Biology 1
Study Guide for Evolution: Chapters 16 and 17
Homework Assignment: Due May 7
Answer each of the following questions, using your textbook and powerpoints. Th
- Define “species”.
- What are the explanations for modifications in species?
- What was Aristotle’s perspective on species?
- What type of information did fossils contribute to the definition of species?
- What was Lamarck’s explanation for modification in species?
- Describe the journey taken by Charles Darwin. What observations did he make that refuted the above information? What were the tenets (beliefs) of his theory of Natural Selection.
- How did the following observations support the theory of evolution?
- Fossil record
- Biogeography
- Anatomy: What is homology; what is analogy
- Vestigial organs
- Embryogenesis
- Molecular Biology
- What is natural selection?
- Describe the rise of insecticide resistance as an example of natural selection (PPT)
- What is the significance of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
- What does it imply concerning the frequency of alleles?
- What are the conditions required for a population to support this equilibrium?
- Does this apply to an individual, or to a population? And why?
- What is a gene pool? What is gene flow?
- What is genetic drift? What are the common causes, i.e. bottle-neck effect.
- What is the role of radiometric dating and what type of information is obtained with C14 dating?
- What is continental drift and how does it contribute to evolution?
- What is plate tectonics and how does it contribute to evolution?
- What is the difference between stabilizing and disruptive selection? Describe each for this question.
- Describe the three types of natural selection.
- What is macroevolution and how does it differ from microevolution?
- What is reproductive isolation and how does it contribute to evolution.
- Describe allopatric speciation and sympatric speciation and explain how the differ from each other.
- Who is Carlos Linnaeus and his contribution to defining species?
- What is phyologeny?
More on back of sheet!!!
What are the contributions of the following individuals to the understanding of evolution?
Lamarck, Darwin, Lyell, Malthus, Wallace