Personal Fitness Oconee County High School
Instructors: Eades, Harrison,Stamey
Course Description: Students will be provided with instruction in the methods to attain a health enhancing level of physical fitness. We will cover the appropriate method of developing a lifetime fitness program based on a fitness assessment with emphasis on strength, flexibility, and endurance. Students physical assessments will be conducted (pre, and post)and students will be expected to meet or exceed Fitness gram fitness standards.The Fitness Gram Fitness Assessment is a state mandated requirement. The students will participate in class discussions, keep accurate records in their person fitness plans, and participate everyday in all fitness activities. THIS COURSE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR GRADUATION.
Course Outline:
- Unit 1 : Foundations of Personal Fitness
- Unit 2: Skill Related and Health Related Fitness
- Unit 3: Goal Setting
- Unit 4: Developing Muscular Strength and Endurance through the Science of Weight Training
- Unit 5: Exercise and Safety
- Unit 6: Cardiovascular Fitness Training
- Unit 7: Designing Physical Activity and Exercise Programs
- Unit 8: Sportsmanship
Textbook: Murray, Tinker D. and Don L. Rainey. (1997). Foundations of Personal Fitness: Anybody Can Be Fit. Lincolnwood, Illinois: National Textbook Company. If students lose the textbook they are required to pay for it. The replacement cost for the textbook is $57.13.
Teacher Expectations:
Materials Needed:
Notebook –Students are required to keep a notebook. Your instructor will provide you with specifics about the notebook requirements.
Lock –$2.50 lock rental, $2.50 locker rental. It is highly suggested that students have a lock and a locker so they can secure their belongings every day. Oconee County High School is not responsible for items that are lost due to theft.
Exercise Clothing – T-shirts with sleeves or sweatshirt, loose or mid-thigh shorts or sweatpants, jogging shoes, socks. (Dress for the weather). Students are not allowed to wear finger/toed shoes or any type of flip flops.
Weekly Schedule: Your weekly schedule and assignments will be determined by your instructor.
Late Work:
All assignments are due on the assigned date. Any assignment not turned in on the day it is due is subject to a 50% reduction in grade on the next day. Credit for the assignment is up to the individual teacher. EXCEPTION: journal entries will not be accepted late.
Excused and unexcused absences must be made up to receive full participation credit. Make up work will be 18 laps (jogging or walking) in the gym prior to the start of the school day for every day they are unable to actively participate in class. Make up work must be completed within 5 school days of the absent day to receive credit.
Dressing and Participation: Students must dress out for all Personal Fitness classes. If the student does not dress out for class, they will not receive credit for the class that day. Students must walk for the duration of the class period.
Injured or unable to participate according to a doctor’s note:
Students are responsible to complete the article assignment from the Personal Fitness Moodle page for every day they are unable to actively participate in class. Articles and summary assignment sheets must be printed from the Moodle site at home or prior to the school day. If a student is unable to participate because of injury for more than 3 days then a doctor’s note is required.
Locking up personal items:
We require that all students lock up all of their valuables, (cash, Ipods, jewelry, cell phones, etc.) and DONOT BRING CASH MONEY or other items that may present a temptation or a security problem. Oconee County High School is not responsible for items that are lost due to theft.
Physical Education GPS Standards: The Personal Fitness curriculum will be based on the state standards in Personal Fitness. The standards are:
PEHS: 1 Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
PEHS: 2 Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
PEHS: 3 Participates regularly in physical activity.
PEHS: 4 Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
PEHS: 5 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
PEHS: 6 Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and or social interaction.
Website Presence: Moodle:
Moodle will be an instructional tool that will be used in the Personal Fitness class. All students are required to log into Moodle by the end of the first week of the class. Class notes are on the site. There is no key code required to log into the Personal Fitness Moodle site.
Classroom Rules/ Student Responsibility:
- Come to class on time and be prepared.
- Dress out and Participate every day
- Stay on task, and do your BEST at all times.
- Raise your hand before speaking.
- Respect the rights and property of others.
- Respect authority of all school personnel.
- Follow directions and classroom etiquette.
- Respect your classroom and surroundings by picking up after yourself.
- Cell phones are not allowed in class. The only exception is, if your instructor is allowing it for instructional purposes.
All discipline will be handled according to the guidelines in the OCHS Student Handbook.
Participation and Demonstration: 40%
Fitness Portfolio:20%
Journal/Classroom / Homework:10%
Final:20% (Exam Exemption policy will follow the OCHS Student Handbook)
Please note* any course section used to determine student growth percentiles will administer a Student Learning Objective pre- and post-test assessment. The SLO post-test assessment will count as 2% of the students’ final grade.
Final Exam and Exemption:
The final exam will be a comprehensive exam covering the topics discussed throughout the semester. Students may exempt the Personal Fitness exam if they meet or exceed the requirements as listed in the student handbook and as long as they have no more than two dress cuts during the semester. If a student receives three dress cuts, they will not be allowed to exempt even if they have a 90 average or better. Failure to return signed information sheet will revoke the privilege of exempting the final exam.
We look forward to the opportunity to work with your student. If you need to contact us, please email us at:
The Physical Education Staff
Oconee County High School
Student Information
Student Name:______Age:______
Home Telephone:______
For parent or legal guardian:
Mother’s Name:______
Home #______Work #______Cellphone #:______
Mom’s Email Address:______
Father’s Name:______
Home #______Work#______Cellphone #:______
Dad’s Email Address:______
List at least 5 fitness activities that you would like to participate in throughout the semester:
List at least 5 sports that you would like to participate in throughout the semester:
Do you have any medical conditions that I need to know about?
Check _____ Yes_____ No
If checked yes, please explain your condition?
By signing below, I understand that I will be expected to complete additional assignments on time beyond participating in class every day. I also understand that this class is required for graduation.
Student Signature ______Date______
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read the above syllabus and agree to do all that I can to help my child be successful. Please sign and returnby Wednesday, March 18, 2015.
Parent or Legal Guardian Signature______Date______