
Stage / Time / Focus / Procedure / Aim
Speaking 1 / 3 mins / Closed pairs
OC / Sts ask and answer questions about smoking from 1st slide of powerpoint (pp)
Give opportunities for 1 or 2 sts to explain how they quit. / To engage top-down knowledge and personalise topic.
Lead in to pre-listening.
Pre-listening / 5mins / Closed pairs
Closed pairs / Sts brainstorm different ways to quit. Board any that are different to the 4 on slide 2: nicotine gum/patches, e-cigarettes, hypnosis.
Show 2nd slide, board pronunciation of cigarette, patches and hypnosis. Drill briefly.
/sɪɡə’ret/ /ˈpætʃɪz/ /hɪpˈnəʊsɪs/
Sts answer questions at bottom of 2nd slide. / To activate top-down knowledge further and pre-teach some vocab for listening.
To check and improve pronunciation.
Sts react to content.
Listening / 5-10 mins / Closed pairs
OC / Introduce characters and situation from listening with 3rd slide.
Give out listening comprehension handout. Sts listen and answer 3 questions from handout:
  1. What methods does Joanne recommend?
  2. What methods does Ian recommend?
  3. Which method does Katy decide to try?
Replay as needed, break into two parts if necessary.
Check answers across class.
Give out handout, sts listen again with tape script. “Any questions?” / To ground sts in the situation of the listening.
TAVI exercise to aid sts listening comprehension. Secondary aim: to introduce exponents of advice in context.
To clear up doubts.
Language focus / 10 mins / Closed pairs
OC/closed pairs / Sts categorise the exponents listed on the handout by meaning. Elicit correct categories for first 2/3. Show slide 4 with first 3 in correct categories.
While sts do this board all exponents in categories, add phonetic script for pronunciation focus:
Drill pronunciation of:
If I were you, I’d…
/ɪf ˈaɪwəju:aɪd/ Stress “I” and “you”
That’s a good idea
/ðæts ə ɡʊdaɪˈdɪə/ stress “that’s”
Why don’t you try
/waɪdəʊntjətraɪ/ notice weak “you” compared to in “If I were you”
Sts analyse grammar of components. Use 5th slide to give examples, then answers. / Focus on meaning
Focus on form: pronunciation, elements of connected speech.
Focus on form: grammar, verb patterns.
Speaking – controlled practice 1 / 2 mins / Grps of 3 / Sts use the transcript to practice the dialogue from listening.
Monitor and correct pronunciation. / Controlled practice of exponents without pressure of creating new sentences.
Writing + speaking controlled practice 2 / 5-10 mins / OC
Grps of 3 / Sts write their own dialogue. Explain that we’ll do an example together on the board.Students don’t write anything yet.
Label one strong group of students A-C, choose strongest student to be A.
Give A a problem card.
Using cued dialogue on 6th slide model a dialogue on the board.
Sts create their own dialogues in the space on the handout. Monitor and correct written form, board vocabulary.
Sts read their dialogues. / Scaffolded controlled practice of exponents without performance pressure.
Spoken controlled practice.
Speaking controlled practice 3 / 10 mins / Rotating groups of 3 / A’s stand up and rotate to the next group. They explain their problem to the new group who give them advice. Less structured, A is now free to accept/reject advice.
Repeat until all A’s have spoken to all groups. / Less scaffolded controlled speaking practice.
Wrap-up / 5 mins / OC / A’s tell class the best advice they received. Focus sts attention to emergent language. / Sts respond to activity + develop fluency.