Interested parties questionnaire

To be returned to

Company name / Address
Email/Telephone / Company website
Company Twitter account handle / Name of contact person/job title
Contact person email / Contact person telephone

1a) Type of organisation: SME, large company, start-up, spin-off etc, please specify:

1b) Relevant expertise:

Sensing system ☐

Data analyses/artefact rejection ☐

Artificial intelligence ☐

Information management ☐

User interface ☐

Other ☐

1c) Year company founded:

1d) Number of employees:

1e) Annual revenue:

1f) Annual profit:

1g) Main focus of company:

1h) Experience with topic of Nightingale project: specify hardware, software, combinations, other relevant experience (please type in box below):

1i) Are you interested in bidding as a group?

Yes ☐

No ☐

If Yes please tick which types of expertise you are looking for in other companies (optional).

Sensing system ☐

Data analyses/artefact rejection ☐

Artificial intelligence ☐

Information management ☐

User interface ☐

Other ☐

If you agree (see question 9c) we will publish this information on our website to help facilitate potential collaborations.

2a) In your opinion, what is currently on the market that is state of the art related to the Nightingale project’s scope and challenge? (please type in box below):

2b) What are the current developments you see in the market related to the Nightingale project’s scope and challenge? (please type in box below):

3a) Is Nightingale in line with your business strategy?

Yes ☐

No ☐

If Yes please give details in box below:

3b) Do you currently have technologies and/or software available to provide solutions to the functional requirements proposed in the Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) document?

Yes ☐

No ☐

If Yes please give details in box below:

4a) Is your company familiar with data protection and privacy legislation?

Yes ☐

No ☐

4b) Is the scope of the Nightingale challenge clear?

Yes ☐

No ☐

4c) Is the scope of the challenge feasible, given the time frame and budget (see Common Challenge document)?

Yes ☐

No ☐

If No, please give details in box below of any suggestions of changes that could be made to make it more feasible:

5a) In your opinion, what is the estimated market potential for a working solution for the Nightingale challenge?

5b) Is your company able to carry out testing in four European countries in phase 3 of the project?

Yes ☐

No ☐

If you would like to give more details type in the box below (optional):

6a) Do you have any further questions regarding the PCP phases?

Yes ☐

No ☐

If Yes please give details in box below:

7a) Are you interested in bidding to the Nightingale tender?

Yes ☐

No ☐

7b) Do you have any legally binding agreements with any of the procurers of the consortium?

Yes ☐

No ☐

8a) Taking into consideration what the PCP wants to achieve, what criteria do you consider important to evaluate bidders’ proposals?

8b) If you have any other questions please state them in the box below:

9a) Are you interested in participation in the Nightingale tender and do you wish to receive updates about the process by email?

Yes ☐

No ☐

9b) Are you interested in bidding to the Nightingale tender with other bidders and looking for partners to cooperate with? You will have opportunity to share information about your company on our website, see question 9c.

Yes ☐

No ☐

If Yes give details of the other company/companies in the box below if this has been agreed upon (optional):

9c) Do you wish to publish your company name, contact details and the main focus of your company on the public Nightingale website with the objective to search for partners to collaborate with?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Thank you for completing this questionnaire, please return to

All interested parties are invited to attend Open Market Consultation meetings:

31 March 2017 (Brussels) FULLY BOOKED

6 April 2017 (Munich) FEW PLACES REMAINING

Click here to find out more and register a place.