The Messenger
Issue 10 Late January 2015
January 2015
The Messenger
Dear Parents,
Parent Questionnaires
In February, at the time of parent consultations, we will be sending out a questionnaire to gauge current parental opinions of the school and how we can move forward in the next year. There is also a government website you can log on to. It gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about your child’s school.
Environmental Issues
Parents and staff have noticed two issues outside the fencing of the school. The dumping of rubbish from cars is a problem, the mess includes litter such as McDonalds’ boxes and waste packaging. The other issue is dog mess. A number of children have come into school with mess on their shoes. We understand these problems are not necessarily coming from Cheam Park Farm Infants School families but if you notice anyone destroying the environment around our school please tackle them and encourage them not to continue with their actions.
E-learning Journeys
The e-learning journeys for each reception and nursery child have recently been sent out. We do hope you have enjoyed looking at these and have an insight into what your children are learning at school and how they are progressing. If you have any comments please do speak to the class teachers. They really do value your feedback.
Breakfast club
There are spaces in Breakfast Club. Forms can be downloaded from the website. If you are interested in your child attending the Breakfast Club, and would like to experience a one-off free taster session, please contact the school office for details.
Breakfast Club can be attended on a regular basis or as one- off drop-ins. Why not give it a try!
Late children – the new signing in system
Obviously we would like as few children as possible to be signed in this way. It is the adult’s responsibility to ensure the child arrives in school between 8.50 and 8.55 am each morning. If the family arrive after this time the doors will be shut to the reception classrooms and the main entrance. It is then the responsibility of the adult bringing the child to school to ensure the child has been signed in. Please ensure that all adults who bring your child to school are aware of the following information.
In-Ventry System
Press pupils
Press Year group
Year 2 – Indigo, Purple, Sapphire, Orange
Year 1 – Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green
Reception – Red, Lilac, Turquoise, Pink
Press day of birth
If the date of birth is 15 / 01 / 09 you will need to press 15. All the names of children born in that year group with birthdays on that particular date will be shown.
Press child’s name / Sign in
Reason for lateness
There are a number of options, choose the most appropriate. We will then be able to monitor lateness effectively and try to reduce it as it does impact on children’s learning.
Oral Health
We have noticed that a number of the children in our school are showing signs of tooth decay. We have been asked to take part in a National Dental survey for 5 year olds. 50 children in Reception or Year 1 will randomly be chosen to be inspected by a dentist. The results will be sent to parents and those with multiple decays will be offered the opportunity to join one of the local community clinics. It is good practice to ensure your child’s teeth are inspected by a dentist every 6 months.
Each school is required to post on their website all that we offer for children with special needs and disabilities (SEND). This is called the local offer. We have ours available on our website. Sutton also provide an offer as a Local Authority. This offer can be found on
International Week
We had a great week learning about different cultures and countries. Thank you to the parents who gave up time to work with the children.
All photos for the Reception carnival are on the MLE ( in the special events room.
Children’s Centre Consultation
You will separately receive information regarding the consultation in relation to the closure of Children’s Centres in the borough.
Green Oaks’ Children’s Centre will be holding workshops for parents to come and suggest their ideas on Friday 30th January 2015 - Green Oak Hub - 9.15am-11.15am - Free Crèche provided places need to be booked in advance.
Wednesday 4th February 2015 - Cheam Library - 1.00pm-3.00pm - Free Crèche provided places need to be booked in advance.
Comic Relief
We will be joining in with the Comic Relief Fundraising effort on Friday 13th March.
On that day children are encouraged to bring in a small donation and wear a funny costume or something funny
New Clubs
Our school clubs are well underway and seem very popular. Some parents have asked for clarification about the selection process for some of our clubs. The government have issued guidelines for delivery of sports clubs using the Sport and PE funding. We have therefore targeted particular pupils who would benefit from participating in a sport club. Any spaces unfilled have been offered to pupils who show a particular interest.
After initially targeting specific pupils, spaces available in the ‘Wake Up and Shake Up’ club before school were offered to pupils in assembly and those who were keen came to collect a form from Mrs Young.
Swimming lessons for non-swimmers were offered to parents through the newsletter and twenty came to the office to collect application forms. Pupils were then selected by age with the oldest non swimmers being a priority.
Street Dance was very oversubscribed with 60 pupils wanting a place. We selected 14 pupils fitting the Government criteria then chose a further 6 randomly.
Our intention is to continue offering these clubs throughout the year and any pupils who did not get a place this term will be offered places at a later date.
PTFA Diary Dates
Next PTFA meeting - Tuesday 9th February, 8pm Rainbow House.
Disco - Friday 27th February.
Coin Run -
Tuesday 24 March and Wednesday 25 March
Easter Egg Hunt - Thursday 26th March.
May Fair - Saturday 16 May
Details to follow
Could all Brownies and
Rainbows wear their uniform to school on Tuesday 24 February. Thinking Day falls in half term this year so this is the closest day to mark this special day for the uniformed organisations.
Alison Day
January 2015