Meeting Minutes
May12, 2016
Committee Members Present:
Noel Bernal, Mark Mayfield, Charles Gersbach, Sibil Johnson-Williams, Sue Kennedy (by phone)
Staff members Present:
Diana Phillips, Lori Steiner, Marie Mayfield
Roland Broussard with RealTex Management
Welcome & Sign in
The meeting was called to order at 11:35 Diana Phillips, and established a quorum.
Approval of Minutes
Dianaasked for a motion to approve the minutes from the April meeting. Mark Mayfield moved,CharlesGersbach second, motion carried.
Cedar Ridge Property Management Contract
Roland Broussard gave an update for the Cedar Ridge properties. Roland advised that TDHCA is pleased with the performance, but that the contract with RealTex expired in April. RealTex management has had internal organizational changes across four states, and has decided to sell its GP interests. The company that will manage those interests will take over the property management, and could take up to one year to change over. Roland advised he is leaving RealTex to go to UAH Property Management in Dallas under Mike Clark to take the role of Sr Vice President. UAH is approved through TDHCA, and has HUD, market rate, and conventional housing. Roland would like to transfer the Cedar Ridge properties to UAH. Lori asked about formal termination with RealTex, and Roland advised a 30 day notice retro back to May active June 1st. Noel asked about an RFQ, and Diana advised they would look into it. Mark Mayfield stated that UAH is a top notch company, and a transition would be smooth. Contracts would be a two week process. The property manager position for CR is open, and interviews are underway.
MOTION: Diana Phillips motioned to transition to UAH from RealTex for property management of the Cedar Ridge developments, Mark Mayfield moved, Noel Bernal second, motion carries.
Bartlett Multifamily Housing Property
Charles Gersbach presented the committee with an overview of a development he manages in Bartlett dba as Capitol Area Rural Development Corp started in 1974. The Bartlett Housing Authority owed the property, the note is paid for after 40 yrs, and maintenance is outsourced. There are 6 duplex units, and would like to offer the development for sale to OWBC. Diana advised that OWBC and the property committee would have to look into the legal filings with the county, the deed, and other paperwork. OWBC would want to have Real Estate attorney to review it all. Charles advised there has not been a recent appraisal, but the development had been financed under USDA rules. Mark Mayfield agreed that the sale in Bartlett would result in unrestricted funds put into OWBC reserves.Mark advised having OWBC to assume an LLC during these transitions. Mark also stated OWBC should create a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) to get access to funding yet untapped. MOTION:To pursue the development in Bartlett offered for $1 to OWBC, based on legal recommendation of feasibility, property vetted, researched, and any restrictions. Mark Mayfield moved, Noel Bernal second, motion carries.
Progress Reports
- Maintenance Projects
Diana gave the committee a maintenance progress report.We need approval from the board to purchase three of the side mount A/C units for HS centers. Price of the units installed is
$ 5,525.00, and OWBC would obtain three bids.
MOTION: To allow OWBC to replace three needed A/C units at Head Start centers.Sue Kennedy moved, Charles Gersbach second, motion carries.
- Vehicle Reports
Sale of the last two vehicles closed Monday of this week. $ 3,600.00 was the total sale price of them. We are now right at the amount of money that it will take to purchase the van which we have been approved to purchase. The insurance claim of the Nissan pickup (that was totaled) $14,183.00. The insurance company will give us the deductible from the other insured asap.
Other Business
Noel Bernal would like to bring in a representative from Siemens for Energy Audits on all properties. Diana will work on scheduling contact. The bond package passed on May 7thfor the new senior center and Head Start facility in Leander, planning will start soon. Diana will be scheduling tours of the Head Start facilities with the Board next week.
On May 7th Dickie Allen stepped down from public service and as Chair of the Property Committee.
MOTION: Noel Bernal made a nomination for Mark Mayfield to Chair (Mark accepted), Sibil Johnson-Williams second, motion carries.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:50pm by consensus.
Next Meeting: Thursday June 09, 2016 @ 11:30 am