A Few Starting Resources by Topic

Business Librarians: Ruthie Brock and Carol Byrne, room 136

Creating an ethical organizational culture

§  McCoy, B. H. 1997. The parable of the sadhu. Harvard Business Review, 75(3): 54-64.

§  Jovanovic, S., & Wood, R. V. 2006. Communication ethics and ethical culture. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 34(4): 386-405.

§  Gurchiek, K. 2006. U.S. workers unlikely to report office misconduct. HR Magazine, 51(5): 29-38.

Workplace romance

§  Collins, E. G. C. 1983. Managers and lovers. Harvard Business Review, 61(5): 142-153.

§  Allen, A. 2006. Working ardour. People Management, 12(16): 30-33.

§  Segal, J. A. 2005. Dangerous liaisons. HR Magazine, 50(12): 104-108.

§  2005. Workplace romance can create unforeseen issues for employers. HR Focus, 82(10): 2.

Workplace violence

§  Roche, E., et al. 2003. Do something – he’s about to snap. Harvard Business Review, 81(7): 23-31.

§  Greenwald, J. 2006. Prevention is key in fight against workplace violence. Business Insurance, 40(5): 17-18.

§  Fisher, A. 2005. How to prevent violence at work. Fortune, 2/21/2005: 42.

Generational issues in management

§  Stauffer, D. 2003. Motivating across generations. Harvard Management Update, March: 3-6.

§  Doniger, S. B. 2005. The generation gap. RDH, June 2005: 34-36.

§  Kupperschmidt, B.R. (2000).Multigeneration Employees: Strategies for Effective Management. The Health Care Manager, September, 65-76.

Diversity and performance

§  Darling, M. S., et al. 2001. How should Jessica stem the backlash? Harvard Business Review, 79(3): 38-42.

§  2004. Discrimination takes centre stage. Personnel Today, 3/9/2004: 6.

§  Gummer, B. 2000. Workplace diversity and the global economy. Administration in Social Work, 24(1): 75-93.

§  Kao, C. C. 1992. The diversity paradox. Personnel Journal, 71(1): 32-35.

International issues in management

§  Hofstede, G. 1983. National culture in four dimensions. International Studies of Management & Organization, 13(1/2): 46-74.

§  Kell, T., & Carrott, G. T. 2005. Culture matters most. Harvard Business Review, 83(5): 22-24.

§  Richards, L. 2004. Plan ahead to ensure repatriation success. Personnel Today, 2/3/2004: 19.

§  Bentley, R. 2006. The language of business. Personnel Today, 7/18/2006: 26.

Delivering bad news

§  Manzoni, J.-F. 2002. A better way to deliver bad news. Harvard Business Review, 80(9): 114-119.

§  2005. Bad news gets easier. T+D, 59(11): 16.

§  Pagano, B. & Pagano, E. Try transparency, gain in credibility. Consulting to Management, September, (3), 20-23.

Social responsibility

§  Marihugh, C. (2006). Corporate Social Responsibility: An Insider's View. Dollars & Sense, May/Jun2006 Issue 365, p10, 2p

§  Vogel, D. 2005. The low value of virtue. Harvard Business Review, 83(6): 26.

§  2006. Easy being green. New York Times, 9/24/2006: 14.

§  Xin, X. 2006. Corporate social responsibility – A rite of passage for Chinese enterprises. China Today, 55(9): 10-13.

Stress at Work

§  Britt, T. W. 2003. Black hawk down at work. Harvard Business Review, 81(1): 16-17.

§  Donaldson-Feilder, E., & Pryce, J. 2006. How can line managers help to minimize employees’ workplace stress? People Management, 12(11): 48.

§  Quick, J. C., Nelson, D. L., Quick, J. D., & Orman, D. K. 2001. An isomorphic theory of stress: The dynamics of person-environment fit. Stress & Health, 17(3): 147-157.

Executive Compensation

§  Rappaport, A., & Nodine, T. H. 1999. New thinking on how to link executive pay with performance. Harvard Business Review, 77(2): 91-101.

§  Patton, A. 1988. The executive pay boom is over. Harvard Business Review, 66(5): 154-155.

§  Allen, J. 2006. Bad timing. CFA Magazine, 17(5): 19.

§  Tully, S. 2006. Five commandments for paying the boss. Fortune, 7/10/2006: 89-92.