Chicago Breastfeeding Taskforce

Website Archive



John H Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County

1901 W. Harrison

Lower Level Meeting Room #3

October 12, 2007

8:00-10:00 AM


Charlotte JohnsonErin NoldLastella FeltonMary DysonEulah Dean

Helen DimasMishawn O’NealRobin Colbert

I. Introductions

II. Approval of Minutes from August, and September

LaStella motioned to approve; seconded by Charlotte.

III. Committee Reports


Charlotte commented on how well the Task Force has been working together for outreach events. We have received support and participation by many members. We were able to accomplish most outreach events that were scheduled on our calendar. Part of the plan for next year should be how many outreach events we have, and maybe to space the events farther apart.


In October we had a $20 deposit from 2 new memberships. The current balance is $326.47.


Erin has been having trouble with her Task Force listserv; some people’s emails were somehow deleted from the list. Please let Erin know if you have not received meeting minutes lately and she will update the listserv.


With the 2 new memberships received in the last month, we now have 26 total members.

Peer Counselor

No report given


No report given

IV. Old Business

  1. Report on Grandmothers’ Tea: the event went very well. We had 37 participants that signed in. The budget had been increased from $500 to $1000; the total amount spent was $1030.53. The grandmothers had nice gifts to take home (teapots, saucers, bath gels, etc). Belinda did a great job with the breastfeeding bingo game. The mothers necklace event went over very well. There was time for everyone to make necklaces, and they all shared their experiences. Many raffle gifts were given away. The majority of participants had grandchildren that had breastfed. We will make this an annual event and move it around to different locations.
  1. 2008 Budget:

September 2007:Grandmothers’ Tea$1,000

November 2007:PC Enrichment 500

April 2008:PC Enrichment 500

May 2008:Tea or other Outreach 500

June 2008:Fathers’ Outreach 500

August 2008:Breastfeeding Walk 500

Scholarships 500

Ideas: maybe Hollister could help fund the spring tea again; Eulah suggested reaching out to seniors and possibly holding an event at a senior center. Maybe we could get grandfathers to come.

Helen motioned to approve the budget; Eulah seconded.

  1. November Peer Counselor Enrichment: Kathy Ragland will be running the Enrichment on November 9, and it will be held at Roseland WIC. Vivian is working with her to develop a flyer.
  1. The October 19-21 Doula Training was Cancelled. There was not enough interest. CHC will be doing a 3-day Doula training in February (Helen thinks the cost is $395).

V. New Business

  1. Task Force Logo: Mishawn’s question—what exactly do we want? Should we include the Chicago skyline with a silhouette of a breastfeeding mom in the foreground? We should try to represent the diversity of Chicago. The cost should be about $100; Mishawn hopes to not exceed $250.
  1. December Pot-Luck: we will decide on dates for next year’s meetings, maybe decide on officers. Maybe a meeting site for next year could be where CHC is holding their PC training (3600 W. Ogden; WACA). Helen will look into it.
  1. Reduced Membership cost: There was a request to offer a reduced membership for larger groups. It was suggested to reduce the rate to $8 per person for agencies with over 10 people. This will be voted on when everyone has been able to read the minutes.

VI. Upcoming Events/Announcements

No local CLC trainings are coming up. If an agency is interested in hosting a training, it’s a good opportunity. The training is for 5 days, and for every 10 participants a free scholarship is given.

Mishawn and Brenda Snyder have been working together to create classes, and starting in February Breastfeeding America will be offering classes at 1724 W. Chicago Avenue. There will be a fee; around $25. Different classes will be offered, ranging from breastfeeding basics to topics for health professionals. Breastfeeding America also has new magnets in English/Spanish. They will also be offering a breastfeeding “jeopardy” type game available on CD-rom.

Robin suggests working with Father’s parenting programs (usually 6-8 weeks), ask their coordinators if they could add a breastfeeding piece to their programs.

Education: Sheila Cochran—Closing the Gap

Next Task Force Meeting:

Friday, December 8

1:00-3:00 PM

Hektoen Building

627 S. Wood


2007 Meeting* Dates & Topics (Subject to Change)

*Unless otherwise indicated, meetings are held at Stroger Hospital from 1- 3 pm. To receive meeting minutes, please contact Taskforce Secretary Erin Fields at 312-853-5950 or .

January 12 - Support of Working Women (8 - 10 am)

February 9 - Celebrating Our Successes (8 - 10 am)

March 9 - Resource Networking on Breastpumps: Policies, Protocols & Practical Tips

April 13 - Peer Counselor Enrichment (See details below)

May 11 - Breastfeeding Nuturing Tea (Site & Time pending)

June 8 or 20th - Father's Support of Breastfeeding/Outreach (Site pending)

July 13 - Breastfeeding from the Asian Perspective (8 - 10 am)

August 10 - Prepare for Chicago Dept. Public Health Walk/Outreach (Site & Time pending)

August 24 - World BF Week Celebration CDPH Walk & Picnic (Rainbow Beach, 8:30 am - 4 pm)

September 14 - Grandmother Tea/Outreach (Site & Time pending)

October 12 - Topic To Be Determined (8 - 10 am)

November 9 - PC Enrichment Day--Rush Hospital Mother's Milk Club (8 am - 4 pm)

December 8 - Holiday Networking and 2008 Planning Day (Hektoen Site)




John H. Stroger Jr Hospital of Cook County

1901 W. Harrison, Chicago IL

Downstairs (Level B) Meeting Room #3 (adjacent to the cafeteria)

Friday, April 13th, 2007



Objective: Peer counselors focus on how to support breastfeeding moms and babies. Discussion led by successful peer counselors from different settings and cultures.

9:00 Registration – Continental Breakfast

9:30 Panel Discussion comprised of peer counselors from WIC and Hospital Based Clinics – L. Foster

11:00 What’s Working – What Needs to be Addressed – K. Ragland

12:00 Lunch

12:45 Update from Peer Counselor Springfield Conference

1:00 How we are doing as Peer Counselors from an IBCLC’s viewpoint

1:30 Role Play, Video, Closing Remarks

RSVP – LaMonica Foster 312-413-8817, or Kathy Ragland 773-785-1173

Or Fax 773-785-2378 or e-mail

Parking ($2): Available at Cook Co. Juvenile Center, 1101 S. Hamilton

Directions: Go West on Polk to Damen, Left on Damen to Roosevelt

  • The first building on the right is the Juvenile Center
  • A free shuttle bus between Juvenile Center and Cook County buildings leaves every 15 minutes