Government of West Bengal
New Secretariat Buildings, 3rd floor, 1, K. S. Roy Road, Kolkata-700001.
Phone No: (033)2248-6271
Extension: 3337
FAX: (033) 2248-5545
(033) 2243-9284
Each set contains:-
(1) Tender Form (To Be Submitted In Duplicate)
(2) Detailed Tender Notification Along With Specification
(3) Terms & Conditions for Submission of Tender.
(4) Check List
PRICE OF TENDER CATALOGUE: Rs.200.00 (Rupees Two Hundred) only.
( Dr. J. L. Chakraborty )
Director of Animal Husbandry &
Veterinary Services, West Bengal.
TENDER FORM (To be submitted in duplicate)
The Governor to the State of West Bengal
Through Director of Animal Husbandry &
Veterinary Services, West Bengal,
New Secretariat Buildings, 3rd Floor,
1, K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata- 700 001.
With reference to your Tender Notification No T-462(A) dated 26/3/2008, I am/We are furnishing below my/our rates for the item tendered for in duplicate as per your specification/description, Terms & Conditions:-
Sl.No. / Name of Commodity with specification / Rate in
Figure(a) / Sales Tax/
VAT (b) / Total (a + b) in
Figure & Words
1. / Paddy Straw: Paddy straw not less than 3’ (Three feet) in length, non chaffed, dry, yellow in color, free from moulds, dirt & any other foreign materials, fit for staking for prolonged storage.
2. / Rice Bran(De-Oiled) in powder form:
(i) Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 14% (Fourteen) Min.
(iii) Cr. Fiber: 14% (Fourteen) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 6% (Six) Max.
3. / Ground Nut Cake(De-Oiled):
(i) Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 44% (Forty Four) Min.
(iii) Cr. Fiber: 11% (Eleven) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 2.5% (Two Point Five) Max.
4. / Soya bean Cake (Ext.):
(i) Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 48% (Forty Eight) Min.
(iii) Cr. Fiber: 7% (Seven) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 2.5% (Two Point Five) Max.
5. / Mustard Oil Cake (Expeller):
(i) Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 32% (Thirty Two) Min.
(iii) Cr. Fiber: 8% (Eight) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 2.5% (Two Point Five) Max.
6. / Yellow Maize (in whole grain):
(i) Sound, matured, free from fungus, rancidity, insect infestation, bad odour, toxic materials.
(ii) Moisture: 10 %( Ten) Max.
(iii) Sand Silica: 2% (Two) Max.
7. / Kalai Chuni:
(i) Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 15% (Fifteen) Min.
(iii) Cr. Fiber: 14% (Fourteen) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 8% (Eight) Max.
8. / Mug Chuni:
(i) Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 15% (Fifteen) Min.
(iii) Cr. Fiber: 11% (Eleven)) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 2.5% (Two point five) Max.
9. / Fish Meal:
(i) Moisture: 12% (Twelve) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 50% (Fifty) Min.
(iii) Fat: 12% (Twelve) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 5% (Five) Max.
10. / Common Salt:
Fine Granules free from foreign materials.
11. / Half Bar Soap:
250 gm in each soap containing 80 such pcs. In a carton.
Continued on Page-2
Details of Earnest Money Deposit
Sl.No. / Name of the Commodity / Description of Instrument (No, Date, Issuing Bank/Treasury) / Amount
1. / Paddy Straw
2. / Rice Bran(De-Oiled) in powder form
3. / Ground Nut Cake(De-Oiled)
4. / Soya bean Cake (Ext.)
5. / Mustard Oil Cake (Expeller)
6. / Yellow Maize (in whole grain)
7. / Kalai Chuni
8. / Mug Chuni
9. / Fish Meal
10. / Common Salt
11. / Half Bar Soap / Rs.5,000/-
Should this tender be accepted, I/We hereby agree to abide by & fulfill all the Terms & Conditions laid down in the Tender and the particulars available in the Tender Notice & the details given in the specification/ Description attached hereto or in default thereof to forfeit & pay the Governor of the state of West Bengal, or his successor in office the penalties/sums/or of money that may be imposed by the Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, West Bengal, the earnest money deposited herewith or from other money deposited by me/us or from the bills that will be payable to me/us for the supplies to be made.
I/We also agree that the decision of the Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, West Bengal in all matters in respect of this tender will be final & binding on me.
I/We also agree to execute on being called upon to do a formal agreement embodying the terms & conditions contained herein &/or on usual terms & conditions & on default on my/our doing so, the Earnest Money deposited by me/us will liable to be forfeited.
Yours faithfully,
Date: Signature & office seal:
Name of the Firm:
Address with PIN:
Government of West Bengal
New Secretariat Buildings, Block-A, 3rd Floor,
1, Kiron Shankar Roy Road, Kolkata- 700 001
No. T-462(A) Date of issue 26th March, 2008
Sealed Tenders are invited by the Governor of the State of West Bengal through the undersigned from the bonafide suppliers, dealers, traders etc. for timely supply of Paddy Straw, Half Bar Soap & under noted Animal Feed Ingredients to be used for preparation of balanced feed at Feed Mixing Unit, Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist. Nadia & State Livestock Farm, P.O.Kalyani, Nadia.
Sl.No. / Name of the Commodity with detailed specification / Approximate Quantity / Delivery Schedule
1. / Paddy Straw: Paddy straw not less than 3’ (Three feet) in length, non chaffed, dry, yellow in color, free from moulds, dirt & any other foreign materials, fit for staking for prolonged storage / 1518 (One Thousand Five Hundred Eighteen) MT. / Staggered delivery w.e.f 2nd week of May, 2008 at Haringhata-Kalyani Farm Complex.
2. / Rice Bran(De-Oiled) in powder form:
(i) Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 14% (Fourteen) Min.
(iii) Cr. Fiber: 14% (Fourteen) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 6% (Six) Max. / 50(Fifty) MT. / 15 MT. /Fortnight w.e.f 2nd week of May, 2008 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia.
3. / Ground Nut Cake(De-Oiled):
(i) Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 44% (Forty Four) Min.
(iii) Cr. Fiber: 11% (Eleven) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 2.5% (Two Point Five) Max. / 50(Fifty) MT. / 10 MT. /Month w.e.f 2nd week of May, 2008 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia.
4. / Soya bean Cake (Ext.):
(i) Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 48% (Forty Eight) Min.
(iii) Cr. Fiber: 7% (Seven) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 2.5% (Two Point Five) Max. / 5(Five) MT. / At a time on 2nd week of May, 2008 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia.
5. / Mustard Oil Cake (Expeller):
(i) Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 32% (Thirty Two) Min.
(iii) Cr. Fiber: 8% (Eight) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 2.5% (Two Point Five) Max. / 25(Twenty Five) MT. / 5 MT. /Month w.e.f 2nd week of May, 2008 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia.
6. / Yellow Maize (in whole grain):
(i) Sound, matured, free from fungus, rancidity, insect infestation, bad odour, toxic materials.
(ii) Moisture: 10 %( Ten) Max.
(iii) Sand Silica: 2% (Two) Max. / 90(Ninety) MT. / 15 MT. /Fortnight w.e.f 2nd week of May, 2008 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia.
7. / Kalai Chuni:
(i) Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 15% (Fifteen) Min.
(iii) Cr. Fiber: 14% (Fourteen) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 8% (Eight) Max. / 30(Thirty) MT. / 8 MT. /Month w.e.f 2nd week of May, 2008 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia.
8. / Mug Chuni:
(i) Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 15% (Fifteen) Min.
(iii) Cr. Fiber: 11% (Eleven)) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 2.5% (Two point five) Max. / 15(Fifteen) MT. / 5 MT. /Month w.e.f 2nd week of May, 2008 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia.
9. / Fish Meal:
(i) Moisture: 12% (Twelve) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 50% (Fifty) Min.
(iii) Fat: 12% (Twelve) Max.
(iv) Sand Silica: 5% (Five) Max. / 15(Fifteen) MT. / 10 MT. /Month w.e.f 2nd week of May, 2008 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia.
10. / Common Salt:
Fine Granules free from foreign materials. / 5(Five) MT. / At a time on 1st week of June, 2008 at Haringhata Farm.
11. / Half Bar Soap:
250 gm in each soap containing 80 such pcs. In a carton. / 708 (Seven Hundred Eight) Cartons / Staggered delivery per month as per order to be placed by Haringhata-Kalyani Farm authority.
Continued on Page-2
Detailed Tender Catalogue (not transferable) along with all other particulars are obtainable from the cash section of the above addressed office on non-refundable cash payment of Rs.200.00 (Rupees Two Hundred) only between 12-00 Noon and 4-00 p.m., (barring lunch hours between 1-30 p.m. & 2-00 p.m.) up to 25.4.2008 also be downloaded from the Website Request for tender documents along with requisite fees by Post will not be entertained.
Each tender must be supported by:-
a) Each Tender, unless the Bidder is exempted under the existing orders of the Govt. of West Bengal or Govt. of India, will have to be submitted with Earnest Money Deposit @ 2% (Two percent) of the Total Value quoted [Rs.5000/- for Half Bar Soap] for each item SEPERATELY either in original Deposit-at-Call Receipt or Bankers’ Cheque or Pay-Order or T.R. Challan No.7 under head “8443-00-1003-001-07” on Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata/ District Treasury in favor of Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, West Bengal. Tender Notification No, Date of Issue &Name of the item is to be clearly mentioned in R.B.I. /T.R. Challan. The Deposit-at-Call/ Bankers’ Cheque /Pay Order should be drawn on any Nationalized Bank & to be deposited in original along with a Photo-copy.
b) Those who intend to download the tender documents from Website are required to deposit Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred)only [Non-refundable] towards cost of the same in Demand Draft on any nationalized bank payable at Service Branch, Kolkata in favor of Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, West Bengal along with the offer.
c) Attested Photocopy of PAN Card.
d) Valid Trade License (valid up to 31.3.2008) either in original or attested photo-copy.
e) Valid Professional Tax Paid Challan/ or Clearance Certificate (valid up to 31.3.2008) either in original or attested photo-copy.
f) Valid VAT Registration Certificate (valid up to 31.3.2008) either in original or attested photo-copy, if not furnished with the tender, must be furnished in Form No.58 at the time of receiving payment (vide G.O. No. 3246-FT dated 29.9.1997) only once in financial year otherwise payment of bill will not be given.
h) A copy of Tender Schedule duly signed & stamped will have to be submitted as a token of acceptance.
N.B.: Documents (c) to (f) must be duly attested by Gazetted/ Group-A Officers, if photo-copies are given indicating the Full Name of the Attesting Person. Please note that unattested photo-copy will not be considered as valid document.
No Tender will be accepted, if the same is not supported with all the above documents.
The OFFERED RATE SHOULD BE VALID for SIX MONTHS FOR FEED INGREDIENTS [FOR PADDY STRAW & HALF BAR SOAP ONE YEAR] but the period may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the undersigned/Tender Committee/ Tendering Authority and requirement.
The quantity & delivery schedule as stated above are tentative. 5% (Five Percent) Less or Excess of the ordered quantity [except Half Bar Soap] may be accepted by the Farm authority.
Sealed Tenders super scribing "Tender for Supply of Paddy Straw, Feed Ingredients & Half Bar Soap" along with Name & Address with PIN, Telephone No. /Fax No., etc. of the Bidder should reach the office of the undersigned on or before 28.4.2008 within 15-00 hours. A Tender Box for this purpose will be preserved in the Purchase Cell (Room No. 10). The said Box will be closed/sealed at 15-01 hours on 28.4.2008 and tender will be opened in presence of representative of Bidders on 28.4.2008 at 15-15 hours. No tender will be accepted across the table and no such receipt will be issued thereon.
The bidder must abide by the enclosed terms & Conditions as laid down by this Directorate.
( Dr. J. L. Chakraborty )
Director of Animal Husbandry &
Veterinary Services, West Bengal.
Government of West Bengal
New Secretariat Buildings, Block-A, 3rd Floor, 1, Kiron Shankar Roy Road, Kolkata- 700 001
Terms & Conditions for submission of Tender against Tender Notification No.T-462(A) dated 26.3.2008
(i) Each Tender, unless the Bidder is exempted under the existing orders of the Govt. of West Bengal or Govt. of India, will have to be submitted with Earnest Money Deposit @ 2% (Two percent) of the Total Value quoted [Rs.5000/- for Half Bar Soap] for each item SEPERATELY either in original Deposit-at-Call Receipt or Bankers’ Cheque or Pay-Order or T.R. Challan No.7 under head “8443-00-1003-001-07” on Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata/District Treasury in favor of Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, West Bengal. Tender Notification No, Date of Issue &Name of the item is to be clearly mentioned in R.B.I./T. R. Challan. The Deposit-at-Call/ Bankers’ Cheque /Pay Order should be drawn on any Nationalized Bank & to be deposited in original along with a Photo-copy.
(ii) In no circumstances, Cash, G.P. Note, Pass Book, Fixed/Term Deposit, Token of Bank, A/c. Payee Cheque will be accepted save & except those mentioned above at 1(i) as Earnest Money Deposit.
(iii) The Earnest Money Deposit shall not carry interest. This Directorate is not liable for deposition of excess of Earnest Money.
(iv) Earnest Money deposited before the date of issue of this Tender Notification will not be accepted. Earnest Money Deposit of previous tender will not be adjusted/ considered for this tender.
(v) The onus of proving that a Bidder is exempted from depositing Earnest Money will be on the Bidder and must be proved by submission of valid documents to that effect, e.g., Small Scale Industries should furnish S.S.I. Registration Certificate along with Annual Production Return of the preceding year. Co-operative Societies of this State should furnish Registration Certificate from the State Register of Co-Operative Societies.