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Geoscience Bulletin Board –16 October 2017- compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

Perfect site for a dam = perfect site for a disaster: The 1963 Vaiont Landslide

The significance of the plate tectonics theory

Kilauea puts on volcanic displays

Planetary geology: color geologic map of Mercury

Perspective: Seismic surveyors follow rules to protect marine life

Restless Earth photography competition winners for 2017

10th Coastal Altimetry Workshop was held in Florence, Italy – focused on challenges & opportunities

Video captures humpback whales fishing with nets of bubbles

Mapping the parts of San Francisco that are most vulnerable to overdue big earthquake

La Palma volcano on Canary Island experienced 40 seismic tremors in 48 hours – prelude to eruption?

Clean-up efforts continue at Hanford Site – high-level nuclear waste will likely be vitrified

EarthScope Transportable Array now spans Alaska with 280 stations in seismic network

Modeling future global energy resource supply and demand

Significant value in obtain rock cores and cuttings from the Earth

Catastrophic volcanic eruption occurred in Pacific NW 16.5 million years ago creating larged mapped flood basalt unit on Earth

New species of Jurassic marine crocodile, Ieldraanmelkshamensis, is identified

Theory of quantum mechanics does not adequately explain function of last 21 elements of the periodic table

Die-off of extensive forests in Mesozoic, rapid decline in CO2 concentration in atmosphere – could have led to “snowball earth” condition

Investigating rates of sea-level change and fossil coral reefs around Hawaii

Siberian volcanic eruptions may have caused the Great Permian Extinction approximately 250 myo

“Fake fin” discovery in museum storeroom leads to identifying new species, Protoichthyosaurus

Fossil specimen of Cambrian stalked filter feeder identified in Antimony Canyon in northern Utah

Cost of transporting petroleum products by pipeline and rail should include air pollution and emissions

Detailed picture of biological particles in ocean deeps along the Equator – heaviest marine snow fall

Classifying volcanic fatalities by details of activity and/or occupation

8 October 1871, wildfire in Peshtigo, Wisconsin, was deadliest in American history – little known since the Great Chicago Fire burned at the same time

Investigating how long subglacial water may be stored

Using gradual seafloor motion data from pressure sensor to predict EQs

Noted geologist Stephan Graham named dean of School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences at Stanford


Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 16 October 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

Hurricane flood waters recede but public health crisis is looming in Puerto Rico & US Virgin Islands

Twin tunnel water diversion project in California is not yet dead – because once again, Southern California “needs” more water

Dreaming of revitalizing four miles of concrete lined Los Angeles River – just looks like more concrete

“One Water” approach makes sense, but took a long time for it to begin to gain acceptance

WHO reports child and teen obesity soars tenfold worldwide over the past four decades

Mass death of hippos in Namibia in Bwabwata National Park may have been caused by anthrax

Washoe County, Nevada, records second case of Hanta Virus – first death since 1995

After 15-year moratorium, Navajo Nation reconsidering ban on genetic research

Responding to antifungal resistance

70-mile swarm of “painted lady” butterflies that look like Monarchs seen migrating over Colorado

Best practices guidance for veterinarians for use of antimicrobial stewardship in livestock

  • Guidelines:

Deciphering competing analysis of clean water regulations

Preservation of floodplains is paramount for flood protection – rivers need to meander

Bipartisan bill introduced to allow states to access funding for hazard mitigation of wildfire burns

Perspective: rising waters in Lake Okeechobee create costly consequences

Book Review: “Where the Animals Go: Tracking Wildlife with Technology in 50 Maps and Graphics”

Info-Graphic: The 10 most endangered animals in Africa

Bark Beetles are expanding their range and ravaging forests across North America, Europe & Siberia

New approach to fighting invasive weeds: African lovegrass on the Australian prairie

DNA suggests this Liberian Greenbul songbird never existed

US F&W declined 25 separate petitions to list variety of species as endangered or threatened

Video captures images of wild sand kittens as they watch the video camera

Century of coal emissions can be traced using sooty feathers of museum bird specimens

Center for Biological Diversity files suit against California F&W to protect whales & sea turtles, targeting impacts of commercial Dungeness crab fishery

Other phenomenal sites to see in the Autumn (videos) and amazing fall foliage outside New England

Fall foliage in New England is “better” since the 1938 Hurricane

Attempting to use DNA to bring back the extinct Floeana tortoise in the Galapagos Islands – yet one more step in the interaction of humans with species on the islands

American Indian Museum displays 1809 Treaty of Fort Wayne – yet another divide and conquer step toward “manifest destiny”

Great Britain may implement a near-total ban on ivory trade

  • 2017 EIA Report:

Locks & dams on US inland waterways are in need of repairs, replacements & upgrades

Atlantic Coast pipeline facing procedural setback as erosion & sedimentation control plan is disapproved

Open-ocean wind farms touted as potential source of “civilization scale” power

Subsidies still increasing use of solar & wind as alternative energy sources in the US

“Sustainable” irrigation may negatively impact other environmental and development goals


Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 16 October 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

New Orleans is the canary in the coal mine for coastal cities – mitigation & resiliency are critical

As permafrost melts, million are spent annually in losing battle to protect coastline from the sea

Were lessons learned from the storm surge flooding of Hurricane Matthew last year?

Tri-National workshop focuses on building weather resilience in coastal communities

“Hurricane Harvey” will happen again – Texas Gulf Coast remains at risk – Interview with Samuel Brody

Endangered sea turtles making comeback on Padre Island along the Texas Gulf Coast

Environmentalists oppose commercial fishing within Northeast Marine National Monument within US waters off the coast of Cape Cod

Artificial nests are embraced by vulnerable Tasmanian shy albatross – attempting to boost population

Rescuing the threatened olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelysolivacea) on the beach in Costa Rica

Scientists, fishermen, large-vessel operators & Indigenous groups to meet 9 November 2017 to address declining populations of right whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence

Incident Report:

Investigating cause of death of thousands of sharks and other marine species in San Francisco Bay

Decade long intrusion has accelerated coast erosion in ThừaThiên-Huế province of Viet Nam

New tool to predict coastal erosion and recovery from extreme storms

Devil weed, Sargassumhorneri, invading & disrupting rocky reefs off coast of California

USGS tracking evolution of Fire Island breach initiated by Hurricane Sandy in 2012

Some still want expensive barrier walls to protect New York City & New Jersey from storm surges