Church of St. Michael Parish Council Minutes
August 22, 2013
Members Present: Fr. Tom Sieg, Joe Meurer, Jim DeGross, Mick Kelly, Barb Stark, Colleen Thoresen, Marla Kramer, Maggie Stack, Fabian Yaklin, Barb Muelkin, Dave Kortes, Bob Beck, Jim Anderson
I. GATHERING TIME – 6:45-7pm
A. Card Ministry – Fabian Yaklin
II. OPENING PRAYER – led by Jim Anderson
III. PARISHIONER INPUT – Christine Hockman
Christine is on the Building and Grounds committee. She addressed the council with concerns about the lack of policy at St. Michael as it related to a number of examples she listed resulting from a recent building and grounds landscape project. The council discussed her concerns, and Barb S. and Jim D. have the lead to formulate a response and get back her.
IV. EDUCATION – Session 5 of Year of Faith led by Joe Meurer
A. Administrative Report - Jim DeGross
1. Financial Update: The year-end numbers are very close to on budget; the projection is that we’ll come in slightly above breakeven.
2. Budget- The budget was approved at our June meeting.
3. Capital Campaign Update - Another mailing went out to thank everyone and offer a pledge drive update; currently there are: 523 pledges that equal $1.15M.
4. Annual report – It will be published in September and a draft will be out soon.
B. Calendar Review - Colleen Thoresen
1. Parish Council executive meeting: September 5th at 6pm
2. Parish Council commissioning: September 14-15th (PC are greeters/gift bearers/hospitality)
Colleen will send out a reminder and get sign up for these duties.
3. Parish Council retreat: September 20-21st 6pm gathering time (See D&D section for more)
4. Parish ministry fair: September 21-22nd. Parish council booth responsibilities go to:
Jim = schedule
Mick = trivia
Dave = booth signage
Barbie S. = chili
5. Parish Council meeting: September 26th at 7pm
6. Parish Council executive meeting: October 3rd at 6pm
7. Parish Council meeting: October 24th at 7pm
FYI—Barb M. is out of town for our September and October Parish Council Meetings. Father Tom is in Italy during our October meeting.
C. Liaison Reports - All current reports have been collected and distributed.
Committees / PC Liaison / Minutes &/or Liaison ReportBuildings and Grounds / Fabian Yaklin / Liaison report submitted 8-21
Communications / Maggie Stack / No meeting this month
Discipleship / Mick Kelly / Liaison report submitted 8-22
Faith formation / Bob Beck
Finance / Barb Stark / No meeting this month
Liturgy / Jim Anderson
Pastoral Care/Social Ministries / Colleen Thoresen / No meeting this month
School Advisory Council (SAC) / Dave Kortes / Liaison report submitted 8-20
Sister Parish / Barb Muelken
A. Review of 2012/2013 Parish Council goals – Barb Stark
This discussion was deferred until our Parish Council September Retreat.
B. Council Corner topic – PC Goal/Ministries (September)
Barb S. will write about the ministry review work the Parish Council will continue with over this next year.
C. Parish Council retreat – Fabian Yaklin and Mick Kelly
Fabian and Mick will inform us about details as the date approaches. Jim D. will communicate to PC members about details regarding payment.
D. PC ministry fair, September 21/23, 2013 (Stewardship also on 9/28-29 & 10/5&6 PC greeters) -
Joe Meurer reminded the group that we should volunteer to be greeters on those weekends.
E. Parish Council Meeting Time Change?
A consensus decision was made that we will have a trial period of three months (Sept, Oct, Nov) where we will start our PC meetings at 6:30pm and adjourn at 9pm.
F. Fr. Tom addresses the council -
Father Tom provided an update on the Faith Formation Middle School teacher search; still looking, but two promising interviews next week. He also provided an update on the Parish staff / administration conflict; the first of three facilitator-lead meetings has happened and his thoughts on that outcome was positive.
G. Bob Beck will be the lead for the BOW program. Christie is compiling a schedule; we’ll get it to each Council member. Each Parish Council member is expected to participate in this Parish Council driven ministry.
II. CLOSING PRAYER – Jim Anderson 8:55
Next Meeting: September 26th @ 7 PM
Hospitality: Jim Anderson Prayer: Fabian Yaklin
Education: Fabian Yaklin Council Corner: Maggie Stack (Oct)
Meeting Adjourned: at 9:03pm
August 24, 2023