
Astronomy Test 1 Study Guide

  1. What force causes galaxies to move away from each other?
  1. Electromagnetic force
  2. Friction
  3. Gravity
  4. Energy left over from the Big Bang

2. The three main types of galaxies are:

  1. Spiral, elliptical, irregular
  2. Spiral, oval, irregular
  3. Oval, elliptical, irregular
  4. Square, spiral, elliptical
  1. What is the study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space?
  1. Big Bang Theory
  2. Geology
  3. Astronomy
  4. Meteorology
  1. What is the Big Bang?
  1. The collision of galaxies
  2. The formation of the solar system
  3. The beginning of the universes expansion
  4. The time when stars began to form
  1. What is the sequence that describes a space rock that falls to Earth’s surface?
  1. Meteoroid, meteor, meteorite
  2. Meteorite, meteor, meteoroid
  3. Meteor. meteoroid, meteorite
  4. Meteoroid, meteorite, meteor
  1. Where are most asteroids found?
  1. All over the solar system
  2. Outside of the solar system
  3. Near Earth
  4. In orbit between Mars and Jupiter
  1. Where in the Milky Way Galaxy is our solar system found?
  1. In its center
  2. Close to the center
  3. On an outer arm
  4. Outside the Milky Way’s outer edge

7. What did scientists use to come up with a theory about how the universe was created?

A)observation and opinion

B)scientific evidence and observation

C)scientific experimentation and opinion

D)scientific evidence and experimentation

9. Over time, scientists have changed their model of our solar system. It has transitioned from

A)a sun-centered to an moon-centered model.

B)a sun-centered to an earth-centered model.

C)an earth-centered to a sun-centered model.

D)a moon-centered to an earth-centered model.

10. Edwin Hubble is credited for the initial development of the Big Bang theory, and idea which helps to explain the formation of the universe over 15 billion years ago. Which piece of evidence did Hubble find that led him to begin the development of the Big Bang theory?

A)The sun is the center of the universe.

B)The universe is expanding in all directions.

C)New universes are being made on a regular basis.

D)All life appeared on earth about 3.5 billion years ago.

11. Which lists the Earth’s location in order from LEAST to MOST specific cosmic location?

  1. Milky Way Galaxy, the Solar System, the Universe
  2. Milky Way Galaxy, the Universe, the Solar System
  3. The Universe, Milky Way Galaxy, the Solar System
  4. The Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, the Universe

12. Which force determines Earth’s path around the Sun?

  1. nuclear force
  2. magnetic force
  3. gravitational force
  4. electrostatic force

13. A student is looking at a current model of the solar system. Which of these is BEST describes the model she sees?

  1. a geocentric model, which means Earth is the center of the solar system
  2. a heliocentric model, which means Earth is the center of the solar system
  3. a geocentric model, which means the Sun is the center of the solar system
  4. a heliocentric model, which means the Sun is the center of the solar system

14. Which of these appears in Earth’s atmosphere?

  1. A moonC. a meteor
  2. An asteroidD. a comet

15. Where will gravity be the weakest?

  1. Between objects 100 KM apart.
  2. Between objects 100 light years apart.
  3. Between objects 100 M apart.
  4. Gravity will never be weak.

16. Which statement best describes gravity?

  1. Gravity is weaker when objects are closer together.
  2. Gravity is stronger when objects are far apart.
  3. Gravity is stronger when objects are close together.
  4. Distance between objects does not affect the force of gravity.

17. A comet’s ion tail always extends

  1. Toward the SunC. Towards the planet that its passing
  2. Away from the sunD. Away from the planet that its passing

18. Copernicus’s theory was unpopular when he first proposed it because he stated that the sun was

  1. The center of the solar systemC. a source of energy
  2. An average starD. about 93 million miles away

19. A meteor is

  1. Also called a shooting star.
  2. A meteoroid passing through the Earth’s atmosphere
  3. A fragment of rock
  4. All of the above

20. What usually happens to a meteoroid that enters Earth’s atmosphere?

  1. It becomes a new moon.
  2. It strikes the ground, creating a crater.
  3. It forms a tail that points away from the Sun.
  4. It burns up, giving off life.

21. Suppose that a comet has passed close to the Sun and is now traveling away from the Sun. Which way does the comet’s tail point?

  1. The comet’s tail points away from where the comet is moving.
  2. The comet’s tail points toward Earth.
  3. The comet’s tail points away from the Sun.
  4. The comet’s tail points to the center of the Milky Way.

22. If two planets get closer together, what happens to the gravitational force they exert on each other?

  1. It increase
  2. It decreases
  3. It stays the same
  4. It increases and then decreases

23. The study of the universe is known as

  1. Geology
  2. Chemistry
  3. Astronomy
  4. Astrology

24. Why is gravity known as the universal force?

  1. It holds the universe together.
  2. It is the foundation of every other force.
  3. Stars create gravity, and stars are found throughout the universe.
  4. Every mass exerts gravitational force on every other mass.

25. Which of the following BEST describes where our solar system can be found?

  1. On the edge of an elliptical galaxy
  2. In the center of an elliptical galaxy
  3. On the edge of the Milky Way galaxy
  4. In the center of the Milky Way galaxy

26. Which of the following lists the objects from LARGEST to SMALLEST?

  1. Galaxy; solar system; universe; star
  2. Universe; galaxy; solar system; star
  3. Star; solar system; galaxy; universe
  4. Universe; solar system; star; galaxy

27. Which of the following statements correctly compares the geocentric and heliocentric models?

  1. The heliocentric model explains the motion of the planets more accurately than the geocentric model.
  2. The geocentric model explains the motion of the planets more accurately than the heliocentric model.
  3. The heliocentric model explains the origin of the universe and the geocentric model explains the motion of the planets.
  4. The geocentric model explains the origin of the Moon, and the heliocentric model explains the motion of the planets.