Dear Parents of AbbyZieglar,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 85. This is a letter grade of B. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 86.555555555555557
  • Homework: 86.111111111111114
  • Tests: 83.666666666666671

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Abby. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of BobYoung,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 91.900000000000006. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 87.222222222222229
  • Homework: 89.777777777777771
  • Tests: 95.333333333333329

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Bob. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of CarianneXi,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 93.799999999999997. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 94.111111111111114
  • Homework: 93.888888888888886
  • Tests: 93.666666666666671

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Carianne. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of DavidWhite,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 84.700000000000003. This is a letter grade of B. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 80.777777777777771
  • Homework: 76.555555555555557
  • Tests: 90.666666666666671

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with David. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of EleanorVeltri,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 96.700000000000003. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 96
  • Homework: 96.333333333333329
  • Tests: 97.222222222222229

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Eleanor. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of FrankUmbridge,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 84.299999999999997. This is a letter grade of B. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 74.777777777777771
  • Homework: 81.333333333333329
  • Tests: 90.555555555555557

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Frank. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of GeraldTent,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 89.700000000000003. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 87.555555555555557
  • Homework: 89.555555555555557
  • Tests: 90.888888888888886

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Gerald. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of HeatherSmith,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 85.099999999999994. This is a letter grade of B. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 86.444444444444443
  • Homework: 74.888888888888886
  • Tests: 89.555555555555557

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Heather. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of IngridRagusa,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 97.599999999999994. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 97.888888888888886
  • Homework: 98.222222222222229
  • Tests: 97.222222222222229

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Ingrid. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of JimQuincy,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 96. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 95
  • Homework: 94.222222222222229
  • Tests: 97.333333333333329

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Jim. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of KarenPoncho,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 93.5. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 89.222222222222229
  • Homework: 92
  • Tests: 96.333333333333329

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Karen. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of LucasOllie,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 93.599999999999994. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 89
  • Homework: 97.555555555555557
  • Tests: 94

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Lucas. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of MaryNewman,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 93.299999999999997. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 91
  • Homework: 98.222222222222229
  • Tests: 92

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Mary. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of NancyMiller,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 90.099999999999994. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 79
  • Homework: 88
  • Tests: 96.777777777777771

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Nancy. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of OctavianLong,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 90.900000000000006. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 80
  • Homework: 89
  • Tests: 97.333333333333329

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Octavian. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of PaulKane,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 93.299999999999997. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 86
  • Homework: 95
  • Tests: 96

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Paul. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of QuincyJefferson,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 94.799999999999997. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 96
  • Homework: 90.333333333333329
  • Tests: 96.333333333333329

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Quincy. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of RachelImperato,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 96. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 96
  • Homework: 93.222222222222229
  • Tests: 97.333333333333329

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Rachel. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of SarahHenderson,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 96.799999999999997. This is a letter grade of A. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 94
  • Homework: 97.777777777777771
  • Tests: 97.666666666666671

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Sarah. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014

Dear Parents of TylerGrant,

Your child currently has a final nine-week percentage of 84. This is a letter grade of B. The final percentage is comprised of three different grades:

  • Classwork: 84
  • Homework: 86.777777777777771
  • Tests: 82.666666666666671

We have been working hard these past nine weeks, and I look forward to the next nine weeks with Tyler. Should you have any questions, please do nott hesitate to email me.


Deanna Miller

Roanoke College

Class of 2014