Core Strategy Update, April 2011 (revised)

Message to Parishioners from the Parish Council

Dear Parishioner,

The calm reported in the last Villager has been broken. The Core Strategy was submitted by

SODC to the Secretary of State at the end of March. Parishioners who responded

to the consultation in December have received material from SODC about the

Examination in Public (EIP). This announces that the EIP will open on 12 July and last for

3 weeks. It will be conducted by Mr Roy Foster of the Planning Inspectorate and will

probably take place in the SODC Council Chamber. Wallingford issues will be considered

towards the end of the hearing, probably on 27 July. The Parish Council asks you to attend as

much of the EIP as you can , especially the Wallingford session.

A pre –hearing meeting is to be held on 17 May. Mr Foster is anxious to discuss a number of concerns which are set out in the paper accompanying the message which also contained the agenda and an invitation to attend. Should you wish to go, you have to inform Mrs Helen Wilson, the Programme Officer, by 9 May on .

PRUPIM submitted their planning application for Site B on 15 April. They propose 400 dwellings including 340 houses, 60 extra care homes and a school. There is a 42 day consultation period when objectors can make representations to SODC finishing 2 June. The Parish Council encourages you to register your objections. PRUPIM continue to call Site B “Slade End Farm”, when as we know, Slade End Farm is a dwelling in the village at Slade End. There have been protests to SODC and to PRUPIM about the confusion use of the name will cause. Please add your protest if you have not already made one. PRUPIM intend to hold an exhibition in the week of 9 May at a venue in Wallingford. Please make every effort to attend and register your disapproval of their proposals

The appeal by Wates against the decision by SODC not to allow about 100 houses to be built on part of Site E, (Winterbrook) will open on 18 May. The Save Winterbrook Campaign is raising £9,000 to fund a professional planner to make their case at the appeal. The County Council’s proposal for gravel extraction between the bypass and Cholsey may add a further complication.

To prepare for the EIP and for representation at it, the Parish Council requires professional assistance and advice from planning consultants and legal people. Their services will cost more than the sum set aside in the PC’s budget for this financial year. An additional £12,000 to £14,000 is needed. Over the coming days parishioners are to be asked for donations to a fighting fund to raise this sum of money in order to defend the integrity of our village.

John Rodda

Vice Chairman,

Brightwell cum Sotwell Parish Council

30 April 2011

● 28 April ―Annual Parish Meeting at 8pm in the Village Hall

● 9 May― last date for informing Mrs Wilson about attending the pre-hearing meeting

● 9 May―PRUPIM exhibition during this week

●14 May ―PC viewing of PRUPIM planning application in Stewart Room 10-12 noon

●17 May―pre-hearing meeting

●18 May―Wates appeal on Winterbrook commences

● 1 June ―closure of 42 day period for objections to PRUPIM about Site B

● 12 July―start of EIP

● 27 July―probable Wallingford session at the EIP