TSW: Analyze demographics of different countries around the world. Students will understand the connections between demographics and quality of life for people living in those countries.

Demographics Project

Overview: The scientific study of population characteristics is known as demography. Demographers look statistically at how people are distributed spatially by age, gender, occupation, fertility, health, and other areas. The Earth has 7 billion people on it and the majority of our population is concentrated in developing countries. What problems might this create, how are we handling our population concerns, and what should we do as our working class enters retirement are all reasons to study the demographics our world.


Use CIA World Factbook or Demographic World Population Data Sheet prb.org,google H.D.I Rankings and select the link that says Table 1 . the link is also listed in step 3.

Step 1:Look up demographics over 4 different countries that are in different regions and at least 2 have to be on opposite sides of the equator– you cannot do the U.S.

  1. ______2. ______

3.______4. ______

Step 2: Research and write down the demographics for the following categories:Population, GNI Per Capita, infant Mortality Rate, % of Population Age groups 15 and under and 65+, life expectancy, school attendance, % Urbanization , CDR, & CBR.

Prb.org* / 1. / 2. / 3. / 4.
% Urban
% Pop. 15<65+ / / / / / / / /
Life Expectancy
Expected School Att. (Use HDI Link)
HDI Ranking

Step 3:Pick two of the four countries that you researched and create a power point highlighting the facts about the countries and include the following. Pre work:

  • Analyze the H.D.I (Human Development Index) of both countries

H.D.I what are the indicators of this index 1.______, 2. ______, 3. ______

  • Who is number 1-5 on the index
  • 1. ______, 2. ______3. ______, 4.______, 5. ______
  • Who are the last 5 on the index
  • 188. ______, 187.______, 186.______, 185. ______, 184. ______


  • What two countries are you going to put in your PowerPoint Country 1.______HDI Ranking _____

2. ______HDI Ranking _____

  • Find – 3 cities and the population of those three cities
  • Country 1 Capital ______Largest City ______Next Largest ______Poorest area ______
  • Country 2 Capital ______Largest City ______Next Largest ______Poorest area ______
  • Find – one or two pictures of each city that shows the mass transportation system people might use, infrastructure, poor or richest areas (best parts of city structure),major attractions, and/or skyline (or lack of)
  • Findread/print out- one current event from CNN or BBC world news about the country you have with the lowest HDI and complete the ESPN chart over that country. (E =Economic, S=Social, P=Political, N= eNvironmental)

Step 4:Use an Atlas and Create a Hand Drawn Map of the two countries- (no points off for art) has to be colored, has to have a title, compass, Capital, major cities labeled, Major physical features (rivers, mountain, lakes, plains, etc…)

Step 5:Final Writing- On a separate piece of paper Write 2 paragraphs comparing and contrasting the 2 countries. You should have 6-8 sentences and use 4-7 vocab words from the unit.

Hints: Talk about the demographics and reflect on what the counties future problems might be and how the current event relates to the countries place on the H.D.I rankings.

Print out your research and stable it. Print your name and class period on the top left hand corner.

Bonus for next exam:

Answer the following questions

  • H.D.I what does it mean and how might this be beneficial to a government official? +1
  • Who is number 1-5 on the index +.5
  • Who are the last 5 on the index+.5
  • BRIC stands for what? +1
  • Why are these countries identified in this group of countries+1
  • NIC – stands for what? +1
  • G-7 who is in the G7 and what does it mean? +1
  • Complete a second ESPN chart over one of your other countries +5

Highest grade you can get is 100- points can only be used for 1 assignment not transferable to other assignments.


Step 1:Four Countries /10

Step 2: Research and write down thedemographics /20

Step 3:Powerpoint:

Creativity and Effort /10

pictures of each city/10)

current event from CNN or BBC world news /15

Step 4:2 Hand Drawn Map /10

Step 5:Final Writing /20

Printed out and turned in on time/5
