Syllabus –GMT 130 – Mathematics for Business
Term: Fall 2009 Instructor: Eric Stangland
Meeting Times: M W, 8:30a – 9:45a Cell Phone: 513-335-1808
Credit Hours: 3Email:
Location: WM 138
Course Description
Coverage of general mathematics as applied in the business environment. Key topics include banking, payroll, discounts, markups, taxes, insurance, financial statements, and statistics.
A foundation in general business mathematics is necessary for understanding and application of higher level business degree course requirements.
Provide students with a basic mathematic skill set as a foundation for further study in quantitative business applications.
Salzman, Miller, & Cleneden; Mathematics for Business, 8th ed., Pearson Addison Wesley, 2007
Unannounced in-class quizzes will begivenbased on the material covered. These will be given throughout the term with the two (2) lowestscores being eliminated from final grade calculation.
Letter grades will be assigned based on the published grade point system in the CCU Academic Catalog. Grades will be comprised of the following:
Exam II 20%
Attendance/Class Policies
- Consult the academic catalog for the University’s attendance policy.
- Tardiness greater than 10 minutes will be counted as a class period absence.
- Students allowed upto 4 absences. After this, student will be dropped from the class
- Travel due to sports or other class field trips will be counted towards the 4 total allowed absences
- Open laptops are not permitted during lecture.
The course outline provides a general flow of the content. The professor reserves the right to modify the schedule or content as necessary.
Course Outline
NOTE: Chapter reading assignments shall be completed prior to scheduled class day
Date / Topic / Textbook ReadingAugust 24 / Overview, begin Chapter 1
August 26 / Problem Solving / CH 1
August 31 / Equations and Formulas / CH 2
September 2 / Percent / CH 3
September 7 / Labor Day / No Class!!
September 9 / Banking Services / CH 4
September 14 / Payroll / CH 5
September 16 / Payroll / CH 5 (cont.)
September 21 / Taxes / CH 6
September 23 / Taxes / CH 6 (cont.)
September 28 / Risk Management / CH 7
September 30 / EXAM I
October 5 / Buying / CH 8
October 7 / Markup / CH 9
October 12 / Markdown / Inventory Control / CH 10
October 14 / Simple Interest / CH 11
October 19 / Notes & Bank Discount / CH 12
October 21 / Compound Interest / CH 13
October 26 / Annuities & Sinking Funds / CH 14
October 28 / Loans / CH 15
November 2 / TBD - Float
November 4 / EXAM II
November 9 / Depreciation / CH 16
November 11 / Depreciation / CH 16 (cont.)
November 16 / Financial Statements / Ratios / CH 17
November 18 / Financial Statements / Ratios / CH 17 (cont.)
November 23 and 25 / Thanksgiving Break / No Class!!
November 30 / Securities & Distributions / CH 18
December 2 / Statistics / CH 19
December 7 / Statistics / CH 19 (cont.)
December 9 / Review
December 14 or 16 / Final Exam
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