




1. Acknowledgement


3.Guiding Principles

3.1Making our commitment visible

3.2Ensuring our decision making reflects our Policy

3.3Ensure our Recruitment Procedures reflect our Policy

3.4Develop intercultural approaches to our work

3.5Developing relationships with ethnic minority groups

3.6Take action and act in solidarity

Disclaimer: West Training & Development Ltd., Framework (South East) Ltd have taken all reasonable care in relation to the accuracy of the information in this document. The information is intended as a guide only and does not purport to be a legal interpretation. West Training & Development Ltd. and Framework Ltd does not make any warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the data.

West Training & Development Ltd. and Framework Ltd. recommends that when Centres require legal advice they should contact their own Solicitors/Legal Advisors and when Centres require information on child welfare and protection they contact the Child and Family Agency or the Gardaí.


This Code of Practice was developed by the Anti-racism and Equality Sub-group Sub-Group of the National Advisory Committee of the Community Development Programme. Pavee Point, the Specialist Support Agency for Travellers in the family and Community Resource Centre Programme facilitated the development of this Document. The information outlined below is adapted to meet the needs of each Centre that adopts it as a Code of Practice.


……………………….. Family Resource Centre recognises that racism is an issue at all levels of Irish society. Our commitment to anti-racism is part of our wider commitment to equality and social inclusion.

The Centre understands racism is a particular form of exclusion faced by minority ethnic groups. It is based on the false belief that some "races" are inherently superior to others because of skin colour, nationality, ethnic or cultural background. Racism denies people their basic human rights, dignity and respect.

The Centre is committed to this code of practice because:

  • Racism is a problem in Irish society and we wish to act in solidarity with those who experience it;
  • We wish to create positive outcomes for all;
  • There is potential for racism in our own community and we seek to do what we can to prevent this from occurring;
  • As with all organisations, there is potential for racism in our own Centre and we seek to prevent this from being realised;
  • We are fully committed to adhering to the Equality Acts 1998 and 2004 and the Equal Status Acts 2000 and 2004 and to advancing equality for all


……………………….. Family Resource Centre commits itself to :

  • Opposing any form of mistreatment or discrimination acted out against groups or individuals on the basis of their race or ethnicity;
  • Recognising people’s differences and stand up for their right to be treated equally and have a say in the decisions which effect their lives
  • Treat each person in the FRC with complete respect. This will begin to model to the community how people from different backgrounds, values and beliefs can work together to bring about positive change
  • Treat people with dignity not for what they do or do not have but for who they are as individuals.

The Centre will undertake this by implementing the following actions.

3.1 Making our commitment visible through:

  • Communicating the anti-racist ethos of our Centre in Strategic Plans, job descriptions, staff induction manual, newsletters etc., in the symbols and images we use and in the messages we communicate;
  • Having our commitment to anti-racism in our induction material for the Voluntary Board of Directors, staff and volunteer workers;
  • Ensuring materials produced and published are reflective of our anti-racist policy;
  • Ensure we display material within the centre that reflects inclusion and makes minority ethnic groups (including the Traveller community) visible.

3.2 Ensuring our decision-making procedures reflect our policy by:

  • Working towards the participation of minority ethnic members of our community including members of the Traveller Community, in our decision-making structures and the provision of capacity-building supports and mechanisms to ensure this participation is effective;
  • Networking with organisations articulating the interests of minority ethnic communities, including Travellers to secure their input to Workplans;
  • Ensuring that those wishing to work or volunteer within the FRC will commit themselves to dealing with their own prejudices in order to listen to all people’s views with respect. This will be achieved through the Voluntary Board of Directors, staff and volunteers accessing training where appropriate. This training will help people to understand the difficulties that people experience because of prejudice and discrimination;
  • Recognising that in tackling inequality those within the Management Committee will often experience criticism. This will require the FRC to put in place appropriate support structures that will ensure that individuals are protected.

3.3 Ensure our recruitment procedures reflect our policy through:

  • The manner in which jobs are advertised;
  • The person specification prepared for jobs;
  • Recruitment and interviewing practices.

3.4 Develop intercultural approaches to our actions and service provision through:

  • Provide the platform / opportunity for individuals or groups to identify and articulate their own experience of discrimination;
  • Support people’s right to choose their own solution to the difficulties they experience;
  • Gathering information for consultation procedures on the needs and aspirations of minority ethnic members of the community including members of the Traveller community and building actions into our Workplan that respond to the needs identified;
  • Challenging incidents of racism as they arise within our Centre;
  • Tracking, through the collection of data, the take-up by and outcomes for minority ethnic members of the community, including members of the Traveller community, from our actions and services.

3.5 Develop relationships with minority ethnic communities, including travellers and their organisations through:

  • Networking and developing partnerships with these organisations in developing our plans;
  • Use outside expertise where appropriate to assist the management of the FRC in supporting groups or individuals to begin to tackle inequality;
  • Including these organisations on our mailing lists;

3.6 To take action in solidarity with minority ethnic communities, including travellers through:

  • Supporting campaigns pursued by these communities and taking up their issues in our campaigns;
  • Respond to and positively address negative articles in the media and public arena which are discriminatory and based on prejudice;
  • Raising these issues in the various fora where we are involved;
  • Advocating anti-racist practice wherever relevant.

This Policy was discussed and ratified at a meeting of the Voluntary Board of Directors on:


Signed by the Chairperson:

Signed by Director: