Wareham St. Martin Parish Council
I certify that the accounts contained in this annual return present fairly the financial position of the council, are consistent with the underlying financial records and have been prepared on a receipts and payments basis.
Responsible Financial Officer MDWeller Date 25.11.2002
I confirm that these accounts were approved by the Council and recorded as council minute reference 02/132 dated 11th November 2002
Signed on behalf of the above Council
Chair FDBoatswain Date 25.11.2002
Items / Last Year(£) / This Year
(£) / Notes/Guidance
1. Balances brought forward / 16072 / 17880 / Total balances and reserves at beginning of year as recorded
In the Council's financial records
2. Annual Precept received / 19078 / 19487 / Total amount of Precept income received in the year
3. Total Receipts received / 4258 / 1004 / Total income or receipts as recorded in the cashbook minus
the Precept
4. Staff Costs / 6503 / 7195 / Total expenditure or payments made to and on behalf of
Council employees, include salaries and wages, PAYE and NI
(employees and employers), pension contributions, expenses
5. Loan interests/repayments / 1899 / Nil / Total expenditure or payments of capital and interest made
during the year on the Council's borrowings (if any)
6. Total payments out / 13126 / 9415 / Total expenditure or payments as recorded in cashbook minus
employment costs and loan/interest expenditure/payments
7. Balances carried forward / 17880 / 21761 / Total balances and reserves at the end of the year
8. Total Cash + Investments / 17880 / 21839 / Sum of all current and deposit bank accounts, cash holdings
and investments held as at 31.3.2002.
9. Total Fixed Assets / 21869 / 22166 / Recorded current book value at 31.3.2002 of all tangible
fixed assets owned by the Council as recorded in the
Asset Register
10 Total Borrowings / Nil / Nil / Outstanding capital balance as at 31.3.2002 of all loans from
Third parties
Also attached is a bank reconciliation as at the 31st March 2002 and any necessary explanation for variations between the previous and latest year's accounts.
We acknowledge as the members of Wareham St Martin Parish Council our responsibility for the preparation of the accounts and confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, with respect to the Council's accounts for the year ended 31st March 2002 that :
Agreed / Yes means that the CouncilWe have approved the accounts which have been
prepared in accordance with the requirements of the
Accounts & Audit Regulations 1996 and proper
accounting practice. / Yes / Prepared its accounts in the
Way prescribed by law
We have maintained an adequate system of internal control, including measures designed to prevent and detect fraud and corruption / No / Made proper arrangements and accepted responsibility for safe-guarding the public money and resources in its charge
We have taken all reasonable steps to assure ourselves that there are no matters of actual or potential non-compliance with laws, regulations and codes of practice which could have a significant financial effect on the ability of the Council to conduct its business or on its finances / Yes / Has only done things that it has the legal power to do and has conformed to codes of practice and standards in the way it has done so
We have carried out an assessment of the risks facing the Council and taken appropriate steps to manage those risks, including the introduction of internal controls and/or external insurance cover where required / Yes / Considered all the risks it faces in the operation of the Council and has deal with them properly
We have appointed an internal auditor who is both competent and who has acted independently from influence by the Council / Yes / Arranged for a person unconnected with the Council to check that its activities are properly carried out and recorded
We have taken what we consider to be appropriate action on all matters raised in previous reports from the internal and external auditors / Yes / Followed the advice received from its auditors
We have provided proper opportunity for the exercise of electors' rights in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts & Audit Regulations 1996 / Yes / Has given all persons interested the opportunity to inspect and ask questions about the Council's business
We are not aware of any litigation, liabilities or commitments, events or transactions, occurring either during or after the end of the financial year being reported, other than those included in the accounts / Yes / Disclosed everything it should have about its business during the year including events taking place after the year-end if relevant
This Statement of Assurance is approved by the Council and recorded as Council Minute Reference 02/132 dated 11th November 2002
Signed on behalf of Wareham St Martin Parish Council
Certified by Chair FD Boatswain Dated 25th November 2002
Clerk MDWeller Dated 25th November 2002
We certify that we have completed the audit of the annual return of Wareham St Martin Parish Council for the year ended 31st March 2002.
Respective Responsibilities of the Council and the Auditor
The Council is responsible for the preparation of the accounts in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts & Audit Regulations 1996 and for the preparation of an annual return which:
v Summarises the Council's accounting records for the year ended 31 March 2002, and
v Confirms and provides assurance on those matters that are important to our audit responsibilities
Our responsibility is to conduct an audit in accordance with guidance issued by the Audit Commission and, on the basis of our review of the annual return and supporting information, to report whether any matters that come to our attention give cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met.
"No internal control reviews were carried out during the year to ensure that the Council had an adequate system of internal control."
Signature HLB AV Audit plc Date 20.2.2003
Name Charter Court, Third Avenue
Southampton SO15 0AP
Note - The auditor signing this page has been appointed by the Audit Commission and is reporting to you that he/she has carried out and completed all the work that is required of him/her by law.
Wareham St Martin Parish Council
for year ended 31.3.2002
The Parish Council is a party to the Wareham Joint Burial Committee and has a share in the Burial Ground Assets – one cemetery is at Connegar Lane, Wareham and the new Hill View Cemetery is approximately 100 metres along Worgret Road, between the roundabout and Worgret Manor Hotel Wareham.
The Parish Council contributed towards the Parish War Memorial and continues to pay insurance for the boundary maintenance and has undertaken to pay any rent due to Dorset County Council for the area covered by the memorial - this has not yet been determined. The War Memorial stands within the perimeter fence at the entrance to Sandford Middle School, Sandford Road, Sandford.
Purchase Supplier Map Item Purchase Value to
Date Ref Price Replace
1984 1 13 street lights £3,300 £4,800
2 Cement bus shelter £1,800
3 Brick bus shelter £2,000
18.10.93 Broxay & County Ltd 4 Wooden seat £ 240.88 £ 600
Morrish Builders 5 10ft x 6ft land £1 nominal
17.01.94 Queensbury Int. 6 Bus Shelter £1,098.63 £1,800
21.08.95 B Cruse 7 Noticeboards £ 133.00 £1,080
18.09.95 Pat Sheldon Ass 8 Geotextile membrane £ 110.73 £ 200
18.09.95 J J Jacobs 8 Impact ab Surfaces £1,600.00 £2,200
16.10.95 Savack Services 8 Climbing frame £ 193.87 £ 750
22.01.96 Queensbury Int 9 Bus shelter £1,313.65 £1,800
12.07.96 Glasdon UK Ltd 10 Dog bins (7) £ 821.99 £ 750
20.10.97 Glasdon UK Ltd 11 Dog bins (2) £ 291.15 £ 210
20.04.98 N H Selby 12 Noticeboards (2) £ 145.20 £ 170
08.06.98 Canon UK Ltd 13 Photocopier £ 576.00 £ 650
08.03.99 Glasdon UK Ltd 14 Dog bins (2) £ 166.20 £ 170
09.04.99 Eaghan Limited 15 Ftpth 28 + kissing gate £ 1.00 £ 250
10.05.99 N H Selby 16 Noticeboards (2) £ 151.60 £ 160
10.05.99 Purbeck District Cncl 17 2nd hand laser printer £- £ 300
13.09.99 Jacksons 18 War Memorial Gate £ 281.90 £ 282
08.11.99 N H Selby 19 Noticeboard £ 75.80 £ 80
13.12.99 Jacksons 20 Farm Gate FP28 £ 91.39 £ 92
10.01.2000 A R Fabb Bros 21 Chairman's Badge £ 574.47 £ 600
10.04.2000 Waterside Print 22 Information Board £ 150.00 £ 175
10.07.2000 Autocross Limited 23 Bus shelter £2,197.10 £2,750
09.07.2001 Purbeck Sealed Unit 24 Notice Board £ 265.00 £ 265
Cement bus shelter was hit by an army tank! Demolished and replaced.
Wareham St Martin Parish Council
as at 31.3.2002
Minute Ref. Payee Amount Basis
01/29 Sandford Youth Club £100 For equipment
01/31(d) Wareham & District Crime
Prevention Panel £50 Community safety
01/46 Mr M Ashe £25 Developing web site
01/88 Sandford Church £100 Sandford News
01/187 Sandford Royal British Legion £20 Poppy Donation
01/208 Sandford Youth Club £150 For equipment
02/241 Wareham Town Council £200 Support Jubilee Celebrations
02/243 Cold Harbour Trigon and £250 Contribution to legal costs fighting
Area Action landfill application
02/249(c) Citizens Advice Bureau £50 Contribution to service
Limit for spending 2001/2002 was £3.50 x 2188 electors = £7,658
Total of payments made were £945