St Nicholas House, 31-34 High Street, Bristol BS1 2AW, UK

Tel: +44 (0)117 3158562 Fax: +44 (0)117 3158563



FULL NAME(S):(as you wish it to appear on the title page):


FULL CONTACT DETAILS (Please include contact details for all your co-authors/co-editors):







Please tick if you would like to join:

 our email mailing list

DATE OF BIRTH: (required for Library of Congress):


We will use your answers to these questions to produce blurbs for your book. Please provide detailed answers.

Please summarise your book in 4 sentences or bullet points including its scope and main themes:

Who is the main audience for your book? Please also state the level (general, undergraduate, postgraduate, research/professional etc)

What are the main subject areas for your book?

What makes your book unique?

What are the main related/competing titles for your book and why is yours different or better?

Is there anything controversial or particularly topical in your book?

What courses might your book be used for?

Please list up to 5 keywords that people might use to search for your book.

Do you have any additional resources (such as powerpoint presentations, videos, audio clips, instructor’s notes) to accompany the book?

NEW EDITION – If your book is a new edition please say how it is different from the previous version. Please include details of new content and sections that have been updated.


What is your current job/affiliation?

What are your research interests?

Please list 1 or 2 of your most recent relevant publications:

Do you hold any other positions or responsibilities? (journal/book series editor)

How long have you been working in the field?

If you would like us to include a photo or a link to your own personal website or blog please include the relevant links here and send us the image:


  1. Conferences. Please let us know about any conferences (national or international) which would be relevant to your book, especially if you are planning to be there yourself. If possible, please give details of the conference with contact information for the organisers or the conference website.
  1. Review list. Please listjournals that might be interested in reviewing your book(maximum of 10).
  1. Media.Please let us know of any national or international media (newspapers, magazines, radio) likely to review or feature your book, together with any contacts you may have.
  1. Email listservs. Do you use any email listservs or websites that would allow a post about your book? If so, please post an announcement about your book as members often prefer to hear from authors than publishers.
  1. Complimentary copies- these should be sent to people who will be useful in terms of sales and helping to promote the book.

1)Please list up to 5 people (full postal and email addresses) to receive a hard copy of the book.

2)Please list up to 5 people (email addresses) to receive the ebook.

(Please note that anyone who has written a quote for the back cover of your book will receive a copy anyway and they do not need to be included here.)

  1. Organisations/societies/groups/individuals. Do you know of any organisations, groups or societies who might be interested in your book and who might be able to help promote it? If so, please list any details here including contact names and email addresses if you have them.
  1. Prizes. Is your book eligible for any prizes? If so, please let us have the submission details.
  1. Other marketing ideas. Please let us know if you have any other ideas about marketing your book that have not been outlined above.


If individual chapters have been heavily edited please make sure that you have checked with the contributing authors that the edited version is acceptable to them. Also, if there has been a long time lapse between receipt of the chapters and sending them for production, please check with the authors that the references are still up to date.

Please send us an updated address list of the contributors (email and postal addresses). Proofs will be made available for the editors in PDF format, downloadable from the web. It is the editor’s responsibility to contact the contributing authors if he/she feels that they need to be involved in checking the proofs, and to collate these amendments.