Hello Friends and Welcome to the New Year 2018 and the January issue of the Grapevine.
Once again January finds us reflecting back on the past 12 months, and moving forward to the New Year as we embark on what is shaping up to be yet another busy and productive year here at Indigo North Health. A year in which we continue to focus on our:
We will continue to endeavour to work as a united team in which we foster and promote residents physical and mental health, social connectedness and self worth.
Along with our Board of Management Committee the Leisure and Lifestyle Team would like to take this opportunity to thank all staff and volunteers across all areas of Indigo North Health for the dedication, commitment and compassion they bring to their roles and for working together to enhance the quality of life of our residents and to encourage positive life experiences.
The Christmas period saw a lot of fun and festivity. Activities included Christmas Carol performances from The Chiltern Singers and Sing Australia Corowa, and many Christmas related outings and break-up parties. A Non-Domination Christmas church service was kindly conducted for residents by Fr Brian Carey and Reverend Graeme Wells, just prior to Christmas Day.
A magical evening saw Twenty two residents, plus staff and volunteers embrace the Christmas spirit with a tour of the Christmas lights at Chiltern, Barnawartha, Corowa and Rutherglen.
And of course our Residents/Representatives Christmas Party.
The Dayroom set the festive scene with a wonderful display of beautiful decorations. Reindeers, Santa, angels in every nook & cranny and a beautifully decorated live Christmas tree kindly donated by Rutherglen Christmas Trees. We wish to express sincere gratitude to The Corowa RSL Club and the family of resident Mrs Wilma Bourke for their wonderful generosity and donations of Christmas decorations to enrich the Christmas experience for our residents.
The Christmas party was extremely well attended and saw residents and guests take a stroll down memory Lane with old time favourites sung by our dear friend and monthly entertainer Kaylene Katzer. The crowd sang and tapped along.
The much anticipated arrival of Santa delighted residents with him pedalling in on his three wheeled tricycle, all the way from the North Pole lead by none other than Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Santa
came ladened with a sack full of gifts for all. The entertainment was complemented with a beautifully presented High Tea supplied by our dedicated Catering Team and served on fine china by year nine Catering Students from Rutherglen High school. A truly delightful afternoon for all.
After only a little rest Santa once again appeared on Christmas morning to delight residents with an individualised giftto complete festivities.
2018 sees us slowly ease back into our Leisure and Lifestyle Programs as we await the return of our wonderful volunteers after a well earned break.
The Leisure and Lifestyle Team have an open door policy, so please feel free to discuss the Lifestyle needs of your loved one with our staff Jo Waring, Belinda Suffern or Bernadette Parker, as we continue to work together.
Until next time,
Please Take Care,
Kind Regards,
The Leisure and Lifestyle Team.
We encourage family and friends to visit residents anytime.
Quiet time is between 1.30pm and 2.30pm daily.
Residential Aged care must sign the Visitor’s Register upon arrival and departure. This is to help us know who is the facility should there be an emergency, please complete the Visitors’ Register located at reception when you arrive and when you leave.
Access to Glenview during business hours Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm is by the use of a ‘Proximity Key Tag’ located in a basket beside the Visitor’s Register. Please record the ‘Proximity Key Tag’ number in the register.
To enter and exit:WAVE TAG in front of the Proximity Reader (black pad)
Please ensure the door is closed behind you. If doors stay open, use the door release button located on the dividing wall.
Return tagto basket when signing out.
Outside business hours: ring call bell outside entrance to Indigo North Health.
All food donations (includes any food items brought in for a resident) must be registered in the ‘Food Safety Register of Donated Foods’ at reception (read below information)
Your thoughts and suggestions are values and we would greatly appreciate any customer feedback whether it is a compliment, suggestion or any issue that you may have.
Food is handled and prepared, purchased and stored according to theFood Safety program.
Residents, family or friends may bring in food, if the resident prefers. However, foods of high risk such as, poultry, fish, dairy products, meat, eggs, and rice brought in by the resident or family /friends must be consumed at the time of being brought to the facility. Staff must not store these food items or reheat them. Foods must be stored and transported to the facility in an appropriate temperature controlled container e.g. esky).
Food of low risk such as, biscuits, unfilled cakes, fruit are acceptable to be stored and served.
Any food donated is kept and stored in the dinette refrigerator or cupboards, and not brought into the kitchen. A Register of Food Donated /Brought to the Facility is maintained and located in the kitchen.
Do you have an overflowing wardrobe or unwanted goods?? Make a donation of good quality, clean and reusable goods to Indigo North Health’s Op Shop located on the corner of Conness & Main St, Chiltern. All donations are greatly appreciated!
A ‘Focus Group is a group of residents/representatives who meet with a staff member to review a particular process, procedure or policy, to identify areas of satisfaction and areas for improvement.
Focus groups also provide resident/representatives with information about responsibilities of Indigo North Health Inc in meeting the requirements of THE Aged Care Act and The Aged Care Standards.
Focus Groups provide residents and representatives with the opportunity to:
- Suggest areas for improvement
- Acknowledge areas of satisfaction and excellence where expectations of care are met or exceeded.
- Learn about the responsibilities of Indigo North Health for resident care and meeting Aged Care Standards.
- Clarify many of the different processes of Indigo North Health including the methods of being involved in consultation about care and services.
Focus Groups/Resident/ Representative meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of the month @2.30pm in the Glenview Sitting room.
2018 Focus Group/ Resident Representative dates are:
- Leisure Interests and Activities-Wednesday 1oth January
- Comments and Complaints-Wednesday 7th February
- Choice and Decision Making Wednesday 7th March
- Privacy and Dignity-Wednesday 4th April
- Sensory Loss &Pain Management-Wednesday 2nd May
- Resident Security of Tenure and responsibilities-Wednesday 6th June
- Cultural and Spiritual Life-Wednesday 4th July
- Fire, Security and other Emergencies-Wednesday 1st of August
- Independence-Wednesday 5th September
- Clinical Care-Wednesday 3rd October
- Emotional Support-Wednesday 7th November
- Living Environment-Wednesday 5th December.
All Welcome.
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