From: The PERT
To: The Senior Procurement Executives
Thru: The Contractor Supply Chain Council
White Paper to establish a Procurement Evaluation Re-engineering Team (PERT) Steering Group
Attachments: 1) 2008 PERT Charter (Appendix A)
2) PERT Handbook (Appendix B)
In September of 2004, PERT was officially chartered by the Contractor Purchasing Council (CPC) [now known as the Contractor Supply Chain Council (CSCC)] as a mandatory program using established criteria consistently, performed by experienced professionals from outside the reviewed organization to include a balanced representation of federal and contractor personnel.
The most recently revised PERT Charter that was approved in June 2008 defines the responsibilities and authorities for the Senior Procurement Executives and the Contractor Purchasing Council, as well as the PERT Chairpersons. However, the responsibilities for PERT members are only defined as “responsibilities will be designated by the Chairpersons as appropriate”.
The administrative functions of the PERT are performed through subcommittees. These functions are in addition to the Site PERT reviews. The subcommittees have performed such functions as revising and updating the PERT Handbook, revising and updating the evaluation criteria used for contractor purchasing systems, balanced scorecard and PERT review cycles. The PERT program has also been tasked with initiatives from the Contractor Supply Chain Council (CSCC). Each subcommittee has consisted of a subcommittee chairperson and several members. The product of their work is then posted on the PERT website for all PERT members to review and make comments. This process has given PERT members the flexibility to provide meaningful input to the PERT program. Historically, the same unofficial core group has performed the functions of the subcommittee chairperson and subcommittee members.
The PERT program has been and continues to be successful in its function of reviewing contractor purchasing systems. However, the lack of a formally designated group for operational and administrative functions is no longer efficient and does not ensure equitable representation from the four major organizations across the complex. There is also a lack of continuity if individuals from the unofficial core group retire, transfer to another job, or no longer have the time to provide these functions. The PERT co-chairs also foresee more future taskings from the CSCC given the experience, level of expertise and reliability that PERT members have become known for.
In an on-going effort to ensure efficiency, the co-chairs have identified a need to establish a formal PERT/PEER Strategic Advisory Council consisting of designated federal and contractor personnel. The Council would be comprised of individuals from NNSA, DOE, EM, Science and others. Council members would still be voluntary but they would be appointed by the co-chairs and would be available to coordinate and conduct taskings and initiatives.
The PERT Members would still have the flexibility to volunteer for the primary PERT function of site reviews. They will also continue to participate in the monthly teleconferences as well as volunteer for subcommittees when they are able to. PERT membership would still be voluntary and unrestricted to contractors and federal personnel from DOE and NNSA. The voluntary members have always been critical to the success of the program. They have volunteered to be Team Leaders and Team Members on numerous PERT reviews. They have also provided valuable feedback during the monthly PERT Teleconference. This is in addition to their normal work duties and responsibilities. The PERT team still depends on the member’s skills, dedication and hard work to succeed.
Recommendation: The PERT program has been successful due to the ability to continually evolve with changing environments. It is recommended that the Senior Procurement Executive endorse the following additional language to the PERT Charter:
PERT/PEER Strategic Advisory Council: The Council will consist of up to 20 contractor and federal employees. This group will consist of a reasonable and equitable representation from DOE, NNSA, EM, Science, and others.
Responsibilities: The Council Members will be called on by the Chairpersons to form subcommittees and perform taskings and initiatives for review by all PERT members.
Because the proposed addition of a defined Council is not regulatory, the Senior Procurement Executives may administratively change the requirement.
Senior Procurement Executive Endorsement is requested: