A Religious Life
Veronica Horton
MHS 555
Professor Durheim
Benefits of a Religious Life
Religion is comprised of a set of beliefs, practices, rituals, and symbols which increase one’s connection to a high power or truth or God (Santrock, 2014, 457). There have been several studies conducted on the benefits of having a religious belief through one’s life. Religious teachings are found at home, Sunday schools, and parochial school this in an attempt to ensure that the traditions of religious faith are passed down to the next generation. Praying is a significant act of most, if not all religious customs; research indicated that 63 percent of parents with children at home pray together and read scriptures (Santrock, 2014, p. 457). Religious beliefs benefit the young and old and have varied life benefits.
Today’s youth are faced with many challenges; religious faith can help them by providing important values such as forgiveness and purpose. According to Van Dyke & Elias (2007) religious teachings help youth to establish these values and provide benefits to mental health and well-being by providing resilience to challenges and obstacles faced with in everyday life. Research has shown that benefits of these characteristics of forgiveness and purpose are deemed superordinate elements of one’s identity (Van Dyke & Elias, 2007, p. 396). Research has revealed there is a vast range of psychological, emotional, and physical benefits associated with healthy integration of forgiveness and purpose; purpose has shown to help people get through difficult times and practiced with religious teaching are able to develop healthy coping strategies (Van Dyke & Elias, 2007, 411). Children will have a sense of purpose in their immediate circle due to their cognitive capacity; they are still capable of possessing these religious based characteristics. Santrock (2014); notes that parents who are and share religion with their adolescents are positively impacting their youth and benefiting their health and how they manage problems.
Prayer, when people pray they can often have an expectation of hope in that the prayer will be answered in the manner and time frame they want. According to Krause (2004) prayer is where the true work of religion is performed and over 90 percent of American adults pray with 74 percent praying daily. According to Krause (2004) studies and literature show that daily and frequent prayers are associated with better mental and physical health (p.395). There sometimes can be a misconception about prayer and rightly so with a variety of beliefs and expectation; however, older people tend to have a different and more realistic belief to the power of prayer as well as how it is answered in Gods timing not the prayer (Krause, 2004, p. 396). God answers prayers when needed not wanted and often not how the prayer thinks they should be or wanted but rather what one needs. “That’s called being in touch with God. He’s never late and never early” (Krause, 2004, p. 396). The health benefits of having a sound religious faith and prayer is that people have let go and have a confidence that no matter the circumstances, they believe God is in control and are able to release the stress and pressures of their worries making less stress and fewer physical and mental ailments.
According to Plante, Yancey, Sherman & Guertin (2000) around 95 percent of Americans reported having a belief in God and 50 percent are active in a church organization. Research according to Plante et al (2000); note that research is now noticing the benefits of religious faith in regards to human behavior and psychological functioning (p. 406). Specifically research has acknowledged the overall mental and physical health that is due to religious faith such as: higher self-esteem, higher personal happiness, less negative consequences when traumatic events happen, lower levels of psychological distress, terminally ill patients report an overall higher quality of life, people with stronger faith have fewer interpersonal sensitivity, have a greater personal control, have a higher self-esteem, and an overall positive outlook on life and death (Plante et al., 2000, p. 406).
Personal Reflection of Benefits of Religion
I did not grow up in a religious home but my parents visited many different churches and I was part of a teen youth group for a while, however, I never really had a real relationship with God until my mid-twenties. During this time of building this relationship I was encouraged to write down all the things I had done up to that moment as a since of letting go of the old me. I did it and began to be at church on a regular basis and active in small groups. I felt better mentally but I think the most dramatic and life changing event happened was when I chose to forgive my mom for the things she had done and for who she was not. I did not need her to apologize for anything, it was simply something within me and I felt I was led to do. I remember clear as day, I called her and told her that I needed her to know what I forgave her for everything. She was speechless and began to cry. I still do not know from this day the full impact it really had on her but for me it was freeing and I forgave her for myself first and whatever benefit she reaped from it second. Since then I have fully believed in the power of forgiveness and grace.
Seven years ago I was working in an assisted living facility taking care of Alzheimer’s and dementia residents. My boss had been in this field for over 30 years and she shared with me how of all her years and seeing countless residents who cannot remember their own name or their kids or even what they did the minute before, the one thing that they always remember and cry out to and for is God. They never forget him. It was something I found to be amazing as I worked with the residents and witnessed them talking to God.
In conclusion, there are many benefits both mental and physical that happen when one has a religious belief in God or their own higher being. Children and youth who are exposed and have a religious upbringing benefit in additional closeness with their parents as they discuss and pray together; perhaps a special bonding experience that others do not have. Youth have so many challenges need to have something in their lives which give them added mental and physical health benefits as well as the benefits of having a peaceful heart at any age. It is pretty amazing that religious faith goes far beyond the relationship with God but can truly affective people in many other beneficial ways for their entire lives.
Krause, N. (2004). Assessing the Relationships Among Prayer Expectancies, Race, and Self-
Esteem in Late Life. Journal For The Scientific Study Of Religion, 43(3), 395-408.
Plante, T. G., Yancey, S., Sherman, A., & Guertin, M. (2000). The Association Between
Strength of Religious Faith and Psychological Functioning. Pastoral Psychology, 48(5),
Santrock, J. W. (2014). A topical approach to life-span development. New York, NY: McGraw-
Hill Education.
Van Dyke, C. J., & Elias, M. J. (2007). How forgiveness, purpose, and religiosity are related to
the mental health and well-being of youth: A review of the literature. Mental Health,
Religion & Culture, 10(4), 395-415. doi:10.1080/13674670600841793