North Hero Selectboard Meeting

Monday, August 20, 20127:00 P.M.

DRAFT North Hero Town Office Meeting Room

In Attendance: Select Board: Eileen Mitchell, Andre Quintin, Jim Martin,

Town Clerk/ Treasurer: Pete Johnson

Public Works: Jim Martin

Board Clerk: Kathie Dustira

Guests: Ted Nelson, VT Appraisal Service

Geri Siegel

Mary Dattilio

Bridget Timms

Frank Dattilio, Water Board

Pam Strohmeyer


Eileen Mitchell, Acting Chair for Robert Rousseau, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Signed and approved for payment of $ 23,093.00


●The agenda was adjusted to accommodate visitors.


Jim moved to accept the minutes of 8/6/2012. The motion was seconded by Andre and passed 3/0.


  • Ted Nelson, from VT Appraisal Service answered questions concerned Town residents had called the Board with. On the question of why the lakefront was not being looked at during some reappraisals, Ted responded that they are currently collecting info from summer residents , and they will have two summers for lakeshore visits. They are looking now and taking some pictures. They plan to view lakeshore frontage by landand by boat sometime during the two-year process. There were concerns as to the viability of viewing by boat and if that was possible in all cases. Ted stated that anyone who would like their site to be re-visited should call the Town Listers to schedule another visit.
  • The grievance process was discussed. The book with the new appraisals is due to be published by June 4, 2014. The book gives a 14-day window for people to file any grievances, which can be brought to the VT Appraisal Service.
  • Frank Dattilio, Water Board, had questions on filling the Water Board vacancy left by Rob Rousseau. There are three candidates for the position, and the Water Board will make a selection at their next meeting, which has been rescheduled for August 29, 2012. Their selection will be brought before the Select Board for review.
  • On October 13, 2012, the new EPA standards will be in effect. The Water Board is getting a Bond from the State of Vermont to put an addition on the building for storage so there will be a minimum amount of water in the dry well.
  • Pam Strohmeyer, a summer resident of North Hero questioned the Board on tax levels, Town services and the Sheriff’s Department. On the question of higher tax levels for summer residents, Pete responded that the State of Vermont sets the Education tax rates. This year, on the Education Tax Rate, the summer resident tax rate went down, and the Town resident rates up slightly. The Town tax rate is the same for both Town residents and summer residents. On answering the questions concerning what the Town Services are, the Board responded: Fire Department, Police Department, and Roads are some of the services provided. For more detailed information on services and budgets, Pete gave her a Town Yearly Report book. It was suggested Pam speak with our Legislators about the tax concerns, and that she contact the Sheriff’s Department about any issues she has with them first. Should they not be resolved/ answered, she is welcome to come back to the Board.


Public Works

  • Paving was started by New England Power Boat
  • Kevin applied for three paving quotes. He obtained a quote of $112,469.12 from Pike Industries, and received no response from Whitcombs, and ST Paving from Berlin was not able to do it. Jim motioned to accept Pike Industries bid of $112,469.12. The motion was seconded by Andre and passed 3/0.
  • A form needs to be completed by October 15, 2012 for a $12,000 grant.
  • Andre motioned to do a rip rock job on South End Road. The motion was seconded by Eileen and passed 3/0.
  • Jim was authorized to sign the Army Corps permit for the South End Road BBR grant work.

Town Clerk

  • Everything is all set for the Primary on August 28, 2012.
  • The Town Audit should be finished in two weeks.


  • None


  • Andre motioned to reschedule the September 3,2012 Select Board meeting for September 4, 2012 at 7:00. The motion was seconded by Andre and passed 3/0.
  • Jim motioned Eileen Mitchell be allowed to sign warrants and payroll between now and the next Select Board meeting. The motion was seconded by Andre and passed 3/0.




  • Water Board Appointment




●Eileen motioned to adjourn the Selectboard meeting at 8:10 p.m. The motion was seconded by Jim and passed 3/0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathie Dustira

C: Board: Andre/Jim/Marie/Robert/Eileen

Town Clerk

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