St Michael’s Academy
Grass Royal Yeovil Somerset BA21 4JW
(Access to site off St Michael’s Avenue)
Tel: 01935 423863 Fax: 01935 427099
Office Email:
Principal: Judith Barrett Chair of Governors: Graham Oakes
Vice Principal: Caroline Lancey Business Manager: Rebecca Golledge
17 October 2018
Dear Parents/Carers
London Residential/Day Trips June 2015
We are in the process of organising and booking the London 2015 trip. We are sending the letters out early so you are aware and can start your financial planning and payments early and so that we can make the firm bookings for accommodation, coach travel and the planned visits. Please return the form below even if it is to say you do not wish your child to take part in any of the events.
We have decided to run 2 trips at the same time.
Trip 1: 3 Day London Residential costing £225. A £45 deposit is required to secure your child’s place. This will include: museum visits, evening theatre show, sight-seeing etc.
Trip 2: Day Trip to London and then local trips. Costing £50. A deposit of £15 is required to secure your child’s place. They will be leaving on the coaches and having a day in London with those on Trip 1 but returning the same day with other local activities being planned. (Visits to Weymouth and Montacute House for example).
Those children entitled to Free School Meals can access funding via Pupil Premium. If you are experiencing financial difficulties at the current time please come in and speak to Mrs Lancey to discuss an alternative payment plan.
Please return the form below by Monday, 20 October 2015 along with any payments. Once the bookings have been made there is normally no room left for manoeuvring and changing.
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Year 6 Residential and Non Residential Trips to London 2015
Please return this form by Monday, 20 October 2015 with any deposits.
Childs Name:Class:
£ / FSM FundTRIP 1 I would like my child to take part in the 3 day residential trip to London. £45 non-refundable deposit required.
TRIP 2 I would like my child to take part in the non- residential trips. £15 non-refundable deposit required.
I would like to access Pupil Premium as my child is eligible for Free School Meals / YES
My child will not be taking part in either Trip 1 or Trip 2
Signed: ______Date: ______
Print Name: ______p:\office\word processing\trips\london\london 2015\london letter 1.docx