Site Director Survey – Form 2

Math MATTERS 2015

Please Check your State / AR / IL / MI / MO / MT / NY / TX / WI

Site Name ______

Send the following to your State MEP Director or Math MATTERS coordinator by August 14, 2015

Completed Site Director Survey (Form 2)

Completed Parent Surveys (Form 3)

Completed Teacher/Instructional Staff Survey (Form 4)

Completed Student Roster & Assessment Score Form (submit via e-mail) Form 5

Completed Out-of-School Youth Student Assessment Score Sheet (Form 6)

State Assessment Results Spreadsheet (Form 7)

Assessment Item Analysis Spreadsheet (OPTIONAL—submit via e-mail) Form 8

1. Please list secondary/OSY activities provided in conjunction with Math MATTERS. Examples: university campus visit, leadership event, former migrant guest speakers, and goal setting events. List projects and credit-bearing courses on the next page.

Date / Secondary Math Learning and Career Goal Activities / # Students

2. Please list parent involvement activities provided in conjunction with Math MATTERS. Examples: Family Nights, open house for parents, PAC meetings, and parent-teacher meetings. Include parent meetings throughout the year where Math MATTERS was an agenda item.

Date / Parent Involvement Activities / # Parents

3. Please list professional development activities that supported the objectives of Math MATTERS. Examples: Math MATTERS professional development, online courses, local trainings related to the math summer program.

Date / Title of Training/Topic / # Staff

4. What are your specific successes, perceptions, and outcomes for Math MATTERS?

5. What suggestions would you offer to improve Math MATTERS?

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Number of Students Participating in Math MATTERS
# K-8 Students / Home-based / Site-based / Total
Grades K
Grades 1-2
Grades 3-4
Grades 5-6
# Secondary Students / Home-based / Site-based / Total
Grades 7-8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12

Complete the following charts for students in grades 7-12 and out-of-school youth.

Include courses where the intent is to grant credit. Include non-credit courses in the next table.

Course / # Enrolled / # Withdrawn / # Completed (granted credit) / # In progress and expected to complete in 8 months (not included in the “completed” column)
Algebra Ia
Algebra Ib
Algebra IIa
Algebra IIb
Geometry A
Geometry B
Integrated Math
Personal Finance
Career Connections
Math 6 (A or B)
Math 7 (A or B)
Math 8 (A or B)

Secondary Skills Building (see project rubric for definitions of “completed” or use curriculum requirements)

Type of Project, Course, or Skills Exercise / # Enrolled / # Completed
ePortfolio in Project Share
Money Matters
Unit Projects
State assessment preparation
Math skill building
Middle school math course
Math on the Move

High School Equivalency Test (HiSET, formerly GED)

Preparation for HiSET (include pre-GED) / Enrolled: / Completed:
Number attempting and passing the exam / Attempting: / Passed Math Section

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