February 1st 2010

Dear Parents

A quick update on our current work:


We have just come to the end of our unit on Decimals where we have been linking fractions, percentages and decimals together. By the end of this unit, students should be able to:

· Read, write and compare and order unit fractions and decimals to thousandths

· Recognize and generate equivalent forms of commonly used fractions, decimals and percents

Our current unit is multiplication and division. The Grade Level Expectations require students to be able to decompose numbers and so, to this end, we have already learned how to use ‘grid method’ multiplication. Over the next weeks, we will be learning more ‘traditional’ methods of multiplication and division although the students will be free to choose the method that they feel most comfortable with.

Naturally I shall update you again shortly, but following division, we will move on to Data (probability, frequency, range, mode etc., graphs, charts).

In addition, every math lesson starts with reviewing Grade Level Expectations set by Missouri State. I have high hopes for this class! Our last Parkway Common Assessment saw every student make steady improvement; I am very proud of their hard work! Thank you for all of your support at home; our results are a team effort and the students are so very pleased with their continued progress.


Currently we are working on a unit of poetry. We are reading a wide range from narrative, to humorous, to classic, to haiku and performance. In particular we are focussing on author’s purpose and identifying similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration and their effect. Once again, we are reviewing all Grade Level Expectations.


Our mini-lessons currently are focussing on persuasive text types and by a given date (tbd) in February, all students will be producing a persuasive text of their choice for grading. Whilst also looking at the features of persuasive writing, we are reviewing grammar, spelling, punctuation rules and have recently learned about the possessive apostrophe. We are also focussing on the correct use of speech punctuation.

Further, the traditional Biography Project will begin after our unit on persuasive writing. Please be assured that I will send home details to help the students with this project soon. I am giving the students the information packet now but this is just to look over. I will guide them step by step as this is a daunting task without such a structure.


The students are currently going to Ms Terranova for science. Before the MAP they have one further unit Levers and Pulleys. We will spend considerable time focussing on Scientific Enquiry skills (testable question, hypothesis, graphs etc.) as this is 25% of the assessment.

Social Studies:

We are continuing our journey through US history and are currently on Chapter 9, Williamsburg.


I wanted to share my thoughts with you regarding the MAP tests. Please be aware that I do not spend the days ‘teaching to the test’ but I do teach the Grade Level Expectations which are what is legally required to be taught and what the MAP assesses. In addition, I spend time sharing tips with the students as we work through our curriculum. Ultimately there are a number of factors to their success:

Academic knowledge (GLEs);

Test taking skills and strategies;



I have very high expectations for success this year and am sure we will achieve all of the grade level expectations ensuring that the students are in the best possible position to begin West Middle with confidence and sound knowledge. The MAP tests are very important to both the students and the school.

Please bear with us as we really focus in on the requirements and spend time reviewing. After the tests, I will ensure that we have some enjoyable treats, whilst covering the remainder of the curriculum. Fun activities are already in the planning stage!

Some Important Dates:

Please see the website for important dates and updates.


As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns. I am so very proud of your children at the moment; they are delightful to teach and are truly polite, caring individuals that are a positive role model within this outstanding school.

With best wishes,

Miss Robinson B.Ed. (Hons) Oxford, Postgrad. Cert. Ed.

314 398-6140