To: ______, Principal
My student, ______, will not be participating inany Washington Assessment of Student Learning, to include WASL, DAW, WAAS,Pilot WASLs (PE, Music, Social Studies) or State Portfolio Assessments used for students in special programs, during the current school year (2006-2007). I understand that it is my legal right as parent/guardian to opt ______(student) out of state testing.
I also understand that the school will provide appropriate, alternative, learning activities during testing times (please see attached letter regarding appropriate engagement of students).
I do not want any record of WASL testing in my student’s permanent file.Furthermore, my son/daughter is not to be penalized for opting out of state testing.As is stated in the WASL Technical Report, “Scores from one test given on a single occasion should never be used to make important decisions about students’ placement, the type of instruction they receive, or retention in a given grade level in school.” Likewise, the fact that my student is not taking this single test should not be used to make important decisions about him/her or the instruction he/she receives. Decisions about my student should be made by his/her teacher(s), counselors and me, based on daily work and a variety of assessments.I am to be notified prior to any placement decisionsbeing made. This includes considering my studentfor "academic enrichment" or remediation classes or the writing of a student learning plan.
It is unfortunate that the school will receive a zero for my student’s untaken test, but this is the responsibility of the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Please contact OSPI with your concerns regarding this policy.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Please consider this document my official opt out statement. I will not be signing additional form(s).
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
cc district superintendent, classroom teachers