Application Steps:

  1. Please complete and sign this application form.
  2. Please email the completed form to Jeannette Geesmann () by Friday 13thMay COB.

A) Project Details:

Project Officer Name: / PositionTitle:
School: / Phone:
Field of Study according to
Field of Study Broad:
Field of Study Narrow:
Field of Study Detailed:

Project type:

New project

An existing project previously funded via alternate funding (e.g. AsiaBound, STMP)

An existing project previously funded New Colombo Plan project

Number of years of funding required:

1 year

2 years

3 years* (*If there is insufficient multi-year funding available to fund this project, would you like the first term of this project to be
considered as a single-year project application?Yes No)

Title of Project:
Project Partner/s(optional):
Host Location(s) (City, Country):

Qualification Level:

Bachelor DegreeBachelor Honours Degree

Study Experience:

Short-term studyPracticum

Clinical PlacementsShort-term research

Project description* (150 words):

Consider the following points:
- Only include information that pertains to the Mobility Project
- If the application includes a secondary host location, use this section to describe how it will feature in the Mobility Project
- Describe the project in a manner that a non-specialist would understand
- Keep the description concise

* This field does not contribute to the project's weighed score, but does provide background information to help assessors understand the nature of your project proposal.

Project partner 1:

Partner name
Year(s) which partnership may be active /  1 year 2 years 3 years
Partnership status /  new existing
Partner type /  host institution internship hostNon-government organisation
 Offshore campus Overseas University Private Business
 Private sector organisation (Internship/Mentorship)
 Private sector organisation (Project sponsor)

Project partner 2 (where applicable):

Partner name
Year(s) which partnership may be active /  1 year 2 years 3 years
Partnership status /  new existing
Partner type /  host institution internship host Non-government organisation
 Offshore campus Overseas University Private Business
 Private sector organisation (Internship/Mentorship)
 Private sector organisation (Project sponsor)

Proposed Travel Dates:

Year 1: Click here to enter a date.ToClick here to enter a date.

Year 2: Click here to enter a date.ToClick here to enter a date.(Where applicable)

Year 3: Click here to enter a date.ToClick here to enter a date.(Where applicable)

Length of study:

2 - less than 4 weeks6 - less than 10 weeks

4 - less than 6 weeks10 weeks or more, but less than a semester

Does the study experience attract credit or fulfil a mandatory course requirement?YesNo

B) Finances:

Indicative student numbers: ______

Grant amount per student*up to $3,000:Choose an item.

Are you seeking administrative funding*This is calculated as 10% of the total grant funding sought:Yes No

Project contributors(where applicable):*If you will be providing financial support towards the project, you are able to registerthe details of that support here:

Projectcontributor 1:

Projectcontributor name
Projectcontributor type /  Murdoch University Private Sector sponsor *please provide supporting documents
Partnership status /  new existing
Year(s) to which contribution applies, and value of contribution for each year /  1 year 2 years 3 years
Amount:______Amount: ______Amount: ______
Comments (100 words)


Projectcontributor name
Projectcontributor type /  Murdoch University Private Sector sponsor *please provide supporting documents
Partnership status /  new existing
Year(s) to which contribution applies, and value of contribution for each year /  1 year 2 years 3 years
Amount: Amount: Amount:
Comments (100 words)

C) Selection Criteria:

Criterion 1

To what extent will the Mobility Project:
a. increase student knowledge of the Indo-Pacific and Host location?
b. increase student mobility to the Indo-Pacific and the Host location?(200 words; 40 per cent weighting).
* Applicants should describe how the proposed Mobility Project will increase student knowledge of the Indo-Pacific region and the Host Location and increase student mobility to the region and the Host location. Responses should include examples of how this will occur. For example increasing knowledge of the Indo-Pacific region may take place through direct learning, cultural training, engagement with local social and cultural institutions or direct engagement with local community, business or academic networks. Increasing student mobility may occur by increasing the number of students able to participate, expanding study program types or fields of study, or providing opportunities for student groups that would not otherwise have the opportunity to undertake a mobility experience.

Criterion 2

Will the Mobility Project:
a) support new and/or strengthened partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region?
b) be sustainable over time?(150 words; 30 per cent weighting).
* Applicants must demonstrate how the proposed Mobility Project establishes or strengthens people-to-people and institutional relationships with the region, through the engagement of Students, universities, businesses and other stakeholders and how the relationships provide a strategic opportunity for enhanced engagement.Responses should also outline how the partnership/s will continue and be maintained in the future, including current or planned partnership agreements. Responses should also outline any other steps being taken to ensure that the project will continue to operate in the future.

Criterion 3

Will the Mobility Project promote the New Colombo Plan in Australia and the Host location(100 words; 10 per cent weighting).
*Applicants must demonstrate how the proposed Mobility Project will be promoted in Australia and in the Host Location to build awareness of the New Colombo Plan, its objectives, and the benefits of study and Internships in the Indo-Pacific. Examples include:  acknowledgement of the Australian Government’s funding of the Mobility Project in promotional activities in print and online university and partner marketing channels (“This Project is supported by the Australian Government’s New Colombo Plan” paired with the New Colombo Plan logo, which is available from the New Colombo Plan Secretariat)  proactive promotion of the Project through local media, including recognition of the Australian Government funding as above (text and logo)  promotion of the New Colombo Plan to relevant university staff and prospective participants through university internal communications and student outreach  promotion of the benefits of offering internship experiences to New Colombo Plan students to prospective Internship and Mentorship sectors or providers.

Criterion 4

Will in-country language training be provided to students in the Host Location?(5 per cent weighting).

 Yes No

If Yes, please provide provider details: ______

Criterion 5

Is the Mobility Project supported by Private Sector Sponsorship? (5 per cent weighting).

If Yes, please provide details and attach evidence (letter, email etc.): ______

Criterion Multi-year funding

How will Multi-Year Funding support the Applicant to deliver a long-term and sustainable increase in student mobility to the region that could not be facilitated by a Single-term Mobility Project?(100 words)
* Applicants must describe how Multi-year Funding will support their institutional strategy to increase andsustain student mobility to the Indo-Pacific region, including how the Multi-year Funding will assist theApplicant to:stimulate new opportunities to scale-up and sustain ongoing student mobility and strengthen and sustain partnership(s) with the Project Partner(s).

Approval by School Dean and School Manager

I confirm that the proposal for this project is in line with the School’s strategy, has been discussed and is approved

School Dean Name: / Signature: / Date:
School Manager Name: / Signature: / Date:

Declaration by Project Officer

I declare that the contents of this application are true and correct.

Name: / Signature: / Date:

Murdoch University, International Engagement, Student MobilityPage 1 of 7