Access Review for TestChapter 1-6
Chapter 1
- Know meanings of field, table, field value, record, database
- Know meanings of primary key, foreign key, relational database
- Be familiar with datasheet view, field selector, record selector
- Be able to tell which navigation button is being used
- Know what a query is and how to use the Query Wizard, including the use of the buttons
- Know what a form is
- Know what a report is and how to use the AutoReport: Columnar form.
Chapter 2
- Be familiar with the guidelines for designing a database
- Know what a composite key is
- Know what date redundancy and properties are
- Be familiar with rules and tips for naming fields, know what a data type is
- Be familiar with the various data types, know what a field size is
- Know how to define a field in a table
- Know properties concerning primary keys, meanings of entity integrity, null value, and how to select a field as a primary key
- Know what a table structure is
- Know how to enter records in a table
- Know how to delete a field from a table
- Know how to add a field between two existing fields in a database
- Know what the Format property does and how to use it to control the display of a field value
- Know how to copy records from another database
- Know what update means, how to delete, change and add records
Chapter 3
- Know what Query by example means
- Know how to create and run a query
- Know what a join is
- Know what a one-to-many relationship, primary table, and related table are
- Know what we mean by referential integrity, cascade updates, and cascade deletes
- Know how to define a relationship between two tables
- Know how to create a query based on two tables
- Know what is meant by sorting, sort key, and sort orders--descending and ascending
- Be able to give examples of unique vs. non-unique sort keys, difference between primary and secondary sort key
- Know how to set up a sort in a query datasheet
- Know what a filter is and how to use a Filter by Selection
- Know how to state criteria in a query and what is meant by condition, comparison operator, and how to create a query that uses the criteria row
- Given an example of a condition that has been set up for a query, be able to tell what kind of records would be selected, or vice versa.
- Know how to change the datasheet appearance
- Know how to set up the criteria for AND and OR in a query
- Know what a calculated field is and how to use the expression builder to build one
- Know what an aggregate function is and how to use one
- Know what a group operator is and how to use one in conjunction with the aggregate function
Chapter 4
- Know what a Form Wizard is and how to use one
- Know what AutoFormat is for a form and to change it
- Know how to navigate a form
- Know what the Find command does and how to use it with records
- Given one of the wildcard characters in a word, be able to determine if certain information would be found
- Be able to print selected records
- Know how to use a form to change data in a table
- Know how to create a form consisting of a main form and a subform and navigate between them.
- Know how to use the Report Wizard to create a report
- Know how to insert a picture in a report and make adjustments
- Know what it means to compact a database and how to do it
Chapter 5
- Know what a Lookup wizard, how to create one, and how to use it to add information for a new record using it
- Know what a pattern match is for a query and how to use one
- Know what a list-of-values match is for a query and how to use one
- Know what a non-matching value is for a query and how to use one
- Know how to use AND and OR operators in a query
- Know what a parameter query is and how to create one
- Know how to create a custom form
- Know the meanings of control, bound control, unbound control, and calculated control
- Know how to add fields to a form
- Know how to select and move controls on a form
- Know how to change a label's caption
- Know how to resize a control
- Know how to add a form header and footer
- Know how to add a label to a form
- Know how to apply formatting changes to a label
- Know how to add a picture to a form
- Know how to change the background color of a form
- Know what a multi-page form is and how to create one using tab controls
- Know how to align objects on a form
- Know what a Control Wizard is and how to use it
- Know how to add subforms to a report
- Know what a filter is and how to use the Filter by Form option
- Know how to save a filter as a query
- Know how to apply a filter that was saved as a query
Chapter 6
- Know what a report is, what the sections are and what each section does
- Know how to modify a saved query
- Know how to create a report in design view
- Know how to add fields to a report
- Know how to move and resize controls
- Know how to change a caption property
- Know how to align controls
- Know how to add a date to a report
- Know how to add a page number to a report
- Know how to add a report header section and a title to a report
- Know how to add a line to a report
- Know how to sort and group data in a report
- Know how to calculate group totals and overall totals
- Know how to hide duplicates in a report
- Be familiar with the meanings of the following terms: object, source, destination, importing, embedding, linking
- Know how to embed a chart in a report
- Know how to insert a linked object in a report
- Know how to export an access table or query to Excel and then use Excel to do calculations