that you take care in the use of subject headings. Do make them reflect the message content/theme, rather than just using a blanket phrase. If the message is in response to one already posted on the discussion board, it is useful to link it to that message - perhaps by starting with, say, ‘In response to xxx’s message …’, or ‘I agree/disagree with xxx …’ If you are replying but are changing topic slightly, then ensure that the subject heading reflects the change in topic. Otherwise, when you go back to review your messages later (if revising for an assignment, for example), then you will not find what you are looking for if all the subject titles are the same.

To post a message with attachments, create the message as above. Then click on Add Attachments. The large box which appears on the screen contains a smaller box on the top left My Computer. Click on that to select a file from your computer to add as an attachment. Select the file and this will appear as an attachment to the message (directly underneath the Add Attachments box). Then click Post and the message will be added to the discussion board.

Guidance on submission of assignments

Students are able to submit their assignments electronically via Blackboard, using the Assignments tab. Assignments should not be posted, faxed or sent directly to University staff, or submitted in any other way.

The Assignments tab is located on the left hand side of Blackboard under ‘Course tools’ and will help you manage your assignments on Blackboard. When you select the ‘Assignments’ tab you will see the following screen:

  • Inbox: Lists new assignments which you can select to view more details and submit your completed assignment
  • Submitted: Lists details of your submitted assignments
  • Graded: Contains feedback and grades on submissions that have been marked

Once a new assignment has been released, it will be available to view from the ‘Assignments’ tab under ‘Inbox’. Assignments may also be made available from individual module pages on Blackboard.

By selecting the assignment title, full details of the assignment requirements will be available to view. Students can upload their completed assignments by selecting the ‘Add Attachments’ button and then submit them by selecting the ‘Submit’ button. Please note that assignments must be uploaded as a PDF document, and if this is not possible then you must still submit electronically via Blackboard (e.g. standard Word document) but also send one hard copy to the Postgraduate Office, to arrive no later than 48 hours after submission deadline.

For instructions on how to save a standard Word document as a PDF file, please refer to the ‘Assessment’ section on Blackboard.

It’s important to allow plenty of time to submit assignment files and to never leave it till the last minute, especially if a slow or intermittent connection to the internet is being used. You can check that an assignment has been successfully submitted by going to the ‘Submitted’ tab (shown above) which lists the assignments you have submitted.

In the event of being unable to submit an assignment due to a system failure you must

(a) notify the Postgraduate office by telephone - Jose Adkins (0121 414 2280)

(b) submit a hard copy of the assignment to the Postgraduate office, and

(c) submit the assignment electronically as soon as your access is restored.

General Advice

Communications logs and your grades are only visible to the course tutor and the postgraduate office. They are not visible to other students. Your gradesand other information are not discussed openly with others.

To communicate with your fellow students you would normally use the discussion board. These postings will be visible on screen to all in your discussion group. However, if you want to send a more private email (to another member of the group, or to one of the HSMC administrative staff), it is best to use the normal email system.

While online modules are secure in that only those enrolled or associated with the module are given access, it is recommended that you exercise good judgment when posting or emailing confidential information, just as you would if sharing confidential information in a traditional classroom environment.

The University of Birmingham takes the utmost care to protect the privacy and security of your personal information and to ensure its accuracy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • I am unable to log on to WebCT

Student usernames normally consist of three characters followed by three digits (e.g. bjs726). Default passwords for students will vary depending on your start date. Your passwords will be detailed on your registration letter. Check that you are using the correct username/password and if you still have a problem contact the IT Help desk.

  • What browser should I use to access WebCT?

Although many browsers will work well, the best browsers to use for WebCT are Internet Explorer and Netscape. The browser must support 128-bit encryption to successfully connect to WebCT. Also, your browser security settings must allow enabled cookies and Java applets to run. If any of these settings are not as described, you will encounter errors and possibly not even be able to access WebCT at all. Accessing WebCT through AOL can be difficult. For AOL users, minimize your AOL screen and use Internet Explorer or Netscape to access Vista.

  • I cannot see my section (course) listed in My WebCT

If you are able to log on to WebCT but cannot find a particular section (programme/module) listed in WebCT, then you will need to email the Administration Office.

  • I can log on to WebCT, but I get the error message “Error: Session Already Running”

You cannot have more than one Vista window open at a time. Try closing all browser windows and logging on again.

  • I cannot attach an assignment

It sounds like you don’t have Java installed on your computer. You must have Java enabled in order to use WebCT Vista. If you’re not sure if you have Java, you can check here:

  • How do I copy and paste into the discussion board?

To copy text from a word processing programme and paste the text into a discussion board message, follow the steps below:

1. Highlight the text you wish to copy by clicking the mouse at the beginning of the text. Continue holding the mouse button down and drag it to the end of the text that you want highlighted.

2. Right click on the highlighted section, then select Copy. (You may also use the keyboard shortcut to copy: hold the ‘Ctrl’ key down and press the ‘C’ key.)

3. Go to Create Message, click on Enable HTML (if you have not already set this to come on automatically), and, once the screen has refreshed, click the cursor at the point in your message where you would like to insert the text, then right click and select Paste. (You may also use the keyboard shortcut to paste: hold the ‘Ctrl’ key down and press the ‘V’ key.)

  • I receive a “Page cannot be displayed” error message

If you receive this error message when trying to access WebCT, follow the simple steps below to remedy the situation:

1. Open your Browser window.

2. Click Tools > Internet Options.

3. Click on the AdvancedTab.

4. Scroll down to the Browser section and find the item “Display friendly HTTP error messages”.

5. Ensure this box is Unchecked.

6. Click Apply.

7. Click OK.

  • I am navigating round WebCT and have suddenly become lost

Either click on Home Page in the breadcrumbs across the top of the screen (or the little house icon on the left hand menu of your screen), or log out and start again.

  • I can’t find what I am looking for in WebCT

On the Course toolbar down the left hand side you will find a Search button. Pressing this allows you to search through the course using different criteria. Try it. If you still cannot find what you are looking for, post a message to the Administration Office.

  • Who do I contact if I have a query?

For academic queries, contact the tutor for the particular module concerned (by regular email); for technical queries, use the technical queries box; and for everything else, contact the Postgraduate Office.

  • I have found the journal I want, have selected a ‘provider’ but am being asked for a username and password. What do I do?

When you select your journal in the eLibrary, you are given a list of ‘providers’. Usually, when you click on a provider you are taken straight through to the journal you are seeking. Occasionally, you will find that the page which comes up asks for a username and password. Do not enter anything here. Look around the page and you should see a box to click on which is labelled Athens login (often in the top of the page). Click on that and it should give you access. If you continue to have a problem, go back and try one of the other providers on the list.