Student Parking Proposal: Frequently Asked Questions
1.) Isn’t a per-park or hourly parking model less conducive to enticing students to attend events on campus?
This model, a hybrid of the per-hour and per-park models, has been scrutinized to ensure it will not have a significant impact on an individual student's ability to participate in extracurricular activities.These rates have been structured so that they fit in the overall economic model of this proposal while still making it economically feasible for a student to stay on campus.The rates are designed in a way that users pay less the longer they stay on campus.
2.) Why can’t students pay for their parking at the beginning of each semester using financial aid dollars?
The administration is working to establish a mechanism by which students can elect to have monies for parking applied to their UB student accounts. Once this concept is in place, financial aid dollars can be applied to students’ accounts, leaving either a surplus or deficit.
3.) How do UB’s proposed rates compare to those of similar institutions?
UB administrators conducted significant research to best determine new parking rates. Part of this research involved a comparison of our proposed rates and those of similar institutions; we found that a true comparison is not possible.UB is essentially landlocked in midtown Baltimore, a very healthy and stable section of the city. Midtown is the home of numerous educational and cultural anchor institutions as well as an impressive mix of businesses and residences. UB’s urban sister institutions—CoppinStateUniversity and MorganStateUniversity—are located in areas in which redevelopment efforts are in their infancy. Campus expansion is feasible in these areas due to underutilized real estate and these institutions’ strong standing as anchors in the community.
4.) Why do students at institutions such as Towson and UMBC pay significantly less for their parking?
TowsonUniversity and the University of Maryland, BaltimoreCounty are suburban peer institutions with campus footprints in excess of 400 acres. While these institutions are limited in their ability to expand their respective footprints, they still have significant green space and surface lots that can easily satisfy their building needs for the near future.
5.) What is the current student parking fee?
Student parking is currently subsumed in each student’s annual auxiliary fee; when extracted, this annual fee is $171 for full-time students and $70 for part-time students.
6.) What is the current transportation fee?
The transportation fee is currently subsumed in each student’s annual auxiliary fee; when extracted, this fee is $70 for full-time students and $30 for part-time students.
7.) Why is it necessary to subsidize parking (i.e., what are the expenses of this unit)?
Currently, UB’s parking and shuttle operations function at an annual loss of approximately $1 million. Expenses for these operations include the debt service from the purchase of the Bolton Yard Lot and Maryland Avenue properties and the construction of the Maryland Avenue Garage the salaries of the shuttle bus drivers and parking enforcement officers; leased parking spaces; and utilities, insurance, gasoline, signage, repairs and maintenance for the lots and the shuttles. New shuttle are purchased every four to five years for $50,000 each.8.) Are any public transportation options available to students?
UB is accessible via all forms of mass transit.The University’s parking Web page offers a commuter map that details all Maryland Transportation Authority options as well as information on mass-transit discount programs for students.
9.) Why does the Office of Auxiliary Enterprises sell parking spots for events at the Lyric Opera House?
This arrangement provides vital revenue—approximately $60,000-$130,000 per year—to help offset the cost of UB’s parking operation. The University partners with the Lyric to offer event parking for events that occur when the bulk of classes are not in session (i.e., weekends, holidays and during academic breaks).
10.)Why does the University make parking available for special events on campus?The availability of parking for special events on campus is determined on a case-by-case basis.On-campus event parking is only granted when the presence of these additional vehicles will not prevent UB students, faculty and staff from parking at the University.
11.) Does the University still “sell” spaces to local businesses?
This revenue—approximately $200,000 per year—helps to offset the cost of the parking operation; however, in August 2007, the University began to limit this practice due to a significant growth in its daytime student population. UB has continued to offer parking to 100 Monumental Life Insurance Co. employees in honor of the institutions’ historic relationship, but this arrangement will end prior to the fall 2008 semester.