Finding the Critical Path to Change:
Planning and Implementing a Successful Campaign
February 7-11, 2011
Doubletree by Hilton Cambridge Garden House Hotel
Granta Place, Mill Lane, Cambridge Cb2 1rt, England, UK
Telephone: +44 1223 259 988
Seminar facilitated by Chris Rose of Campaign Strategy Limited
Seminar Objectives:
- To provide instruction on the basics of successful campaigning to Open Society Foundations Public Health Program staff, National Foundations staff and NGO partners;
- To strengthen participants’ campaigning knowledge by learning from the experiences of activists who have led successful campaigns on public health and human rights issues at the international and national levels;
- To provide intensive instruction on creating a ‘critical path’- the key step to translatingan issue map into a Campaign action plan;
- To provide customized support to national and regional teams to develop sound Campaign action plans and next steps to be carried out 2011-2012.
Sunday, February 6
Participant Arrivals and Registration
19:00-21:00Dinner on your own at the hotel restaurant
20:00-21:00Steering Committee Pre-Meeting with Chris Rose [hotel lobby]
Monday, February 7Breakfast on your own at hotel restaurant
8:15-8:45Registration and materials pick up
8:45-9:30Welcome, Agenda Review, Introductions
9:30-10:30Introduction to Campaigning Techniques and tools: Session 1
HTWC: Chap 1 and pp: 1-27, 84-85, 11, 123-133, 212, 231, 235, 269
10:45-12:15Introduction to Campaigning Techniques and tools: Session 2
HTWC: pp. 43-46, 121-124, 157-159, 170, 175-176, 253
13:15-13:45Campaign videos screening
13:45-15:00Introduction to Campaigning Techniques and tools: Session 3
HTWC: Chap 6 and pp. 28-31, 151-156, 248-249, 285-288, 296-302
15:15-18:00Introduction to Campaigning Techniques and tools: Session 4
HTWC: pp. 25-26, 62-68
18:30-21:00Dinner at hotel or outside restaurant at your own expense
Tuesday, February 8Breakfast on your own at hotel restaurant
8:30-10:00Introduction to Campaigning Techniques and tools: Session 5
HTWC: Chap 3 and pp. 69-91, 265-268
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-12:15Introduction to Campaigning Techniques and tools: Session 6
HTWC: Chap 4 and Chap 5 and pp. 22. 25-31, 46-47, 51-54, 62-68, 84-85, 105, 149-161, 175-177, 205-206
13:30-15:15Introduction to Campaigning Techniques and tools: Session 7
HTWC: Chap 1 and 12 and pp. 34-40, 257, 262
15:30-17:30Introduction to Campaigning Techniques and tools: Issue Mapping
17:30End of formal instruction for day 2
17:45-19:45Chris Rose strategy session with Georgia country team
18:30-21:00Dinner at hotel or outside restaurant at your own expense
Wednesday, February 9Breakfast on your own at hotel restaurant
8:00-9:00Chris Rose strategy session with Kyrgyzstan team
9:15-11:15Learning from Successful Campaigners in Health and Human Rights: A Panel Discussion
Marine Buissonniere, Deputy Director, Open Society Foundations Public Health Program
Daniel Berman, Médecins Sans Frontières,Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines
Paul Vermeulen, Handicap International, International Campaign to Ban Landmines
Daniel Wolfe, Open Society Foundations International Harm Reduction Development Program, campaign for a supervised injection facility(Insite) in Vancouver, Canada
11:30-12:30Real-time Consulting: Taking stock of the Stop the Stockouts Campaign: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward
13:15-14:45Screening of Tactical Tech Video ’10 Tactics for Turning Information into Action’ and Group Discussions
15:00-22:00Walking tour of CambridgeUniversity and group dinner out
Thursday, February 10Breakfast on your own at hotel restaurant
9:00-11:00Campaigning on human rights issues: tips and a group discussion
11:15-13:00Chris Rose strategy session with the Southern Africa team
11:15-13:00Iva Dobichina, Open Society Foundations Advocacy Capacity Building Coordinator, on working with government officials [plenary room]
14:00-16:00Chris Rose strategy session with Ukrainecountry team
16:30-18:30Chris Rose strategy session with Armenia country team
18:30-21:00Dinner at hotel
19:00-20:30Optional Session: Introducing the Campaign to Stop Torture in Health Care Website [in plenary room]
*Groups prepare to present their revised plans in plenary on Day 5.
Friday, February 11Breakfast on your own at hotel restaurant
9:00-11:30Country teams present posters with action plans and group discussion
11:30-12:30Any other business and seminar closing
12:30-13:30Lunch and some participant departures
12:30-14:00Chris Rose lunch with Campaign Steering Committee
14:30-16:30Additional meetings with Chris Rose as needed [by sign up]
19:00-21:00Dinner at hotel or outside restaurant at your own expense
Saturday, February 12Participant Departures