Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC)
On the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC), Client's name's sequential processing score was in the ... range, at the ... percentile, simultaneous processing score in the ... range, at the ... percentile, and mental processing composite score in the ... range, at the ... percentile. This means that he/she was functioning better than ...% of children his/her age on tasks that involve working with or memory for items presented in a sequence or order, better than ...% of children his/her age on tasks that are visual-spatial in nature, and better than ...% of children his/her age overall.
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (No Discrepancy)
On the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R), an individually administered test of intelligence, Client's name's verbal IQ was in the range, at the percentile, his/her performance IQ in the range, at the percentile, and his/her full scale IQ in the range, at the percentile. This means that Client's name performed better than % of children his/her age on language-based tasks, better than % of children his/her age on non-verbal visual-spatial tasks, and better than % of children his/her age overall. There was no significant discrepancy between verbal and performance IQ.
On the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R), an individually administered test of intelligence, Client's name's verbal IQ was in the range, at the percentile, and his/her performance IQ in the range, at the percentile. This means that Client's name performed better than % of children his/her age on language-based tasks, and better than % of children his/her age on non-verbal visual-spatial tasks. There was a significant discrepancy between verbal and performance IQ.
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale for Children-Revised (Summary of scores to enclose in letters to other psychologists)
Verbal I.Q. = / Full Scale I.Q. = / Performance I.Q. =Subtest / Scale Score / Subtest /
Scale Score
Information / Object AssemblySimilarities / Geometric Design
Arithmetic / Block Design
Vocabulary / Mazes
Comprehension / Picture Completion
Sentences (optional) / Animal Pegs (optional)
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV)
Client's name’s current level of intellectual functioning was evaluated using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV), an individually administered test of intelligence. This test provides a broad assessment of general intellectual functioning and school-related abilities. It measures four areas (i.e., Four Index Scores): verbal abilities, perceptual reasoning and organization, memory, and speed of processing information. There is also a Full Scale IQ score which assesses Clients name’s overall ability. On this test Client’s name was compared to other Canadian children his/her age. The results on this test and many of the other tests discussed below will be presented in terms of percentiles. Percentiles indicate where a child performs relative to others his or her age. For example, a score at the 65th percentile indicates that the child did as well as or better than 65% of children his or her age. An average score is between the 25th and 75th percentiles.
Client’s name’s Full Scale IQ was in the …range, at the ….percentile. In terms of the individual index scores, Client’s name obtained a score in the …range, at the …percentile on the Verbal Comprehension Index, which measures verbal concepts, vocabulary, general knowledge, and understanding of social rules. He/She obtained a score in the …range, at the …percentile on the Perceptual Reasoning Index which involves understanding of concepts presented in pictures, visual-spatial abilities and visual-motor integration. He/She obtained a score in the …range, at the …percentile on the Working Memory Index, which is comprised of tasks that require the ability to retain information in memory, manipulate it and produce a result. Finally, he/she obtained a score in the …range, at the …percentile on the Processing Speed Index, which measures speed and accuracy. [There was(were) a significant discrepancy(ies) between Verbal Comprehension/Perceptual Reasoning/Working Memory/Processing Speed and Verbal Comprehension/Perceptual Reasoning/Working Memory/Processing Speed.]
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (Summary of scores to enclose in letters to other psychologists)
Full Scale IQ =
Verbal Comprehension Index / Perceptual Reasoning Index / /Working Memory Index
/ /Processing Speed Index
/Similarities / Block Design / Digit Span / Coding
Vocabulary / Picture Concepts / Letter-Number Sequencing / Symbol Search
Comprehension / Matrix Reasoning / Arithmetic (optional) / Cancellation (optional)
Information (optional) / Picture Completion (optional)
Word Reasoning (optional)
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition (No Discrepancy)
On the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition (WAIS-3), an individually administered test of intelligence, Client's name's verbal IQ was in the range, at the percentile, his/her performance IQ in the range, at the percentile, and his/her full scale IQ in the range, at the percentile. This means that Client's name performed better than % of people his/her age on language-based tasks, better than % of people his/her age on non-verbal visual-spatial tasks, and better than % of people his/her age overall. There was no significant discrepancy between verbal and performance IQ.
When Client's name's Index scores were considered, a more specific profile of strengths and problem areas were evident. He/She obtained a score in the …range, at the …percentile on the Verbal Comprehension Index, which means that he/she scored better than …% of people his/her age on tasks that measure verbal reasoning and expression. He/She obtained a score in the …range, at the …percentile on the Perceptual Organization Index which means that he/she scored better than …% of people his/her age on tasks that measure ability to interpret and organize visually presented material within a time limit. He/She obtained a score in the …range, at the …percentile on the Working Memory Index, which means that he/she scored better than …% of people his/her age on tasks that measure memory for material that was just presented, ability to sustain attention, concentrate, and exert mental control. He/She obtained a score in the …range, at the …percentile on the Processing Speed Index, which means that he/she scored better than …% of people his/her age on tasks that measure ability to process visually perceived nonverbal information quickly.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition (WAIS-3) (Discrepancy)
On the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition (WAIS-3), an individually administered test of intelligence, Client's name's verbal IQ was in the range, at the percentile, and his/her performance IQ in the range, at the percentile. This means that Client's name performed better than % of people his/her age on language-based tasks, and better than % of people his/her age on non-verbal visual-spatial tasks. There was a significant discrepancy between verbal and performance IQ.
When Client's name's Index scores were considered, a more specific profile of strengths and problem areas were evident. He/She obtained a score in the …range, at the …percentile on the Verbal Comprehension Index, which means that he/she scored better than …% of people his/her age on tasks that measure verbal reasoning and expression. He/She obtained a score in the …range, at the …percentile on the Perceptual Organization Index which means that he/she scored better than …% of people his/her age on tasks that measure ability to interpret and organize visually presented material within a time limit. He/She obtained a score in the …range, at the …percentile on the Working Memory Index, which means that he/she scored better than …% of people his/her age on tasks that measure memory for material that was just presented, ability to sustain attention, concentrate, and exert mental control. He/She obtained a score in the …range, at the …percentile on the Processing Speed Index, which means that he/she scored better than …% of people his/her age on tasks that measure ability to process visually perceived nonverbal information quickly.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition (Summary of scores to enclose in letters to other psychologists)
Verbal I.Q. = / Full Scale I.Q. = / Performance I.Q. =Subtest / Scale Score / Subtest / Scale Score
Information / Picture Completion
Digit Span / Picture Arrangement
Vocabulary / Block Design
Arithmetic / Object Assembly
Comprehension / Digit Symbol
Similarities / Matrix Reasoning
Letter-Number Sequences / Symbol Search
Index Scores
Verbal Comprehension
Perceptual Organization
Working Memory
Processing Speed
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition (SB:IV)
On the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition (SB:IV), Client's name's verbal reasoning Standard Age Score (SAS) was in the ... range, at the ... percentile, abstract/visual reasoning SAS in the ... range, at the ... percentile, quantitative reasoning SAS in the ... range, at the ... percentile, and short-term memory SAS in the ... range, at the ... percentile. This means that he/she performed better than ...% of children his/her age on language based tasks, better than ...% of children his/her age on visual-spatial tasks, better than ...% of children his/her age on mathematical tasks, and better than ... % of children his/her age on tasks involving immediate recall for verbal and nonverbal material. Client's name's test composite was in the ... range, at the ... percentile. Thus, he/she was functioning better than ...% of children his/her age on the whole test.
Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised
The Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised (Leiter-R) was administered with the following results:
Visualization and Reasoning Battery
Composite / Standard Score / PercentileBrief IQ Screener
Full Scale IQ
Fluid Reasoning
Fundamental Visualization
Spatial Visualization
Attention and Memory Battery
Composite / Standard Score / PercentileMemory Screener
Associative Memory
Memory Span
Memory Process
Recognition Memory
Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude-4 (DTLA-4)
The Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude (DTLA-4) were administered with the following results:
Verbal Subtest / Standard Score / PercentileWord Opposites
Sentence Imitation
Story Construction
Basic Information
Word Sequences
Nonverbal Subtest
/ Standard Score / PercentileDesign Sequences
Reversed Letters
Design reproduction
Symbolic Relations
Story Sequence
/ Standard Score / PercentileGeneral Mental Ability
Linguistic Domain
Attentional Domain
Motor Domain
Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (CTONI)
The Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (CTONI) was administered with the following results:
Subtest / ScoresPictorial Analogies
Geometric Analogies
Pictorial Categories
Geometric Categories
Pictorial Sequences
Geometric Sequences
Composite / Standard Score / Percentile
Pictorial Nonverbal
Intelligence (PNIQ)
Geometric Nonverbal
Intelligence (GNIQ)
Wechsler Abbreviated Scales of Intelligence (WASI)
The Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI) was administered with the following results:
Verbal Scale IQ
Performance Scale IQ
Full Scale IQ (Block Design and Matrix Reasoning)
Full Scale IQ (Vocabulary and Matrix Reasoning)
Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities
The Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ III COG) was administered with the following results:
Cluster / Grade Score / PercentileComprehension-Knowledge
Long-Term Retrieval
Visual-Spatial Thinking
Auditory Processing
Fluid Reasoning
Processing Speed
Short-Term Memory
General Intellectual Ability
Note: The WJ III COG can only be scored by a computer software package.
Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning (WRAML)
The Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning (WRAML) was administered with the following results:
Subtest / Scaled Score / PercentilePicture Memory
Design Memory
Verbal Learning
Story Memory
Finger Windows
Sound Symbol
Sentence Memory
Visual Learning
Verbal learning Recall
Story Memory Recall
Sound Symbol Recall
Visual Learning Recall
Story Memory Recognition
Index / Index Score / Percentile
Verbal Memory
Visual Memory
General Memory
The Children's Memory Scale (CMS)-ages 5-8 or 9-16
The Children's Memory Scale (CMS) was administered with the following results:
Subtest / Index Score / PercentileVisual Immediate
Visual Delayed
Verbal Immediate
Verbal Delayed
Delayed Recognition
General Memory
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Screener (WIAT-Screener)
The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Screener (WIAT-Screener) was administered with the following results:
Subtest / Standard Score / PercentileBasic Reading
Mathematics Reasoning
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement Normative Update - Brief Form (K-TEA NU)
The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement Normative Update - Brief Form (K-TEA NU) was administered with the following results:
Subtest / Standard Scores / PercentileMathematics
Wide Range Achievement Test-Third Edition (WRAT-3)
The Wide Range Achievement Test-Third Edition (WRAT-3) was administered with the following results:
Subtest / Standard Score / PercentileReading
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement Normative Update - Comprehensive Form (K-TEANU)
The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement Normative Update - Comprehensive Form (K-TEANU) was administered with the following results:
Subtest / Standard Score /Percentile
Reading DecodingReading Comprehension
Mathematics Applications
Mathematics Computation
Composite Scores
Total Test
Peabody Individual Achievement Test Revised (PIAT-R)
The Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT-R) was given with the following results:
Subtest / Standard Score / PercentileMathematics
Reading Recognition
Reading Comprehension
General Information
Written Expression
Total Reading
Total Test
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - Second Edition (WIAT-II)
The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - Second Edition (WIAT - II) was administered with the following results:
Subtest / Percentile / Age/Grage EquivalentBasic Reading
Pseudoword Decoding
Reading Comprehension
Mathematics Reasoning
Numerical Operations
Listening Comprehension
Oral Expression
Written Expression
Diagnostic Achievement Battery-Second Edition (DAB-2)
The Diagnostic Achievement Battery-Second Edition (DAB-2) was administered with the following results:
Subtest /Grade Equivalent
/ PercentileStory Comprehension
Grammatic Completion
Alphabet/Word knowledge
Reading Comprehension
Writing Composition
Mathematics Reasoning
Mathematics Calculation
Spoken Language
Written Language
Total Achievement
Diagnostic Achievement Test For Adolescents-Second Edition (DATA-2)